Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

284. A Kingdom Of Law And Order That Walks A Tightrope! Avengers 4 Content Has Been Exposed!

This kind of public security model began to spread from city to city.

Then the little adds up to the big, which becomes the security situation of the entire country.

When the kingdom as a whole is doing well.

The security situation in this country is good.

It can even be ranked among the top three in multiple kingdoms.

But even an amateur can see that this kind of security is distorted and abnormal.

It's no different from walking a tightrope. The order maintained by only a few people is too fragile.

If you are not careful, the whole kingdom will be in great chaos.

"It turns out that Starrk and the others play such a big role together." Fury finished watching the video.

It's hard to believe, even though he knows that Starrk and others are doing the right thing.

Many times, SHIELD will ask them for help.

But except for a few special events.

He always felt that the overall security was maintained by SHIELD and the state.

Unexpectedly, the reason why public security has really improved is that the proportion of Avengers and heroes is as high as over 90%.

The help at the national level is not even on the first level.

This Fury revisited Starrk et al.

Speaking of which, they could have relied on their own abilities and talents to live a high-class life.

But they didn't, for the sake of justice in their hearts

For the sake of responsibilities that should not necessarily be theirs.

They have always been at the forefront.

Even the little spider is no exception.

Even Little Spider has been living in relative embarrassment.

To face the pressure of heroes and the pressure of life.

Sometimes when he sees it, Fury will subconsciously feel that it is just a trivial matter in life.

He can handle it.

But I didn't expect that the more trivial the matter, the more life-threatening it is and the more disturbing it is to people's mentality.

Because they are not only an avenger, but also a hero.

They are still human beings of flesh and blood.

[ Kizaru: It’s really a deformed security environment. Although our place was very chaotic at the beginning, maintaining order relies on the whole body, not just a few people. 】

Without a large number of Marines, there would be no funds, intelligence, etc.

Even what the Marine Admiral can do is very limited.

I didn’t expect that this country would be even more extreme.

In the final analysis, it is mainly the upper class people in this country who have an indifferent attitude towards the people below.

[Barton: It turns out that we have such a big role. If we don’t move for a few days, so many unfortunate things will happen. 】

[Starrk: That’s why I said prevention is needed. Waiting for things to happen one by one, there will come a time when we won’t be able to take care of it, and this requires the cooperation of the entire judicial system!]

[Steve: Maybe you're right, Tony. 】

Seeing this scene from an outside perspective, even Captain America was shaken internally.

Maybe Tony had been right all along.

He sees farther and more thoroughly.

Maybe it was because he was a soldier, but because he believed in those politicians in Tajikistan.

When did they really care about the people of this country?

[Fallen Queen: A country that relies on only a handful of people to maintain public security can actually be ranked third. It seems that the security situation in most countries in this universe is very bad. 】

[Huang: You are not qualified to criticize others. In your so-called fallen country, where violence is used to solve all problems, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to qualify as a hundred. 】

[Fallen Queen: What does this have to do with it? My subordinates are not ordinary people. They are criminals and thugs from all over the world. Fighting and killing is not normal.


…‥Please give me flowers…0

[Fallen Queen: But now there is an opportunity to let the world see whether your so-called order and civilization is good or bad. I think it is very bad. It is too nosy, and there are too many rules in all aspects, even if it is On the surface, the situation is good, but on the inside, it is definitely not popular. 】

[Huang: You are blind, but most people are not blind. Don’t think that everyone is a genius like you. It is very difficult for many mortals just to live. 】

Seeing the two sisters quarreling, Hui picked up a watermelon from nowhere.

Once you crack it open, you will enjoy eating it.

Seeing this, Gao Yang reached for the largest piece.

Hui Hui angrily slapped Gao Yang's hand away. Gao Yang turned his hand around and got it anyway.

"Zha Yang! Go to hell!!" Huihui was so angry that she threw herself on Gao Yang, baring her teeth and claws.

Gao Yang always enjoys Huihui's frantic and anxious look.

The last video of Tianmu at this moment said that it was the security of the lighthouse.

Rather, it is an exhibition of heroes.

Then the video actually played into a future that might have happened.

After Gao Yang saw it, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because this video speaks volumes about what happens without their intervention.

What will the world look like in the future? They used time and space travel to change history.

Defeated Thanos in the new history [but Iron Man Tony Starrk died!

What concerns Gao Yang most here is the exposure of time and space travel technology!

When Starrk, Thanos and others saw this content, they were all stunned!

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