Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

195. The End Of The World! Aokiji Frozen Zombie City! Live Expeditions! (Please Subscribe!)

Kibson's spaceship is the first to pass through the black hole vortex!

Arrived in a whole new world!

The spaceship has the most basic functions of camouflage, stealth and shielding from routine surveillance!

Infrared rays, ultrasonic waves, etc. cannot detect the existence of spaceships!

This is also for the sake of safety, after all, no one knows what kind of civilization is on the opposite side of the black hole!

Although the equipment capable of telekinesis has been manufactured by the capable person!

As long as the other party is an intelligent creature, they basically have the basis for mutual communication!

But if the other party is not an intelligent creature and appears rashly, not only may war break out!

At the same time, it may also expose the location of the Dragon Kingdom!

At that time, if it is counter-invaded by some creature, it will be somewhat troublesome!

The darkness of the black hole vortex is just a flicker.

Then it was bright again.

The stealth spacecraft appeared on a mountain hundreds of meters high!

As far as the eye can see, it is lush and full of vitality

No enemies! No attacks!

Not even anyone!!

【Bonney: Huh, it's okay, it's okay, there's nothing!】

【Sengoku: It seems that this is a civilization that has not yet discovered the passage, so that's good, in this way, we will be able to grasp a certain degree of initiative!】

Sengoku naturally assumed the role of Blue Star.

【Marco: I thought that once we came here, a battle might break out!】

【Stussy: How can there be such a coincidence, the world is so big, the passage may not be discovered!】"Eight Five Three"【Morgans: The environment of this place looks good, I didn't expect to pass through a black paint The hole in the lacquer is really unique, it is a real world!l

【Hancock; I don’t know how the Dragon Kingdom was discovered? We didn’t know about these things before, and it seems that there are no people from extraterrestrial civilizations who have arrived in our world! Of course, the people on the moon hundreds of years ago are the exception!】

【Buggy: If this is a world without the rule of intelligent creatures, will all the resources of the entire world belong to the Dragon Kingdom?】

【Apu: Hey!! Why didn’t I think of this just now! If there is no place for people in the whole world, then whoever finds it, of course it belongs to him!】

【Hawkins: After that, when explorers discover new planets, do they also belong to explorers?】

【Kid: If this is really the case, it will be very exciting!】

【Capone Bege: The real opportunity to get rich overnight is in this vast starry sky area!】

A lot of people got excited right away!

I also guessed the role of the Dragon Kingdom in establishing the Explorers Association!

This starry sky is so vast, but it is impossible for every planet to be valuable!

If anyone discovers a brand new and valuable planet during the exploration process!

Even if it's not entirely yours.

Even if it is only a part, it is enough to make people enjoy the glory and wealth!

Then Gao Yang also responded to everyone on the barrage!

It is said that in the new era, whether it is the discovery of new islands or new planets of life!

There are generous rewards, and even a part of the planet can belong to the discoverer!

【Buggy: Mr. Gao Yang is awesome!!】

【Whitebeard: Looks like we have to start building spaceships!】

The problem of living affluently, Whitebeard is no longer worried!

But after living a rich life, people have to find something to do!

And this unknown starry sky is undoubtedly the most fascinating!

【Roger: We can't make this thing ourselves, if Dragon Kingdom is willing to sell it, that would be even better!】

When Gibson arrived, he found no one!

The spaceship then stopped at the mountain peak, and the expedition team members composed of many prisoners began to guard around!

Then take out the machines one by one from the backpack!

Placed around the mountain peaks, it projects an extremely realistic holographic scene.

Although they cannot close, except for the cracks in the universe!

But it can be covered up.

The Wutai pacifists flew out from different directions!

Gilbertson and others are sitting here!

Wait for the pacifists to transmit everything scanned by the naked eye back to the spacecraft!

Also synchronized to Dragon Kingdom!

"We can survive in this environment without wearing any equipment, which means there is a high probability that there will be intelligent life. Everyone, cheer up! Gilbertson reminded everyone!


Scan for the pacifists as they spread out!

Many animals and plants that have never been seen before come into the eyes of the world.

It brings a huge sense of freshness to the world!

Especially zoologists and botanists are extremely excited!

[Buggy: Damn it, look at the second split screen, he has arrived in a very strange world!!]

Look at Buggy who suddenly screamed!

Many people's eyes are still on this first screen.

He quickly turned his attention to the screen where Aokiji was!

【Sengoku: This is?!】

【Kid: There are ruins everywhere, like a completely deserted world?! There are humans!】

[Bonney: No, those things just look like us, but... they should not be human, they should be like wild beasts and monsters! 】

[Roger: Their bodies are rotten and their hearts are exposed, how can they still move!?]

[Rayleigh: It seems like a rotten human being, but it has the ability to move?!]

[Jabba: There are dogs and birds, but why are they so sinister and scary?!]

A doomsday world full of ruins appears before the world!

The gray world is filled with dilapidated, dilapidated streets and ruins of buildings!

There are dense zombies wandering around, and the cosmic cracks here open in the atmosphere!

This height cannot be reached even by flying zombie birds.

After the spacecraft landed slowly, everyone saw this strange scene that they had never seen before!

