Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

63. We Are The Soldiers Of The People! Gao Yang! Why Do You Know Everything!

A simple sentence has a soul.

Straight to the heart of Sengoku!

At this moment, even if you questioned whether these soldiers are useful Kaido just now!

It's silent now!

He yearns for a simple and violent world!

But that doesn't mean he can't see what's good or bad!

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been brooding about Oden's matter back then!

Soldiers deserve good treatment!

They did more than they could ever achieve!

Kaido is silent!

The others were even more shocked!

Like Marshal Sengoku, you can see a lot of fighting soldiers!

I have never seen such a self-sacrificing soldier!

Such a single hero, they may have seen!!

But a bunch of people are like that!!

It's the first time in my life!

For the first time in their lives they know!

It turns out that the mission of soldiers is not just to fight at the forefront!

And this responsibility!!

Even if you have never seen it before,

Feel the greatness right now!

People stayed in place for a long time!

The bullet screen gradually recovered the news!

【Rayleigh: I finally understand why the deep sense of trust between the people and the soldiers came from when I was in the Devil Fruit Forest!

This kind of soldiers who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the people, how can the people kill them for a little so-called benefit!]

【Aokiji: Just now I thought the treatment of soldiers by the Dragon Kingdom was too exaggerated, but looking at it now, it’s not an exaggeration at all!

The military strength of the Dragon Kingdom may only be the third, but this spirit of selfless dedication to the people! It is definitely the best among the three countries!】

【Roger: About half an hour after the disaster, they showed up! Such a timely response speed has never been seen in any army!】

【Whitebeard: In the face of this kind of disaster, other countries are resigned to their fate. Even after the disaster, they will refuse these refugees to enter the city, fearing that their quality of life will be affected! The Dragon Kingdom is desperate to rescue them!!

Great soldier, great king!]

[Red Hair: The cohesion of the army and the people is so strong! In just a few days after the disaster [the normal life has been restored, and there are a lot of aid materials from all over the country!! There are also many volunteers to help!]

【Garp: The post-disaster work was handled perfectly!】

[Red Hair: Compared with Long Guo, Wan Guo is a hot chicken!]

Aunt:  …]

【Aokiji: They are holding a funeral for the dead!】847

【Kizaru: The person holding the portrait of Ron seems to be a high-ranking nobleman in the Dragon Kingdom!】

Kizaru's words surprised many people!

【Morgans: How is this possible?! How could a son of a noble go to the forefront! And he still has that kind of fearless spirit!】

【Stussy: That's right! All the noble soldiers I've seen are sitting in a safe place, enjoying the best treatment, and waiting for promotion!

Even the noble children of Alabasta just now did the same!]

【Kid: Aren't the children of those noble lords all very rich?】

It was such a shock to them!

Soon the video camera fell on Ron's father.

He was in a high position, as evidenced by his attire and the respectful attitude of those around him.

The funeral was grand, and all the people spontaneously gathered in the mourning square.

【Flying Squirrel: There are so many people who spontaneously attended their funeral!! It seems that people from half the kingdom have come!】

【Garp: This is a hero who belongs to the people! He should be admired by the people!】

【Akainu: It seems that most of the people in Longguo are young and middle-aged, and the proportion of the elderly and children is not high. 】

【Sengoku: This is not surprising. The Dragon Kingdom is a country composed of many refugees. The old, weak, sick and disabled are in the disaster-hit homeland. It is estimated that they are the first wave of victims. 】

Then the video stayed on a downcast middle-aged man reeking of alcohol.

He did not mourn with the crowd.

Just looking at the mourning square from a distance.

He took a sip of wine in silence.

His eyes are full of dead sadness, and there are many stories that he doesn't want to mention!

The heavy past made him unable to breathe.

What happened recently made him a little more confused.

The man watched as Ron's father finished mourning and left down the street!

He followed, and soon the other party noticed it and stopped!

"Can I help you?"

"I have a question for you."

"what is the problem?"

"Why are you willing to let your children run around in such a dangerous place? Aren't you aristocrats used to sitting on people's corpses to revel?"

"Are you from somewhere else?"


"Have you ever been persecuted by nobles? Or have you been a pirate or a Marine?"


