Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

290. What Will Happen To This Civilization If Justice And Order Are No Longer Maintained?

Order, the order of heaven, and their own particularity.

Let them now attract a large number of admirers and supporters in every world.

Many people long to join the angel clan one day.

Become a member of it, although this is not very likely at present.

But even if you can't become a citizen of the Kingdom of Order.

Even within the scope of their jurisdiction.

That's also very good.

After all, they are a great ethnic group who can sacrifice themselves for the sake of justice and order.

As long as they are not ambitious, no one would want to have such a powerful race and culture "653" covering them.

I don’t understand at all why some civilizations in the canopy refuse their help.

They even didn't cooperate with them much and secretly sabotaged them.

Sure enough, there will always be those who don’t know how blessed they are.

[Aokiji: If the Angel Clan really only cares about its own kingdom and does not interfere with the affairs of other civilizations and kingdoms, just like the Fallen Queen, will the Order Celestial Clan be better off, or will it change? 】

At this time, Aokiji asked a question that aroused speculation.

Many people began to think deeply.

Many people then gave their own answers.

[Long: I’m afraid it’s not as simple as getting worse or getting better. In my opinion, if you really do that, the angel clan may have been destroyed by now! 】

[ Buggy: What?! Are you being alarmist? How is this possible? The angel clan is so powerful. If they really want to only protect their own country, shouldn’t they live a more free life? 】

[ Kid: Indeed, as the Fallen Queen said, wouldn't it be better once they only think about themselves and only maintain their status? After all, there is no external war, and they are so powerful Jiang

Elsewhere, the Fallen Queen watched the canopy.

That's what she's always thought.

It was also because of this that he had a disagreement with Huang.

[Long: This is precisely the most fatal point. You can think about it carefully. A country that is almost invincible and has amazing talents. If there are no threats from the outside, then maybe they will become stronger in a hundred or a thousand years, but with time What about one length?

There is no civilization or country in this world that is absolutely perfect and makes no mistakes. If there are no external problems, then it is not difficult to imagine where the problems will eventually lie!]

【Sengoku: Inside!】

[Long: Yes, even if there are external enemies, internal disagreements will inevitably occur. It is conceivable that if there are no external threats, then you will become your own enemy. The most terrifying thing about intelligent creatures is that It is a desire that can never be satisfied. No matter what, separation and reunification are inevitable. And with the strength of the Angel Clan, once the conflict intensifies to the maximum, the entire clan may gradually decline due to internal friction, and may even be destroyed. 】

[ Buggy: What you said seems to make sense. Even the Dragon Kingdom led by Lord Gao Yang before was facing serious internal problems after Ten Thousand Years. It had to arrange for a new emperor to take over and clean it up with the help of war. Those corrupt elements!]

[Garp: From this point of view, the ancestors of the angel civilization have great wisdom! It may also be that similar things have happened before. It seems that the angel civilization maintains order and has no benefit to itself, but in fact, it avoids it to the greatest extent. The tragedy of internal strife among one's own people...】

"Is that so?" The Fallen Queen saw the exchange between the people.

It suddenly dawned on me!

Because in the history of the angel clan, extremely serious internal wars did occur.

It's just that she never thought that maintaining order was the foundation for her clan's survival!

It's not what they think, it has nothing to do with them, and it doesn't do any good.

All along, it may have been my fault

But she accommodated herself because of her sister's identity.

"Asshole! Asshole! Don't even think about messing with my heart!" The Fallen Queen found it difficult to accept this fact.

But I think it's more and more possible.

Her heart became more and more unstable.

As for the video of the Kingdom of Public Security, which ranked second on the list, it comes to an end here.

At this time, Yin Mu actually raised such a question midway.

Aokiji asked the question just now.

[If the Kingdom of Order no longer consciously maintains the righteous order of the universe, what will become of Order 4.4? 】

[Steve: Question, question again, there will be rewards if you answer it correctly! 】

Everyone immediately became restless.

"I don't believe I'm wrong!" The fallen queen held on to her last hope.

Stick to the choice you have always made.

Her answer was that she would become more prosperous and stronger!

After the exchange just now, many people recognized what Long just said.

They all chose the answer of decline or even death.

There are also a few people who have the same idea as the Fallen Queen.

Everyone gave their own answer. .

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