Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

286. The Battle Between Two Kings, The Second Kingdom In The Rankings!

The female angels go out to fight, regardless of whether they are friendly civilizations.

They are still a newly discovered civilization, as long as their territory is faced with pollution and disasters from evil gods.

Face dangers they have no control over.

The angels will come!

Therefore, the angelic civilization has never had real peace for thousands of Ten Thousand Years.

Their own kingdom is actually quite peaceful.

But for the sake of peace in the universe, they became the true order!

Keep dedicating your life!

This happens day after day, year after year!

Such great sentiments suddenly silenced many people in the world!

It turns out they not only look like angels!

But they are real angels!

[Starrk: They have no selfish motives of their own. Even after helping one civilization after another, they did not ask for any reward. "How could there be such a great ethnic group in this world!? 21]

Yes, such a existence exists, if only a few scattered people exist.

For example, like their earth, the heroes are so dazzling.

At most, they will only feel that they are outstanding and will praise them.

But I don’t think this is such a great civilization.

But what if the entire kingdom, the entire civilization, transformed into a hero!

Then this is indeed great! So great that it seems like a civilization that only existed in mythology.

[Steve: That’s amazing!]

[Doctor Strange: The entire civilization is helping others, what is this for? 】

Maybe they know the answer.

It's just that I have never seen a civilization that can risk the lives of its own compatriots to protect others.

In the video, every time the angel goes on an expedition, not all of them are without any losses.

Sometimes after a war, ten sisters may go out, but not necessarily two or three will come back.

But they did it anyway.

No one from outside asked them to do this.

Even if they don't do these things, they won't face any punishment.

There was no existential crisis, but they still did it.

How could this not be heartfelt admiration.

[Sengoku: I think I know why Master Gao Yang didn't think about conquering them with violence, but chose to work together. 】

[Garp: Living in this world, of course we can choose to live in darkness. As long as we close our eyes and pretend that we can’t see anything, we can all be people without conscience, but we must not destroy the pursuit of light and justice. , a person of order!】

[Long: Fortunately, such a civilization was not destroyed by those evil gods before. 】

[ Kizaru: If you are not great and selfless, it may not necessarily be a good thing. As long as you are an intelligent creature, there will always be people who think it is unfair.

As soon as Kizaru said this, everyone fell silent.

It's true, everything has its opposite.

Maybe under overall policies and beliefs.

Most people will carry out this selfless justice to the end.

But there will definitely be a few people who question whether such a thing is worth it.

Why should their powerful angels save those who have nothing to do with them?

This scene soon appeared on the cyclorama video.

This is a piece of past history.

This is where the cracks appear in the sisterly relationship between the Fallen Queen and the Angel Queen.

"Sister, my team has been completely destroyed!"

"It's not entirely the enemy. It's the people we want to help. Their fear and ignorance ruin our only chance of victory!"

"Why?! Why should we sacrifice our own people to help others?!"

"Our strength is so strong, there is no way anyone in the entire starry sky can threaten us!"

"Is this worth it?!" The Fallen Queen asked the Angel Queen Huang very puzzledly at that time.

"There is no way to fight without sacrifice. As for why, the ancestral precepts have already made it very clear.

Faced with the Fallen Queen's questioning, the Angel Queen showed no emotion.

Because she is a king, and even more because the fallen queen is her sister.

In order to be fair and impartial, she was destined not to show too obvious selfishness.

"For order, for justice!? For these unrealistic things!? Do we have to risk our lives to fill it?"

"Marshal Tianqi, pay attention to your tone. You can question my ability, but you should not question the sacred laws of our clan. Do you want to be imprisoned in the Black Water Prison?" Huang said in a deep voice.

#010 It’s all off, I have to say these things today, if you want me to say, we have already changed such pedantic rules!”

"Bold! Take off her armor and put her in the black water prison!"

"My Lady Queen, this..."

"Didn't you hear clearly?"

In this way, the highest combat power of the angel family except the queen was imprisoned.

The Fallen Queen showed no resistance at that time.

She just couldn't understand it.

As she was imprisoned, other female warriors who followed the fallen queen were also shaken!

For outsiders, for a civilization that may not even welcome you.

They fought and paid their dues.

After returning, he still faces jail.

Many battle angels are dissatisfied.

"Is this the original incident of the breakup of the two kings?" Fei looked at the sky, thoughtfully.

That past event was considered taboo within the angel clan.

Now he is exposed to the world.

This moment also caused controversy!.

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