"I don't know what you want to know, but I was also an ordinary person before I came to Dragon Country.

When we were attacked by pirates, it was a dragon country soldier who was outside who sacrificed himself and saved (cada) us, so I came to this country! I want to see what kind of country can produce such excellent soldiers !"

"Then you stayed here to repay your kindness?"

"Not exactly, we've known each other for a short time, but I've always wanted to be like him!"

"Then you're successful."

"I don't know if it will be successful or not, but we come from the people and serve the people. Anyone can do such a thing, regardless of high or low. Why can't children of the poor do what they can do if they have some status?"

"Aren't you sad, don't you regret it?" the down-and-out man asked.

"I'm sad and I regret it, but I'm also proud of him."

"What if you were there?"

"Then I should be there now." Ron's father pointed to the mourning square

"Why do you have to do this?"

"I don't know how to express it, but our king once said that we are the soldiers of the people, and people must not forget their roots!"

"I see......"

"It's okay, I'll go first."

"Which unit are you in?"

"Want to be my soldier?"


"bring it on.

"Good 1"

【Garp: Well said! The soldiers of the people come from the people and serve the people, that’s the way it is!】

Sengoku opened his mouth to stop Garp's big mouth!

Most people in this world don't think so!

Their Marine is not just for the people!

Although the slogan of justice is so shouted!

But most of the time, they are doing things for the World government!

Often have to clean up the mess for them!

That's not a good thing to say! Stupid Garp!!

[Roger: Inheritance of will...the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom have very firm beliefs!]

Being rescued, the rescued person continues the spirit of the former.

When the latter lost his child, he gained a new inheritor!

Such a will may be passed down forever.....

Even if the Dragon Kingdom perishes, it will probably always exist!

【Bullet: If the soldiers in my country were like this, how could I be betrayed by them! I don’t need to destroy my country!】

Bullet has the feeling of being born in the wrong place!

If I was born in the Dragon Kingdom! I might live a different life!

A small town in Long Country.

"Father, I want to be a soldier! I want to be a useful person to society. Dragon Kingdom is now in a period of rapid development! Everyone has the opportunity to become an outstanding soldier!"

"No! Absolutely not!"


"You went, I don't go to Laozi much? Who will make the fields at home?"


"Ah for what!"

"Father, you are already fifty!"

"I'm in good health, I can beat you, and I've only been a conscript for a few years! It's in the village, there is no age requirement, and someone from above will come down to teach us some self-protection fighting skills for free!"

"This is not a soldier, is it?"

"Why doesn't it count? Everyone calls this militia!"

"Okay! That's fine, there are too many pirates at sea, it's good to learn more!

The sea is not peaceful, only the Dragon Kingdom is peaceful.

Many participated in free militia training.

Gao Yang remembered, at that time he had just reached the fifth level kingdom!

The national physical fitness has increased by about 15%.

In order to let them improve their physical fitness, they can play well!

It was only then that an order was issued for the officers to go to various towns to teach them some basic self-defense techniques.

At that time, I casually confessed to Boss Bai,

Didn't expect it to be so well implemented.

Gao Yang: "It turns out that anyone who has been trained by the military in China is considered a soldier! No wonder our Dragon Kingdom has only 800,000 people, and there are more than 300,000 troops!"

The regular force on record is 100,000.

That's why Gao Yang wondered before, where did his country get more than 300,000 soldiers.

But if so!

It's not surprising that there are more than 300,000!

【Akainu: The recognition of soldiers in the Dragon Kingdom is really high!】

【Sengoku: Almost all the people are soldiers. Except for babies and people who are really old, everyone has basically participated in basic training!】

[Cobra: Except for the population, we don’t have the slightest advantage of Alabasta! Whether it’s the treatment of soldiers, the relationship between the military and the people, the relationship between the army and the nobles, or the will of the soldiers and the people

It is completely incomparable with the Dragon Kingdom! The King of the Dragon Kingdom is an amazing man!]

【Hancock: This is somewhat similar to the national conditions of our Nine Snakes Island!】

But the population of Nine Snake Island is not so large!

Otherwise, it would be on the list!

In the same way, all the giants are soldiers!

But in less quantity!

Usually there are hundreds of people in a tribe, and a few less!

