Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

291. Looking Back On The Past, The Kingdom Is Ranked First In The Public Security Rankings With Cons

And it soon turned out that the Fallen Queen was indeed wrong.

[The answer is decline or destruction! The person with the correct answer is Feng!]

[Now, random rewards will be given to those who answered correctly, and they will be rewarded with the King-level talent of the Angel of Order!]

[Feng: Did I get the answer right?!]

Feng was a little surprised. There were many people who knew the answer, and there were also many people who gave the same answer as her.

She never thought that she would be able to answer correctly, and she never thought that her hand speed was still fast.

And she actually got a king-level talent!? This means that her shortcomings in talent have been made up for.

When the Queen of Angels escaped, Feng had already returned the inheritance rights to the Angel Treasure House.

There was not even the slightest bit of reluctance, because she knew that even if she got the angel treasure house.

With her talent, she will never be able to reach the heights of the Queen of Angels in her lifetime.

At most, it can reach the level of a fallen queen. In that case, is it enough to protect the angel family?

She didn't know, and she wasn't sure, but she hoped that the Queen of Angels could exist forever.

29 And she has lost her treasure house of angels.

Both talent and strength have declined significantly.

Unexpectedly, he would obtain the royal talent of the angel clan at this time.

The Queen of Angels nodded happily, although she could still live for a long time.

But no one is truly invincible. She has always trained Feng as her successor.

And a civilization must also have new potential seeds and successors.

In this way, when an accident occurs, the entire group can be stabilized in the shortest possible time.

This king-level talent reward comes at just the right time.

Gao Yang is naturally satisfied with such a reward.

Now, unless there are special circumstances, he can answer anyone who wants to.

He won't be too dry, but outsiders will answer the right words.

You can get multiple rewards yourself.

Anyway, no matter what happens, you will not lose.

He had just received two king-level talent rewards.

A king-level talent can at least ensure that he can be cultivated into a strong Sun warrior.

After the Fallen Queen saw the answer given by Tian Mu.

I had nothing to say anymore, I just stared blankly.

She has long recognized the authority of Tianmu.

It turns out that the short-sighted person has always been myself.

[ Sengoku: It’s true, but it’s a pity that it was a step too late. 】

[Garp: With the royal talent of the angel clan, he should be a powerful person at the level of the Angel Twin Kings in the future. 】

[Long: Only a civilization with Penultimate foresight can survive for so many years. 】

[Starrk: It's a pity that it's a step too late. It would be great if we were the ones who answered correctly. 】

[Banner: There are still many opportunities. There seems to be more than one question in the entire video. 】

[Spider-Man: Even the second kingdom is so good, but this Dragon Kingdom is better than this Kingdom of Heaven? 】

Under the gaze of everyone, a video about the public security of Dragon Kingdom soon appeared in front of everyone!

As soon as they saw this scene, Sengoku, Kaido and others couldn't help but look surprised.

Because they are familiar with this video, they are all participants.

Hao Ran is the picture of Long Guo not long after it was first exposed.

The attack of the Four Emperors, the Marine headquarters, the invasion of the World government.

As soon as the picture appeared, it gave a strong shock to those who did not know it.

[Spider-Man: Oh my god! This guy with horns on his head and that aunt are too tall! 】

[Banner: Indeed! But looking at this situation, why do you feel that the security of Dragon Kingdom is not very good? Many people seem to be coveting this country. 】

[Buggy: This is the battle that made Dragon Kingdom famous. It didn’t happen long ago. Since it’s public security, violence is inevitable. The key depends on how to deal with it, right? 】

[Starrk: That's true. 】

As the video played, the surprise on the faces of Starrk and others did not stop.

[Doctor Strange: Those invaders sneaked into this kingdom secretly, but they were discovered without doing anything and were all arrested?! The people of the Dragon Kingdom have a too high sense of recognition for their kingdom! Almost anyone This is true for every village. Intruders cannot buy or sell them with money, and the local people are also extremely tough. Some ordinary residents are "even unwilling to reveal any information to the invaders even to the death."

[ Starrk: This is unbelievable. All ordinary people are involved in this security. This is the first time I have seen a kingdom with such high cohesion. 】

[Steve: A perfect public security system, a country where all the people help to run it, there is basically no place for criminals. If our country is like them, no, even if it is only one-tenth of the way, Our public security environment will not be so precarious. 】

[Black Widow: Is the gap between third and first really so big? How did he do it?! Judging from their exchanges, it seems that the Dragon Kingdom at this time was still an emerging kingdom, and was dominated by local forces and Has the kingdom taken action? 】

[ Buggy: Hahaha!! This is about the composition of the residents of the Dragon Kingdom! People of all realms! Just look up to the greatness of my king!! 】

At this time, Buggy showed his enthusiasm for dog licking again.

But many people in the world are curious about it.

Because public security is such a kingdom where the military and civilians cooperate.

It was indeed the first time for countless people to see it!.

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