Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

196. Aokiji's Request, Mr. Gao Yang, Let Us Be The Saviors! (Please Subscribe!)


But just after Aokiji froze all the zombies on the ground!

In the high building, suddenly a zombie with a huge ax crashed into the wall!

Jumped out fiercely, and swung the huge ax at the pheasant from top to bottom!

Aokiji just ducked slightly!

The giant ax struck the ice field with a bang!

A big crack opened in the ice sheet!

"This big guy seems to be much stronger than others! Unfortunately, he also has no brains!"

Aokiji said, and the cold wave swept over!

With a click, it was frozen into an ice sculpture!

【Marco: Those things just look weird, but they are actually very weak! None of them can block Aokiji's attack!】

[Luo: This is a good thing. If anyone can compete with the previous Marine Admiral, then we should be worried!] [Vivi: This world looks so miserable. Judging from these buildings, the people here It should be a wise person, but it seems that some disaster happened!】

【Buggy: No matter what happens, don’t worry, Dangyang Tianren is here! Peace is here!!】

The spacecraft then landed on a nearby ice sheet.

Many former Marine and Wutai pacifists poured out of it!

Take charge of being vigilant around, because the world doesn't look very friendly!

At this time, the survivors who pay attention to the situation here will not be able to see the spaceship!

It can probably be guessed that they must have come here on some kind of flying vehicle!

"There's a guy with a mace, at least five meters tall, my God! Is there anyone in the world that tall?"

"It's nothing, look at that bald head, with two joints in the leg!"

"I saw a bear standing with a man!"

"Shet! Are these guys upgraded? Why do I feel that they are scarier than zombies! The mushroom head that froze the city is also very tall. Someone must be here!!"

"Anyway, don't contact them rashly, it always feels very dangerous!"

The survivors quickly hid again, the end has been coming for a long time!

People who are too curious and not cautious enough have already fed zombies!

"Could it be a monster 04 cultivated by the company?" Alice thought after thinking.

Instead of contacting him rashly, he kept distance!

Although I don’t know why they came!

But if you find yourself still alive!

You will never let yourself go!

She is still unaware of many of her actions.

They are all under the surveillance of the Umbrella Company!

And because Alice is nearby

At this moment all this is under the satellite monitoring of the Umbrella Company!

The manipulator behind the scenes, Dr. Isaac, is watching this scene right now!

Look at the entire frozen city and countless zombies!

He froze!!

In order to bring the end of the world, zombies are deliberately allowed to clean up the human existence!

He has calculated all the possibilities of human evolution!

Maybe hundreds of years after the apocalypse plan to exterminate humanity succeeds!

An extremely powerful individual may be born!

But at this stage, this kind of monster should definitely not appear!

Whether it’s the zombies that have been born or Alice’s evolution!

All in the future he envisioned!!

But...where did this group of people come from?

Some are even obviously different from any known humans on Earth!!

"I will never allow any accident to ruin my plans!!"

"These monsters must be cleaned up somehow!!"

"If it doesn't work, just launch a nuclear bomb and level the city to the ground!"

"But if you can catch a few alive and study them, maybe in the new era after the human cleansing, new humans will be born!"

Isaac is looking forward to that too!

But the problem is that these guys are not easy to deal with!

Especially the human being who can so easily cast large-scale freezing!

The nuclear bomb is undoubtedly the most robust, and it can guarantee to kill these humans who do not understand!

But curiosity, and thoughts like not wanting to kill Alice yet!

Let Isaac make a preliminary plan!

Create a weapon that can resist the ice first!

Send clones and special operations team again!

Try to take them down from the shadows!

In case the plan fails, use this trick again!

Of course, Isaac hopes that his plan will succeed!

"Kuzan-san, Observation Haki clearly sensed that there are a lot of human beings around, but no one seems to care about us!"

Flying squirrel Vice Admiral said.

And at this time, the pacifists flying to the surrounding sky!

Also sent all the information back!

This is not the only city in ruins!

Zombies are rampant in other cities too!

"Let this kind of weak monster run rampant in the whole world, which shows that the individual combat power in this world should not be strong. Those survivors may be scared when they see us!

In short, let everyone collect useful information first, it is best to find some living people, it will be more convenient for us to understand this world!"

As Aokiji said, he personally led a team and walked towards the nearest place with human breath!

Now he is not as lazy as before!

Because there is no compromise justice anymore.

But as the teams explore the city!

What they saw and heard made everyone feel heavy.

They saw many suicides in the building.

An old couple lying in bed with bullet holes in their skeletal skulls!

A pistol fell from the bed!

I also saw corpses that had just died of starvation, exuding a stench!

I also saw many bones eaten clean by zombies.

I also saw some places that are still closed, with corpses that killed each other and died together!

There were still a few unopened cans scattered on the ground!

Apparently this is where the fight started!

For Aokiji, the flying squirrel and others who have experienced war, you can see the general idea at a glance!

And that just weighs on their hearts.

But wait until they see some dried bacon themselves!

Aokiji's face completely darkened!

The bacon is still intact, and its size is very small...

In order not to let the world know, Aokiji even refuses to let the pacifists in even if it offends Gao Yang!

But even just seeing the ones in front of you.

At this moment, the hearts of the world also sank together!

【Whitebeard: What has happened to this world? It’s so tragic!】

Even if you didn't see it with your own eyes, but through what you saw.

They can guess that under an unprecedented disaster!

Humans are desperately struggling to survive.

But humans are still dying on a massive scale!!