Even the top experts are somewhat unable to understand this situation at this moment!

[Red hair: These strange humans don’t look like they can communicate! 】

[Gao Yang: Be careful, don’t get bitten by those things, they may be infected into the same kind! If you want to kill them, you’d better aim at their heads... Well, forget it, whatever!]

Gao Yang was also stunned at first!

It turned out to be a wasteland world with zombies!

The dust-laden memories of Gao Yang suddenly came to mind!

Be vigilant subconsciously!

But then I thought that although my combat team is not very top!

But to these zombies, every one of them is a super human!

Don't say it's an injury, if it's just an extremely ordinary-looking zombie like the one in the video

I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to get close to them.

So a basic reminder is enough!

No need to go into too much detail.

And everyone is wearing high-grade black armor!

But judging from the two worlds discovered so far!

I don’t know what to do with the other one at the moment, but even if there is civilization, the technological power is probably not very strong!

Otherwise, we should have noticed this gap in the universe long ago!

And the other if only the post-apocalyptic world of the wasteland!

The threat is not big, the most important thing to pay attention to is the infection of zombie virus!

But they have studied the Polar Devourer clearly!

This kind of living dead has no technical content!

Not to mention that the serum can be made at any time! But the difference is not too big!

Their current science team is very advanced!

This kind of low-level zombie is compared to the polar beast!

It's really not enough!

However, it cannot be so arbitrary.

Maybe there is something tricky hiding in this world!

【Buggy: Does Master Gao Yang know these things that look similar to humans?】

【Moria: It looks similar to my zombie, but a little more disgusting!】

【Bonney: Master Gao Yang "Sure enough, he is an all-knowing and all-powerful god, who knows things that the world doesn't know!】

【Boss Bai: Is it an unknown doomsday wasteland world...】

Boss Bai subconsciously looked at Gao Yang.

Such a scene reminded her of some bad memories.

"We will help them if the situation allows.

Gao Yang knows that Xiaobai is not used to these tragedies!

Even if you have experienced some things, it does not mean that you can fully accept them!

In addition to taking care of Xiaobai's mood!

If it is really a wasteland world!

Isn't that resource also your own?

Even if you don't lack resources, but in the period of rapid development, who would think that there are few resources!

And the population itself is also a resource!

I just don't know such a wasteland world.....

How many humans are left alive?

【Gao Yang: Aokiji, freeze some zombies and bring them back for research!】


"Ho Ho!!" As the spaceship landed, the zombies who noticed the movement roared crazily!

Countless zombies are coming here!

Many survivors hiding in buildings throughout the city are also wondering!

Why is a group of zombies roaring towards the sky!?

The zombies may have sensed the breath of the living!

But these survivors see it with the naked eye!

Can't see anything!

Even if you look closely!

I just vaguely feel that the airflow above is a bit abnormal!

But I don't know why!

Some small groups even clenched their guns tightly!

Didn't dare to make a sound!

But if the zombies make any unusual movements!

Nothing good came of it!

"It seems like something is falling..."

In the distance, a heroic blond woman with a backpack on her back, her eyes are slightly condensed!

Far beyond the perception of ordinary people!

Make her aware of something unusual!

And after a man with a mushroom head suddenly appeared out of nothing!

More proof that her perception is correct!


"Oh Mai Kar! This guy just came out of nowhere?!"

"What's the situation?!"

"He didn't want to die? Why did he fall directly into the crowd of zombies?!"

Survivors who watched secretly were shocked!

Some people don't quite understand the current situation!

"I'll go down and clear the field first, so the spaceship won't be able to land!"

"A la la la...these things look terrible!"

After Aokiji landed, countless zombies rushed over!

"Huh......" Aokiji just let out a breath of cold air!

With a whoosh, Ou Liu swept over!!


Thousands of zombies all around instantly turned into ice sculptures!

Aokiji did not intend to kill these unknown creatures without knowing the specific circumstances!

Instead, freeze it first and control it!

But other zombies don't think so, they smell the breath of living people!

It was completely crazy, and rushed through 0.6 years!

Bang bang bang!! The ice sculptures that were frozen along the way were also crushed by them!

"I haven't decided whether these things should be killed or not. You guys, don't you have any wisdom at all? Just like pure beasts!"

Aokiji's face darkened!

Then look at these creatures who can't communicate at all!

Also no longer polite!

Hands on collapsed building walls!

Activate the Frozen Fruit ability!

"Ice Age!!"

Whoosh!! Crack!!!

The ice spread rapidly from here to all around!

Blooming like an ice flower!

Just for a moment!

The ground of the entire ruined city is covered with a thick layer of ice!!

All the zombies standing on the ground turned into ice sculptures!

The dilapidated, gray city suddenly became crystal clear!!

"Oh!! Shet!!"

"My God!! What is this!? What is this?!"

"Is it an angel sent by God to save us?!"

"The entire city, countless zombies, were frozen in an instant! How is this possible?! What kind of power is this?!"


Just this move caused countless survivors who noticed this place to be horrified!

Even Alice, who was not an ordinary person, was stunned in place at this moment!

Such power has never been seen before!!

Is this the power that humans can possess?

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