Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

62. King No. 1: I Don't Deserve It! Dragon Kingdom Should Be The Real Number One! !

The video played is from the early days of the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at the development at that time, it was not as modern as it is today.

But everyone's life is still relatively happy and fulfilling.

It is also the conscription activity of the Dragon Kingdom.

But just looking at the benefits and benefits, everyone in front of the video was stunned.

Become a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, exempt from all taxes!

The first family to come to Longguo, if there are young adults in the family who join the army, regardless of gender!

They can all get a piece of land on the land of the Dragon Kingdom.

And a house that, although not particularly nice, can shelter from the wind and rain.

Just this point in the beginning of this video caused quite a stir!

[Red hair: Hey, are you kidding me? For those who have just arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, as long as someone in their family joins the army, they can get fertile farmland, even if they don’t join the army, they can get ordinary land!

This will fundamentally solve the problem of people’s living security. As long as there is land, it will be very difficult to starve to death no matter what!]

【Whitebeard: The land has always been the property of the nobles, and he actually distributed the land to ordinary people! This!!】

【Roger: The eyes of those people looking at the King of the Dragon Kingdom are full of gratitude, it’s unbelievable!!】

【Beckman: I can’t believe it if it’s me!! This is equivalent to dividing the interests of the nobles among the common people. I’ve never seen anyone do this before!】

【Sengoku: But in this way, won't the interests of the nobles of the Dragon Kingdom be damaged? It's worth the effort!】

In this hierarchical world!

Such an operation is no less than a blockbuster!

Explode in everyone's heart!

【Garp: Perhaps Dragon Kingdom cares more about the grassroots people!!】

【Kaido: How is this possible?! Don't squeeze benefits from these low-level people, and give them such good treatment!】

【Brother Ming: I don’t believe it, wait a minute...Look, after those people became soldiers, someone seems to be telling them about military insurance! Could it be that the soldiers are going to pay for it?】

"Everyone who serves in the military has a military insurance that belongs to you!"

An officer said to the recruits.

The recruit didn't quite understand, but was slightly agitated.

Want to ask, but some dare not ask.

After all, their treatment is already very good.

【Morgans: Military insurance?! What is that?】

[Loan usury king: What else can it be? It must be some kind of disguised means to lower the treatment. It seems that the country is rich, but it does not mean that the soldiers are rich. Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom in this period

You don’t necessarily have to be rich, first increase the salary, and then find various excuses to lower it, well, it’s just a routine operation!]

【Bonney: So what, many of those people are fleeing refugees. They have food, a place to live, and a salary. In this way, it is still higher than other kingdoms!】

【Aokiji: Indeed, so although those people are a little bit agitated, they can actually accept it!】

Until a recruit curiously asked what is military insurance.

Everyone then knew together.

"Military insurance includes casualty, medical insurance and pension insurance!"

"That is to say, if you are accidentally injured during your daily training, with this insurance, you don't have to pay all the medical expenses yourself, even several specific medicines on the market are covered by the insurance!"

"If you die in the mission, the state will compensate your family with a generous sum of money! About 20 million to 500 million Berries per family! Follow-up, your family will also have compensation every month to maintain Household expenses!"

"Pension insurance is the pension that the state will give you every month after you retire, allowing you to spend your old age in peace!"

"Of course there are some incidental military benefits. For example, if you are honored, the country will give your children some preferential treatment, better education, and better education...I won't list them all. There are related manuals. You can go and see. 々.

【Sengoku: Damn it!!】

【Garp: Damn it!!】

【Aokiji: It makes me want to go to Dragon Kingdom to serve as a soldier!】

【Zephyr: General casualty insurance is understandable, we have it here, and other countries have it, but most of them are one-time compensation, and the compensation will not be much, not even half of the Dragon Kingdom!

Not to mention that the family will receive a subsidy every month in the future!]