【Roger: Guessing from the local situation, I am afraid that there are not even 1% of the survivors in the world!】

【Im: Even without me, you humans might destroy yourself just as well!】

【Rayleigh: I'm not sure about anything, just say it was done by humans?】

[Im: Based on my understanding of you humans, you are responsible for 90% of this matter. Among you humans, there are always some pretentious guys who always think that they can create a New World

Or to change the world or something! But many don't have abilities that come with it!

If you often do this, either you are unlucky or the world is unlucky, so maybe, in the past thousand years, it is because of my existence that you humans can prosper again!]

[Rocks: Made! I always feel that this guy is implicating me, but there is no evidence!]

However, there are many people who think that what Im said makes sense!

After all, he represents the desire, the greedy side of human beings!

Do have a certain understanding of human nature.

And in fact, it does!

Dr. Isaac believes that human beings are overinflated, so he deliberately released the zombie virus to destroy the world!

Keep only a small number of people, freeze them, and rebuild the New World, the new order in the coming day!

But such an approach is undoubtedly crazy and selfish!

If according to his theory!

Shouldn't the most overinflated person be himself?

[Bonney: Mr. Gao Yang, help them, this world looks miserable! Anyway, our Dragon Kingdom also needs the resources of this world, if the whole world is full of these zombie monsters, then mining resources and the like must be very bad convenient!】

【Buggy: Do you need to teach Mr. Gao Yang how to do things? Whether you can save him or not is up to Mr. Yang!】

Just then, Aokiji came to a door!

This time he didn't go straight in!

Instead, he knocked on the door politely!

Because Observation Haki sensed the breath of a living person inside!

But no response!

"That.....We don't mean anything malicious." Aokiji scratched his head.

Still no response.

The black armor soldier draws out the laser gun!

The zombies who heard the movement around them were quickly dealt with by them!

The laser gun sound is very faint!

Just don't switch to laser blast mode!

The emitted laser light will dissipate after hitting the target!

without exploding!

The zombies on the ground are frozen, but there are still many on the floor!

"There are two of you, we have food... Aokiji thought about it!

Get to the point quickly!

"Go away!! You bastards!! How long have you been with us!! Get any closer to the gate and I'll shoot!"

Immediately there was a sound of panic and anger from inside!

Because the other party knows how many of them there are!

Apparently may have been followed for a long time!

This is a very scary behavior at the end of the day!

"You are already very weak. If you don't eat anymore, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive today. I'm being rude..."

Although eating the coldest fruit!

But Aokiji has always had a warm heart!

Seeing such a tragedy, I always long to do my part.

And he's not a pedant who follows the rules.

But it will be adjusted according to the actual situation!

No, if you say no, you won’t enter!

There was a silence in the room, and a half-grown girl put her arms around another little girl!

Crouching in the corner, the door was blocked with many things.

He said he was going to shoot, but he only had a kitchen knife in his hand!

It is precisely because of this that they dare not venture out to find food!

There is really no way, that is, look for it on the same floor!

But I've found everything I can find!!

The other party's words sounded very enticing!

But in this world, no one would share his food with others!

Even if there is, the price may be more painful than death!

"Crack!" But she suddenly saw the wall turned into ice!

She widened her eyes, and then the ice shattered, and a group of people appeared in front of them!

She got up suddenly, but because she got up too hard and her body was too weak, she fell to the ground with a thud!

"Sister!" My sister immediately shouted worriedly. 140

And Alice in the next building saw this scene!

Already accumulating strength, she doesn't want to cause trouble for no reason!

But if these people try to do something disgusting to them!

She will never sit idly by!

Aokiji looked at the two skinny little girls with pity in his eyes

Compassion and tenderness!

A female soldier in black armor hurriedly stroked the girl up!

The eyes of this group of people don't look disgusting and crazy!

Somewhat out of tune with this doomsday world!

Feel the tenderness in these people's eyes!

She did not stab the knife in her hand.

If it is an evil thug, the moment he enters this room!

It's time for them to show wanton and rampant smiles!

"Master Gao Yang, can we help them?"

Aokiji looked at the pacifist and said!

If Gao Yang doesn't allow it, he also intends to help.

But that kind of help is only temporary help!

But if Gao Yang agrees, it will be different, they will have a new life!

Even the whole world may be changed by this man!

Aokiji believes he can do it!

Even just one sentence is all it takes!

So his opinion is the most important!

"He is so powerful, he is not a BOSS!? He is asking for instructions from a higher level person?"

Alice's eyes widened!

Such a person, to her, was already unimaginably powerful.

But it's not the boss!!

The pacifist nodded.

Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief, and then the black armor soldier fed and watered the two sisters!

An accompanying physician did a brief inspection.

"Nothing serious, just malnutrition from chronic starvation...

The two sisters ate food that was easy to absorb and disappear, and drank clean water with some sweetness.

While eating, I stared blankly at this group of uninvited guests!

"Sister, have we already entered the kingdom of heaven?!"

"I don't know, maybe.....Right!"

At this moment, they believed that this group of people was really harmless.

If so, there is no need to waste so much food and water!!

Even precious medicines!

"Little girl, you should have seen enough after watching for so long. Master Gao Yang has noticed you, and he has something to tell you!"

Aokiji suddenly looked up and looked out the window!

As soon as Alice noticed the line of sight, she subconsciously pulled out her double guns instantly!

I just noticed that the other party seems to have no malicious intentions!

Just in time to hide his figure behind the curtain!

But even so, it was still discovered!

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