The birth rate is not high!

And the Dragon Kingdom has soldiers, so it will naturally take action externally!

After all, many industries are outside!

There will always be some blind guys coming to challenge!

Many soldiers have sailed with Umit!

In the eyes of other forces!

Even if you notice it, you will only think it is Umit's power!

No one will know the Dragon Kingdom!

However, Dragon Kingdom usually does not take the initiative to provoke any wars!

Unless it was provoked to the door!

【Garp: If you look at it now, Dragon Kingdom has also carried out military missions abroad, but it's a pity that you can't see what missions they have carried out!】

【Aokiji: Sometimes I will bring many refugees back to Dragon Country!】

【Kizaru: Not all of them are refugees, some of them seem to be quite unusual. This is how the Dragon Kingdom grows little by little without our knowledge!】

Suddenly a video goes to the main screen.

It's a soldier who just returned from a mission overseas!

He is in a trance!

Seeing the pedestrians on the side of the road, they were a little nervous.

Whenever there was a slight disturbance, he would subconsciously shudder and touch his waist...

He returned to a person's home, obviously a peaceful environment and life!

He seemed a little restless!

Go back and forth every now and then!

Some are not used to this situation, and after drinking some wine, they barely fall asleep!

Can sleep until midnight, suddenly wake up from sleep!

Then he seemed to lose his mind and smashed everything around him crazily...

Like everything around is an enemy!!

【Loan usury king: Although I don't know the specific combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, judging from the soldier's reaction, it should not be very good. They have all returned to their own country, and they are still so nervous!】

【Bonney: What's going on here? Could it be that he was bullied outside? You shouldn't be venting now!】

【Rocks: He's crazy!】

【Tashigi: Crazy? No way!?】

【Sengoku: That bastard Rocks is right, sometimes this happens occasionally on the battlefield! People are obviously no longer on the battlefield, but the soul seems to stay on the battlefield forever!】

【Tashigi: So what to do?!】

【Sengoku: Generally, this kind of person cannot continue to be a soldier. The Marine headquarters will force him to retire, and he cannot be allowed to harm other comrades in arms!】

【Tashigi: What about after dismissal?】

Tashigi subconsciously asked!

If you haven't seen the benefits of soldiers in Longguo!

She won't think about this question!

Long country's pension, casualty and other welfare benefits!

Handled the aftermath very well!

Deep into the hearts of the viewers, so subconsciously asked out!

Sengoku is silent!

What if you quit?

Of course everything has nothing to do with their Marine!

【Dauberman: This kind of guy who is not determined will be fired, so what else?!】

【Smile: You won’t throw people into the society without any treatment, right?】

【Dauberman: This is not a disease, how to cure it!】

[Smile: This is a disease, this is post-war traumatic stress disorder, if it is released to the society without psychological counseling and treatment, it will endanger the safety of ordinary people! 】

【Garp: Is there really such a disease?】

Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji and others are all a little uncertain!

Because never heard of it!

And the following video answers Garp's words!

In the video, the soldier's abnormal behavior was noticed by neighbors!

Report to the Sheriff's Office soon.

A group of comrades came here soon and took the soldier to a place called Angel Psychological Medical Center!

The psychiatrist even had a one-on-one conversation with him!

According to the words, scenes, and his own worries, anxiety and other emotions described by him!

Doctor Li patiently guided him...

In addition, according to his physical conditions such as headache and dizziness, he was also given electrical stimulation therapy!

And through the drug treatment of nourishing nerves, improve its sleep treatment!

As time went by, the soldier's mental and physical condition actually got better and stabilized little by little!

It can even continue to perform tasks.

But the soldier also had a hobby later.

He likes to watch people's unpretentious daily life in the lively square!

That makes him happy and content!

For those who have been on the front lines of war all year round

There is nothing more alluring than everyday life!

Like many war veterans!

Just looking at the lively crowd and the happy families.

They will be satisfied, and all this will tell them that their efforts were not in vain...

【Garp: It was really cured!?】

【Sengoku: Dragon Kingdom actually has this kind of welfare treatment for soldiers!! Even the physical and mental health of soldiers has been considered thoroughly!! King Gao Yang, what is your head made of!? You even know this?!】

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