Time flies, two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Sanctuary, Arena.

"Excellent, Pegasus. In the name of Pope Sage, I recognize you as a Saint and hereby grant you the Pegasus Cloth."

Sage said. Just now, Pegasus successfully defeated the opponent who participated in the Saint Seiya selection and successfully won the recognition of everyone.

The next second, the Pegasus Cloth's Cloth box was suddenly opened, and then it was directly disassembled and put on Pegasus.

Pegasus was also excited, and then looked at Sasha who was standing aside and watching.

For a while, the two smiled at each other.

At the beginning, Pegasus never thought that his childhood friend, Sasha, would be a great god like Poseidon, the god of the sea, and the goddess of war who controls wisdom, Athena.

When he thought of his speech when he first came to the Sanctuary, Pegasus himself was speechless.

However, even so, Pegasus's ambition remained unchanged. He wants to help Sasha and the Sanctuary win the holy war against Hades, the god of the underworld, and then take Aaron to live a carefree life in Atlantis.

As for Sasha, if she is willing, Tianma believes that the broad-minded Lord Poseidon will definitely accept her.

"Finally, it looks good, Tianma!"


Tianma was also a little surprised to see Asmita appearing in casual clothes in the arena.

It is worth mentioning that because Asmita's main task is to prepare for the production of the wood rosary, Sasha and Sage will not send him out to perform tasks unless there are special circumstances.

After all, the production of the wood rosary requires a huge microcosm, and Asmita has already begun to store microcosms.

It is precisely because he has been staying in the Virgo Palace for the past two years that he has had enough time to instruct Tianma.

Unlike Dohko in the original story, after bringing Pegasus to the Holy Land, he went out to perform the mission again, and did not teach Pegasus anything at all.

Even Pegasus's special moves such as Meteor Fist were all learned by Pegasus through his own perception of his own constellation and microcosm.

Thanks to Asmita, Pegasus now has a very solid foundation. At the same stage, Pegasus in the original story may only be bronze, but Pegasus now is definitely silver!

Moreover, because he knew that Pegasus might become the key to this holy war, after Pegasus's strength improved, Asmita even told Pegasus the ultimate microcosm - the seventh sense.

It's just that when he can comprehend it depends on Pegasus's luck!

"Ashmita, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Your Holiness, everything is ready! But...if possible, I hope that the task of taking the fruit of the mulberry tree will be carried out by Tianma. He is not mature enough and needs more experience!"

As soon as Asmita said this, Sage fell silent.

"Ashmita, are you really..."

"Okay, Tianma, this is my decision, and I hope you can respect my decision! How about...dare you accept it? Go and take the task of taking the fruit of the mulberry tree?"

Ashmita said with a smile, which made Tianma clench his fists and feel more depressed.

In the past two years of getting along, he also knew some things, such as Asmita's mission to die for making the mulberry tree rosary.

But he was reluctant to let this man, who was both his teacher and friend, die like this.

Seeing that Tianma did not answer, Asmita immediately laughed and said, "That's why I said that you are not mature enough, Tianma! When you have enough experience and experience, you will know that there is something more important than life! You haven't encountered it yet, but I believe that when you encounter the time when you need to sacrifice your life for it... Tianma, you will be braver and more courageous than me!"

"Okay, I will go, Asmita! If this is what you ask me to do, I will go!"

Tianma said, and his slightly immature face became extremely firm.

Ashmita smiled, did not speak, just patted his shoulder, and walked towards Sasha.


"Lord Athena, Tianma needs your help in going to the underworld!"

Ashmita said that without Athena's blessing, Tianma's current sixth sense of the small universe, not to mention encountering Hades warriors, the laws of the underworld alone can directly take his life!

However, if there is God's blessing, then even if the eighth sense is not awakened, Pegasus can still move in the underworld.

"I know, if it's Pegasus, I will help him!"

"Thank you, Lady Athena, and please forgive my abrupt request!"

Ashimita's face was more apologetic. After all, it was an important mission related to the holy war. Taking the fruit of the mulberry tree was not easy., according to normal people's thinking, the Gold Saints should be sent, so that it is more secure!

Of course, Sage thought so too.

If Asmita didn't say it, he would have wanted his disciple, Cancer Gold Saint - Manigot to go on this trip.

After all, "Little Mago" is playing with corpse gas, and carrying out such a mission is completely a household registration...

Atlantis, Poseidon Temple.

"Rimuru, Melba, didn't I say that you can't play here at the Pillar of Life!"

Looking at the two little brats, Ren Ye couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"It's okay, aunt, father won't blame us! Right, Melba?"

Little Rimuru, who was only one year old, looked at little Melba, who was also only one year old beside him, with a smile on his face.

"That's right, mother, you are just worrying about nothing. It's so open here, just playing here, there's no danger!"

"It's true that there's no danger, but if you don't listen to your mother, your butt will be in danger!"

"Lord Poseidon!"

"Lord Father!"

Poseidon's voice suddenly rang between heaven and earth, and for a moment, the entire sky of Atlantis was also thundering.

But when Poseidon walked out of the pillar of life, the dark clouds immediately dispersed, and the bright sunshine shone on this divine domain again.

"Play is play, make noise is noise, but you still have to listen to the elders, understand?"

Poseidon warned that these two children were born to him, Seraphina, and Renye.


Among them, Rimuru is his and Seraphina's son, and like Poseidon, he has long blue hair.

And Melba is his and Renye's child, although he also has blue hair, but it is short hair.

However, it is not known whether it is because of the excellent genes of the Jamil family, but little Melba has retained the dot-shaped eyebrows of the Jamil family.

It can be said that except for the hair color, he looks exactly like Takaki.


And Poseidon's idea is not wrong. The son of a demigod is indeed much better than a simple human.

His two sons are born smart. When they were one year old, they could already talk and walk, and they were born with excellent microcosms.

Among them, because Seraphina has the power of the sea emperor given by Poseidon, and her body has also been nurtured by Poseidon, this also leads to the fact that their child, Rimuru, is born with a hint of divinity.

Although he is a demigod, he is much stronger than ordinary demigods.

Of course, Melba is not bad either.

The Jamil family is born with excellent telekinesis, and Melba, the crystallization of the combination of Poseidon and Ren Ye, also inherited this advantage.

The two children have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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