Pandora and Radamanthys left Atlantis with a lot on their mind.

Although the negotiation with Poseidon was very successful, the two were not happy.

Radamanthys was fine. Although what Poseidon said shocked him, he still remembered his identity.

As one of the three giants of the underworld, the past didn't matter at all. He just had to help his Lord Hades win the holy war with the Sanctuary.

Pandora, on the other hand, was always uneasy.

She thought she was special, but now it seems that she is just a substitute...

In the Temple of Poseidon, Unity was uneasy.

Today, he seemed to have heard a lot of things he shouldn't have heard.

"Lord Poseidon, are all the secrets you said true?"

"What do you think, Unity? Three brothers of the same parents and species, one is the Sea King and the other is a wanderer. Is Hades the only one with good character?"

Poseidon smiled. Of course, what he said was actually 70% true and 30% false.

But which ones are true and which ones are false, Unity and Pandora can only figure it out by themselves. Anyway, Poseidon can't tell!

"There are people again... Unity, go and receive the guests! The Sanctuary can't sit still after noticing the visit of the underworld!"

Poseidon suddenly spoke, and Unity also suddenly realized.

After all, the arrival of Pandora and Radamanthys can be said to be blatant, and there is no intention to conceal it.

If even this cannot be discovered, it can only mean that the Sanctuary is hopeless.

And the contact between the Hades Army and the Sea Realm is naturally not good news for the Sanctuary.

Although the two sides have already made the Earth and Sea Oath, as long as the Sea Realm does not intervene actively and supports the Hades Army behind the scenes, it will not be considered a violation of the agreement.

Therefore, the Sanctuary naturally has to send someone to understand the situation, as a precaution.

Soon, Unity brought in the Sanctuary's messenger, Sagittarius Gold Saint - Sisyphus.

Sisyphus and El Cid (no good picture)

"Lord Poseidon, Sisyphus is here to pay a visit!"

"Is it because the messenger of Hades came to visit, and the old man Sage can't sit still?"

"No, the Pope has no doubt about Lord Poseidon's intention! It's just that now that the holy war is imminent, the Pope also hopes to avoid unnecessary twists and turns!"

Sisyphus hurriedly explained that although he was suspicious, he still had to speak more tactfully.

"Okay, Sisyphus, go tell that old man Sage that the Sea Realm will not cause trouble again. Now and in the future! Everyone is busy, so don't make trouble for yourself! You can rest assured about the Pluto Army. I will not help any party. This is what I, Poseidon, said. Do you understand?"


Sisyphus responded with a smile.

In his opinion, as long as the Sea Realm does not stab in the back, it will be fine.

Poseidon is willing to remain neutral, which is naturally the best situation.

"Oh, by the way, when you return to the Sanctuary, help me tell Pegasus to be careful in the holy war!"

"I know, I will definitely tell you!"

Sisyphus said that he had heard about the importance of Pegasus from Sage.

In the early years, Sage intended to let Sisyphus serve as the new Pope, but Sisyphus refused.

But even so, his position in the Sanctuary is higher than that of other gold saints.

If Psyche dies someday, Sisyphus will be the leader of the Saints, there is no doubt about that!

Unity on the side was speechless, but it made sense, after all, Pandora and Radamanthys, who had just left, learned the secret from Poseidon.

If they really met Pegasus, the bronze Saint of Pegasus, they might be killed by the Hades Saints.

At this moment, Unity even felt sorry for Pegasus, who was inexplicably hated by Poseidon...

A church in a town in Italy.

Pandora, who returned, also reported the results of the negotiation to Aaron and the Gemini Gods as soon as possible.

"Well done, Pandora. Without Poseidon's intervention, the Sanctuary is no match for us... Pandora, what are you looking at?"

Feeling Pandora's strange gaze, Aaron also looked at his lower body with some doubts, as if his clothes were not stained with anything inexplicable.

"No, no, I'm just thinking about the credibility of Poseidon! After all..."

"Pandora, if what you said is what Poseidon said in person, then there is no problem. Although that great god is wildHe is rude and irritable, but his credibility is definitely not a problem, you can rest assured about this! "

Hypnos on the side said that even if they were enemies, they had to admit that Poseidon was so upright.

Even if he did something bad, he would say it openly instead of playing tricks behind the scenes!

A great god must also have the reserve of a great god!

"If so, then we can save ourselves from this worry! "

Pandora said, but she was relieved in her heart.

Because she heard what Poseidon said, she couldn't help but look at Aaron's lower body.

I don't know if Aaron's body will be affected after the treasure of the real body is damaged and the soul is possessed.

However, if there is a problem with the real body, even if the holy war with the Sanctuary is won, Pandora's life will not be good.

As a girl, Pandora doesn't want to be single all her life. She still hopes to be favored by Hades.

However, fortunately, Pandora was given some divine power by Hades. Although she doesn't have much power, she can't be read by others.

Otherwise, knowing so many secrets, Pandora and Radamanthys will be liquidated.

At least, the two will definitely die in the holy war.

Even if the holy war is won, They will also be executed after the war!

Even the twin gods are reluctant to talk about Hades' scandal, let alone Pandora and Radamanthys!

It was Poseidon, who was also the main god, who told these secrets without taking it seriously. Even the original Poseidon would not do so.

After all, even if you are not afraid of Hades, there is no need to offend a main god!

If it is exposed, wouldn't it make yourself uncomfortable?

But Poseidon is not afraid, well, just for fun!

Before he crossed over, his life was quite aggrieved. After crossing over with great difficulty, how could he not show off!

At least, in the eyes of Poseidon at the moment, there are really very few gods he can't afford to offend!

"Oh, the Sanctuary sent someone over... That's Pegasus, so that's it, it was Poseidon's fault! He said he would not intervene in the holy war, but in fact he has made a lot of small moves! "

Suddenly, Aaron also spoke.

Having the power of Hades, he also became omniscient and omnipotent.

At this moment, in his perception, a group of Saints were rushing towards them.

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