"Lord Poseidon, is your retreat over?"

Rang Ye looked at Poseidon and asked.

At this moment, Poseidon gave him a very strange feeling. In the past, even if Poseidon stood in front of him, there would be a looming majesty.

But now it is different. Poseidon seems to have changed from a god to a human being, and he can't feel any breath.

However, there is one thing that Ran Ye can be sure of. The current Poseidon is definitely more unfathomable than two years ago.

"It's over! However, Seraphina has managed Atlantis very well, so I don't need to worry about it! And Ran Ye... you are all very good!"

Poseidon looked at Ran Ye and smiled, which made Ran Ye smile happily.

In the past two years, Poseidon actually stayed in the pillar of life most of the time to transform his own divine microcosm into the ultimate power.

In order to make himself a superior god as soon as possible, he didn't even pay attention to the movements of the Sanctuary and the Hades Army.

Fortunately, hard work pays off. After two years of persistence, he finally achieved his goal.

Yes, Poseidon is now a superior god, and he has mastered the power and even the unique skills of Pontus.

Just to avoid unnecessary trouble, he chose to completely conceal his own breath.

Of course, Poseidon did not really not come out in the past two years. There were a few times when he came out.

The first was when he confirmed that Seraphina and Rang Ye were pregnant.

When Poseidon knew that he was going to be a father, he was happy for several days, and even put aside the matter of seclusion for the time being.

The second was naturally when Seraphina and Rang Ye gave birth.

In order to protect the safety of mother and child, Poseidon also blessed them specially, so that Rimuru and Melba were born.

In addition to the matter of children, another thing is the oath between the Sea Realm and the Sanctuary.

Yes, the Sea Realm and the Sanctuary have made three rules.

Although it is not an alliance, in order to ensure that the two sides can coexist peacefully, the Pope of the Sanctuary, Sage, brought Sisyphus and Manigot to Atlantis to visit Seraphina in person, and the spokespersons of the two gods made an oath here.

1. The Sanctuary and the Sea Realm coexist in a friendly manner and do not cause trouble lightly.

2. Atlantis is autonomous and does not accept the constraints of the Sanctuary, but allows it to communicate with the human kingdom on the ground in the name of the country.

3. The warriors of the Sea Realm shall not intervene in the earth at will. If they act on the earth privately, the Sanctuary has the right to punish them.

4. The Sanctuary respects the Sea Realm. If there are malicious acts such as individuals or national regimes disturbing the Sea Realm or polluting the ocean, the Sea Realm has the right to punish them!

5. ...


Because this is the first friendly exchange between the Sea Realm and the Sanctuary, as the host, Poseidon naturally cannot hide his head and show his tail. Naturally, he appeared in front of Sage and others openly and acted as the notary of this oath.

It's a pity that little girl Sasha didn't come, otherwise, Poseidon thought, he might be able to tease her!

But no matter what, the friendly situation between the Sanctuary and the Sea Realm has been truly opened, which is undoubtedly of great benefit to the future development of Atlantis...

Town in Italy.

For Aaron, since Pegasus disappeared and his friends in the orphanage left, his world seems to be getting darker and darker.

Life seems to have no smiles, the world seems to have lost its vitality, and his paintings seem to kill all things.

"Hey, have you heard that Uncle Yellen from Middle Street suddenly died yesterday!"

"Another one died. Did Uncle Yellen also ask Aaron to draw a sketch?"

"Okay, you guys, it was just an accident, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. Since last year, how many people who asked Aaron in the church to draw pictures are still alive? They are all dead!"

"Okay, believe in science!"


People on the street whispered, and Aaron couldn't help but lower his head and ran to the church with his painting tools.

"What's wrong, Aaron?"

Pandora walked to Aaron gently and asked.

"Pandora, I don't want to paint anymore, I, I..."

Aaron's hands were shaking, but Pandora hugged him and said, "It's okay, Aaron, you have to believe in your talent, you are bringing happiness to others in your own way. Those guys who only gossip deserve to go to hell and never recover!"

"Pandora... don't say that, they are all good people!"

Aaron started to refute, and for a moment, he felt that Pandora had changed.

Although she was still gentle to him,But she was just gentle to him.

For other people, Aaron even felt that Pandora was a little scary.

"Lord Aaron, you are right. Please believe that you are bringing happiness to the world!"

"You are, the priest!"

Looking at Hypnos' disguised priest, Aaron was also a little stunned.

In response, Hypnos suddenly smiled and said, "Look, the world is waiting for your salvation!"


Aaron's face changed, and suddenly, the church became transparent in an instant, and wooden stakes stood around Aaron.

All the people in the town, men, women, young and old, regardless of age, were interspersed on the wooden stakes, inserted from their anus and extended from their mouths.

Everyone died in a very tragic way, and the scarlet blood had dyed the earth a touch of scarlet, showing the most real color.


Aaron howled, this hellish scene constantly stimulated his nerves, as if to completely tear his spirit apart.

"Lord Aaron, don't be afraid! Although this is hell, if it were you, you would definitely create heaven! Yes, you will become the god who redeems everything!"

"Yes, Aaron!"

"Thank you for saving me, Aaron!"


The familiar voice sounded in his ears again. Aaron held the pentagram necklace on his chest. When he looked up, the scarlet blood-red hell had unknowingly turned into a green grassland. The people who had died tragically were now standing beside him alive, looking at him with a smile on their faces.

Heaven and hell, in just a thought, were completely reversed!

"I, am redeeming them?"

"Yes, because you are a god!"

"I am a god? Yes, I am... I am Hades, the king of the underworld who controls death!"

Pluto Aaron

At this moment, Aaron's distorted face instantly became calm, and the dark little universe began to emerge from his body.

The church reappeared, and a group of Hades warriors knelt behind him with respectful faces...

"This little universe, could it be..."

Almost immediately, Sasha of the Sanctuary and Seraphina of Atlantis both felt Hades' little universe, which was like the dark night.

Although the little universe belonged to Hades, it was hard to say whether the person was Hades!

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