"Hey, Pandora, how do you feel about living in the Hades Army?"


Poseidon changed the subject, as if he was chatting about family matters, which made Pandora a little uncomfortable.

"Lord Poseidon, what are you doing..."

"No, don't worry, Pandora, I just think it's a pity that you are in the Hades Army. Hades likes to lie dead, and there are twin gods beside him. Your life is not easy! It just so happens that the Sea Realm now has Seraphina in charge of internal affairs, and in terms of diplomatic ability, talents like you are needed!"

"I see, it is an honor for me, Pandora, to be valued by Lord Poseidon! It's just a pity that I, Pandora, am the commander of the Hades Army, and I should serve Lord Hades! This is going to disappoint the Lord's expectations!"

Pandora said that her talent was valued by the gods, which she thought was something to be proud of.

Poseidon on the throne seemed to have thought of something and laughed immediately.

"Pandora, do you know why Hades wants to recognize you as his sister?"


Instantly, Poseidon's words caught Pandora's attention.

Of course, not only her, but also Radamanthys and Unity, could not help but become curious at this moment.

"Pandora, you should know yourself! God is God after all, it is impossible for him to recognize relatives casually. Of course, for God, relatives are actually irrelevant. Unlike humans who value family affection, Gods do not care much about family affection. Although the human body borrowed by Hades was born from your mother's womb. But just because of this, you are his sister... Pandora, people should know themselves! You are indeed a talent, but you are not qualified to be Hades' sister! I think you should have felt it yourself, Hades has never really regarded you as a sister!"

"Lord Poseidon, please don't criticize our main god, I, I..."

At this time, Pandora was already confused by what Poseidon said, but even so, she did not waver in her belief in Hades.

Because, except for Hades, she has nothing.

Her parents all died suddenly after giving birth to Hades' human body.

Even the servants of the master of the house were all killed without a single one left.

Yes, now she has nothing except the identities of Hades' sister and the commander of the Hades Army.

"So I say, Pandora, it's a pity that you are in the Hades Army! And, it's true that you may love Hades, but unfortunately, Hades has never really loved you! That guy just wants to play, to experience the fun of playing with his sister!"

"Play with my sister?"

Pandora's eyes widened, and she was stunned.

Poseidon nodded and said, "That's right! The king of the Titans, Kronos, gave birth to three male gods and three female gods with Rhea. The three female gods are Hestia, Demeter, and Hera; and the three male gods are Hades, me, and Zeus. Let's not talk about the goddesses for now. The interesting thing is that whether it is the era of the Titans or the era of the Olympians, the younger the male gods, the stronger their strength. Among the twelve gods of the Titans, Kronos is the youngest son of Uranus, the god of the sky, and Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth. In the end, he became the king of the Titans! And the same is true for us Olympians. Zeus is the youngest of our three brothers, and he also became the head of the twelve main gods! So... although Hades is the eldest brother, his strength is actually the weakest among our three brothers!"

"But, Lord Poseidon, what does this have to do with what you said about 'playing with your sister'?"

"Of course it has something to do with it! In the mythological era, Kronos and Rhea gave birth to three goddesses first, and then gave birth to three male gods! In other words, the three goddesses Hestia, Demeter, and Hera are actually the sisters of our three brothers. And Hestia is a virgin goddess, and no one can get her! Hera attaches great importance to chastity, and with Zeus's protection, no one dares to mess around! Only Demeter, our second sister, not only Zeus has played with her, but I have also played with her, but Hades has never played with her!"

"Lord Poseidon, even if you are the main god, you cannot talk about my great lord!"

The Pandorans were still stunned, but Radamanthys stood up first and spoke.

It would be fine if he didn't hear it, but since he heard it, his loyalty would not allow anyone to talk about Hades behind his back!

"Radamanthys? Speaking of which, the three giants of your underworld are actually a tragedy!"


Poseidon's words made Radamanthys alsoStunned, full of doubts.

"In the mythological era, the first Pegasus Saint once injured Hades, and it was because of this that the man was called the 'Great Sinner of Heaven'! Since then, Hades has hidden his true body in the Pure Land of Bliss, not wanting his precious body to be hurt again! However, that was only on the surface. The inside story was that the Great Sinner of Pegasus had no martial ethics, and accidentally hit Hades's baby in a random punch, which made Hades too embarrassed to show up! Even during the Holy War, he would use the purest people in the human heart as his body! This is why, in the mythological era, Hades has never had any scandals! It's not that he doesn't want to, but he no longer has the conditions!"

"Nonsense, how could Lord Hades..."

"Then tell me, Radamanthys, why has Hades not had any offspring since the mythological era! Obviously, he has Persephone as his wife, But there is no child at all!"


"Let me tell you, it's because Hades is useless, you know? He took Persephone as his wife just to cover up his crime! And the reason why Demeter went crazy after knowing that her daughter, Persephone, was taken away by Hades was because she knew that Hades was no longer good, and marrying him was no different from being a widow. However, when Hades and Persephone got married, Zeus, the inhuman guy, did a good thing. He directly replaced Hades and completed the work of the bridegroom! Although you three giants of the underworld are the souls of the demon stars, in the mythological era, you were actually the demigod sons of Zeus. He was also in the wrong, so he sent you to the underworld to be judges, which was half-sold and half-given to Hades to make amends with you!"

When Poseidon said this, Pandora, Radamanthys and others were all shocked beyond words, and they didn't know what to say.

"Oh, right... These secrets of the mythological era are top secret, and humans cannot know them. You'd better not tell anyone! Once you leave this door, I won't admit it even if you tell me! Especially Hades, you must not let him know that you know these secrets. Anyway, I have no problem, but you, that may not be the case!"



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