【Smoker: There is even a pension insurance. When I am old, after retiring, I don’t do any work every month, and I can still receive the salary from the state! This……】

【Flying squirrel: From the battlefield to the family, and then to your own old age, everything is included, and there are even other benefits, but we haven't seen the manual!】

【Momousagi: This is not only about dividing the fields, but also about dividing the money!!】

You must know that King Cobra just paid the soldiers normally!

Bringing a meager amount of compensation will make people feel grateful!

We must know that the compensation money can at most ease the temporary difficulties of the military family!

The families who sacrificed their children later still have to rely on themselves to make money to live!

But in fact it is not easy, young and middle-aged are the labor force!

It’s ok if you have more than one sibling in the family!

If it is an only child, death in war means that the pillar of the family has been removed!

But in Long Country, there is no such worry at all!

The family and the country take good care of you.

Even future generations can enjoy some preferential policies!

Even if you are old, retired and not working!

As long as you have paid, someone will support you!

This can allow soldiers to go to war with more confidence!

This is not Alabasta at all!

It is even comparable to any kingdom and organization in this world!

In this era where human life is worth more than grass!

Who would think so much about the lowest level soldiers!

Even doing it like the Four Emperors!

It is popular not only in pirates, but also in many kingdoms!

"The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom should not be underestimated!"

Sengoku can even imagine it!

Such soldiers may be extremely ferocious in real battles!!

An army without worries!

It is absolutely not to be underestimated!

[T Bone: This is simply a soldier's paradise! How many people join the army is not necessarily for the so-called dream, but more because of the pressure of life, and becoming a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, all problems can be easily solved! 】

【Kizaru: The benefits are really good, it’s ridiculous. Ordinary soldiers are treated more comprehensively than our Marine generals! Once it is implemented, even if a lot of military pay is deducted every month, it is completely fine to buy some military insurance. accept!】

【Garp: That’s right!! Hey... In the Marine, only a very small number of people who have made great contributions to the Marine have a certain pension security! Ordinary soldiers have no chance at all!】

【Sengoku: Garp!】

Some things just can't be said!

Otherwise, why did he just post a shit!

And what the officer said afterwards surprised them even more!

"Of course, during the service period, all insurance is borne by the state and it is completely free. If you retire early, you need to purchase the follow-up insurance yourself. Of course, the price is not high

But if you pay enough years, you can still enjoy these benefits!"

【Garp: What?!! Completely free during service period!!】

【Sengoku: Garp, don't yell so loudly, you need your ears!!】


Even the taciturn Akainu was shocked by such a good welfare package!

【Cobra: Our Alabasta is inferior!! Far inferior!!】

【Loan usury king: Ma De! Longguo is insane!! What are you doing with these cannon fodder? There is so much money that there is no place to spend it?!】

【Garp: You are crazy, how can you guys know how important these things are to soldiers!!】

【Kaido: Hehe, what's the use of having more ants? The treatment is so good, maybe these soldiers will be turned into useless people!】

And at this moment, the video screen of the Dragon Kingdom changed!

It was fixed in a bustling small town.

It rained cats and dogs for a long, long time.

Sometimes the climate of this world is not on the Grand Line!

It's also very weird! And such heavy rain usually brings disasters!

The river broke its embankment, and the flood flooded into the town like crazy!

Many houses are already crumbling, and the house is full of oceans!!

Boom!! Suddenly the breach became bigger, and many people and houses were washed away.

After the flood left a mess!

The people were displaced and mourned everywhere...

【Garp: At this time, it seems that the Dragon Kingdom does not have a large number of capable people!】

【Sengoku: Even if there is, it may not be useful. Who can predict natural disasters that have not yet happened!】

[Whitebeard: Sometimes it is predicted, but it may not be useful! The power of natural disasters cannot be resisted by ordinary ability users! 】

【Red Hair: Destruction is easier than protection!】

And in less than half an hour after the disaster broke out!!

Trucks full of soldiers are coming quickly!

Rescue and evacuate the victims as soon as possible!

