Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

285. The Daily Life Of The Angels Of Order, Even The King Follows Him!

[Starrk: Without the intervention of the Dragon Kingdom, we actually had to fight Thanos so many times, and the first time, Thanos won! Half of the people in the universe disappeared, and the second time


At this point, I was a little speechless.

Because this second time, they changed history.

But he also died because of activating the Infinity Gauntlet.

There are other heroes who die too.

Although it was a victory, it could not be called a complete victory. It could even be said to be a tragic victory.

[Spider-Man: How come, Mr. Starrk?

[Black Widow: Am I dead too...]

[Steve: Even if we change history, the price we pay is not small. 】"Nine Thirty" Only Doctor Strange didn't have much reaction.

Because such a result is one of the results

What was happening now was abnormal because it was not within the timeline he saw.

"These guys really don't understand what giving up means." Thanos also saw this video.

When I first started to see myself succeeding.

He also felt a little emotional that if there was no Dragon Kingdom, all his dreams would have come true.

But seeing that even if I let half the population of the universe disappear randomly.

But the Avengers of Earth still don't give up.

He actually went back to the past! The loser that time was himself!

It seemed that his outcome was already determined.

Regardless of whether your opponents are the Avengers of the Earth.

Neither the Dragon Kingdom nor the Dragon Kingdom seems to have a real path to victory.

From this point of view, maybe the result is not bad now.

"Dragon Kingdom has helped us a lot!" Fury knew after watching the video.

It turns out that the Dragon Kingdom not only helped them defeat Thanos.

Just stopped Thanos’ dream!

And it also prevented many people who should have died!

This kind of kindness is much greater than they thought before.

"Fortunately, nothing bad happened..." Spider-Man couldn't help but rejoice.

As soon as I saw the moment in the video when Mr. Starrk snapped his fingers.

His heart couldn't help but clench.

In view of this, no one thinks that the security of the tower is due to the efforts of the authorities.

The existence and importance of heroes are infinitely elevated.

Countless people looking at the sky at this moment are increasingly supporting their favorite heroes.

But they also saw major weaknesses in this policing model.

Maybe it will change in the future, or maybe no one will change anything.

That's all for the future.

The security video about the lighthouse has come to an end for now.

Soon it will be the turn of the second ranked Kingdom of Order!

When the video surfaced, many people were stunned by the beauty of Order Heaven.

In the starry sky of Haohang, there is a star with beautiful environment, as if it is filled with strong energy everywhere.

A planet without any pollution, where groups of angels live a leisurely life.

A group of beautiful, illusory angels has far more impact on people than just one or two.

They shuttle through the carefree city, Chen.

The country is rich in resources, and everyone can get a large piece of land.

There is also a beautiful and magnificent palace suspended in the sky.

They are like a group of free elites, playing and watching everywhere.

The security of the entire city is also very good, if this continues.

If not much has changed, then this is indeed the Kingdom of Heaven!

[Black Widow: What a peaceful and peaceful country, with beautiful environment and beautiful people. This is the real kingdom of heaven! 】

【Starrk: Compared with this kingdom, our country is like hell!】

[Captain Marvel: What beautiful angels, I have been wandering in the starry sky for so many years, and I have never seen a civilization that can get along so harmoniously! They seem to have no ambitions or desires, and they all cherish the current situation! 】

[Steve: It’s true!]

[Spider-Man: Where can I go after I die?]

[Barton: Wouldn’t it be better to go alive? 】

【Buggy: Is this the daily life of the Angels of Order? It looks very good!】

[Sengoku: Not only is it good, we have seen them fighting in the field before, but we have never seen their daily life. Now that we see it, it is really exciting! 】

【Brook: There are so many beauties, it is undoubtedly paradise, yo ho ho ho!】

【Sanji: Agree!】

[Fallen Queen: Huh, are you blind? Don’t be blinded by this appearance. You have only seen a corner of this kingdom now, and you haven’t seen the whole picture yet! 】

The truth is just as the Fallen Queen said for a few days!

Peace is actually short-lived for them!

Every few days, an alarm sounds on the planet, and the angels who hear the sound...

He will immediately put on his combat armor and take out his weapon 4.0.

Gather in the Heavenly Palace, and under the command of the Queen of Angels, fight in various places in the starry sky!

Maintain order everywhere!

"The king of this kingdom is the angel who follows Master Gao Yang!!"

"Hiss, a king of such a high civilization actually follows other kings. Is the king of the Dragon Kingdom even more powerful than this king of a high civilization?"

When Starrk and others saw the aloof queen.

Only then did I know the female angel who followed Gao Yang like a subordinate.

She is actually the master of civilization. In the video, she looks more majestic than Mie Dudu!

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