"Take everyone out of here first to avoid secondary disasters! Hurry up! Hurry up! The situation in other places is not optimistic!" a young officer shouted loudly!

All soldiers act quickly!

【Kizaru: The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are still in charge of disaster relief?】

"Colonel Ron, it's bad, the breach has become bigger! If this continues, a bigger flood will completely submerge this place!"

"Where is the ability user sent from above!"

"It's still in the south! And the situation in the south is terrible, damn it!! It would be great if there were more ability users!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! Do everything possible to plug the gap for me!"

"Fill the sandbags! Quickly plug the gap!" Colonel Ron took the lead in fighting the flood!

The soldiers were divided into two parts, and one part accelerated the evacuation of the people.

But it was not easy, many people were injured, including some old people and children!

A part keeps filling the gap with sandbags, hoping to block the growing gap!

But it is always washed away as soon as it is put down! Pulling the wall is not effective!

The capable people haven't come yet, and the Dragon Kingdom doesn't have very developed technological products in this period!

Only in such a primitive way!

`Fuck!! Can't block it like this!! No good foothold, can't block it effectively! Made!"

"If things go on like this, a bigger flood will come, and many people will die! It's too late to wait for them! Your mother, Laozi will fight with you!"

"Fill me the truck full of heavy stuff!!"

"Colonel, you!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! Laozi is so strong that he can't die!!

Boom!!! After a while, accompanied by the violent roar of the car!

The truck full of heavy loads crashed into the gap!!

But the flood is powerful and is being pushed!!

"Made! Continue!!" The eyes of the remaining soldiers turned red!

They are all driving trucks, filling the gap one by one!!

【Loan usury king: Damn!! Are they all crazy?! To fill it with human life?! Just to save the people in this town? Is it worth it?】

It's just that everyone else is watching quietly at the moment!

Very shocking!

Silence, but the heart is deafening!!

Boom boom boom!!! One after another!!

Multiple vehicles superimposed, it is indeed temporarily blocked

Live the gap!!

At this time, the sandbags can be piled up again to form a solid line of defense!

"Stop it with sandbags!!"

"Pull people out quickly!!"

The breach is blocked!!

"Lord Ron, Ron!!!"

"Master Ron is at the bottom!! We..."

"Fuck!! Save me quickly!! Hurry up!!"

"We are here to help too!!" The residents of the town also rushed over!

"Go first, it's still unstable! I don't know what the hell is going on!"

"We're not leaving!! Don't (Nuoma Zhao) die together!"

"That's right!!"

"Let's go now, are we still human!"

"Then trouble your parents and folks."

At this moment, the soldiers and civilians are united as one, and only hope to rescue all the fearless warriors!

But be careful not to destroy the newly built defense line!

But in the end, many of those rescued were corpses!!

Soon scattered black armored soldiers will come!!

They brought people with abilities to divert the river to release the flood!

Also search and rescue Colonel Ron!

It's just that Colonel Ron, who rushed forward to meet the fiercest flood monster, has lost his breath!!

"Ron!! You bastard, didn't you say you won't die!! You liar!!"

"His sacrifice was not in vain, and his soul will enter Valhalla!!"

"Salute!!" The black-armored soldiers who rushed over gave the most basic level of conscripts the highest etiquette!!

The saved people also tearfully saluted and bid farewell to the hero who saved them!!

From adults to kids, to old people......

Their eyes are full of tears! But there is also an unshakable firmness and faith!!

Many people in this town have also become honorable soldiers after the disaster!

【Kobra: We don’t deserve to be number one!! We don’t deserve it!! The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom deserve this number one!! What a great and noble will and character this is!!】

"Garp!! I have seen too many soldiers fighting desperately on the battlefield, but I have never seen such an army! I have never seen it!!"

"This is a soldier who truly serves the people!! Our justice, compared with it, is like a cheap product!!"

With tears in the corners of Sengoku's eyes, he said excitedly to Garp beside him!!

"Their soldiers have souls!!!"

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