Saint Seiya

Chapter 171: 169 - The Great Will Inherited by the Golden Dragon God Wu Laofeng

After Eden and the others stood up, they all touched their heads, followed by looking at themselves, and found that the five senses that had been cut off had recovered.

"What happened?"

"We do..."

It felt unreal as if it was a dream.

Eden saw Shun closed his eyes and smiled, then looked at Guangya again, and found that he was so tired that he could barely stand up. Cang Mo walked over and helped him up.

"Are you alright, Light Tooth?"


There was a lot of sweat on his face, and his physical strength was about to be exhausted.

"Sorry, we can't help at all"

"Don't worry, we can go to the next palace!"

In the face of Longfeng's apology, Guangya replied in a relaxed tone. You can't blame them for this, because the opponent is too strong.



"You have done a great job. In this battle of the Virgin Palace, what you have learned will definitely be meaningful in the future battles. For you, Guangya has fully burned a small universe beyond the "seventh sense" and gave it to me. one strike!"

As he touched the wound on his face, Shun's surprise was much stronger than his surprise.

"Yeah, it worked, Light Tooth!"

Cang Mo looked very happy.

"What an amazing guy!"

"Just a coincidence!"

Guangya is not humble, it is indeed just a "coincidence" as he said, after all, Shun is too merciful, and he does not feel proud at all.


Then he looked at them with serious eyes, and the six Guangya people also watched.

"Even though I admit you, and let you pass through this maiden palace. But there is still half way to go, if you waste your strength here, the result will be the same. As a warrior, no matter how many times you fall, you must stand up, No matter what difficulties you face, as long as you work together, you will be able to achieve it!”


Everyone answered in unison.

"Especially Soma and Eito, it's impossible for those of you who haven't awakened your 'seventh sense' to defeat the Golden Saint Seiya. At this time, if you don't give up, you can't lose your will to persevere to the end. If you don't have the courage, It's a small universe that can never be touched by the ultimate!"

As seniors, this is what Shun taught them.

Cang Mo and Rong Dou also nodded.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Shun, I have something to ask you!"

"Tell me!"

"Just now Eden was talking about an ultra-miniature universe that goes beyond the 'seventh sense'. What exactly is that?"

That was also mentioned by Andymio in Gemini Palace,

Moment paused, thinking that Zilong didn't tell him, and was a little surprised.


He answered briefly.


"Yes, it means 'end' in Greek, that is the power that created the universe. The key to awakening is to believe in one's companions, to care for each other, to support each other, and to improve each other's microcosm. When the hearts are all one" Ω' will awaken. However, the battle just now was not enough, your hearts are still not united!"


Although Guangya and Eden can cooperate, they are both good at one-on-one battles, and have nothing to do with "Ω".

"Never forget, this is also the only way to awaken, the power of infinite possibilities possessed by human beings!"

"Infinite Possibilities?"

It is also often heard from Yuxing.

"Don't worry, even if you can't wake up in the zodiac this time, you will wake up sooner or later, just like we did back then!"

Turning around, he turned his gaze to the distance.

"Same? Could it be Mr. Shun...!?"

"There is only one person in this world who can open the door of 'Ω' by his own power, and that is the Pope who is now in the sanctuary, leading the great existence of the Saint Seiya. We can only awaken with his guidance, and just now with the All you use in battle are scales of that power!"

"Scales? Such a powerful force is just scales?"

Rongdou couldn't believe it, that power would be so strong.

"Only one person can only go there, gather the power of everyone, the more the better, the power will continue to increase, this is "Ω", there is no limit - the ultimate small universe!"

"There is no limit!"

Guangya whispered alone.

"One day you will do it, time is running out now, hurry up and go to the next palace!"

"I know"

"Let me tell you first, the one who is waiting for you in front of you is also called the "legendary saint"!"


Shun's words made Longfeng's eyes widen.

"Then...could it be..."

"That's right, Longfeng. The golden saint guarding there is your father, the purple dragon of Libra!"

Looking at him, he replied with a smile.

"You mean... Longfeng's father?"

"Zilong's strength is comparable to mine, but the fighting type is different. If you are not careful, you will die. Longfeng, you may have received a lot of training from Zilong since you were young, but the battlefield is completely different. We are at your age. The standards of the small universes are similar, but after more than ten years, they have grown into completely different fields. The same is true of Zilong, it is not comparable to the youth!"

It's not an exaggeration. After seeing Shun's strength and then thinking of other people, the possibility is very high.

"That means it's very strong, right?"

"I am a different kind of power, you must be careful!"

Long Feng thought for a long time, then raised his head.

"Thank you, Mr. Shun. We won't forget your words, we'll go now, Libra!"

Instantly nodded.


Guangya and the others looked at each other, then ran forward and walked out of the Virgin Palace.

She just kept watching them go.


"Guangya and the others have received Shun's approval!"

"Shinto is too merciful, even though I told him that, I still can't make up my mind to fight them!"

In the Pope's Palace, although Saori was very happy, Yusei shrugged helplessly.

"Isn't that good?"

"He was just serious about his defense and greatly weakened his attack power, otherwise they would have fallen to the Virgin Palace long ago."

Yu Xing was too strict. The gold of this generation was too strong to be judged by common sense. Of course he understood this.

"Speaking of which, aren't you surprised? Guangya has even learned your trick!"

"This kid has finally made some progress. It took a lot of effort to nurture him since he was a child, and it's too late to do it now!"

I had taught him how to use that trick before, even though he never succeeded once.

"You just praise it frankly, Yusei!"

"What an annoying kid"

Even so, Yusei showed a very happy expression.

"But you still try to nurture him, don't you?"

"If you want me to praise him, I will wait until I can come here. There is still a long way ahead, and it is not clear whether the next palace can break through. If Zilong is an opponent, he will not be as kind as Shun!"

He is famous for his strictness, but he is not too naive.

"However, when facing the Golden Saint Seiya as an opponent, the Light Fangs almost got into a hard fight, and facing those three people, isn't it too harsh for them?"

Saori's concerns were unfounded.

"No, it has to be tempered now, just like a few of them, they also became legendary saints after undergoing countless trainings. They have grown up with time, and now they have a power that is very close to God, No, as long as it's not the words of the Lord God, no matter who can win, they are Saint Seiyas who have grown up to that level!" Yusei looked very proud when he said these words.


At this moment, a young man wearing a golden holy garment is standing at the door of Libra Palace, with long black and green hair, that is Zilong.

His appearance is more mature and taller than when he was a boy, he is more than 1.8 meters tall, and his body is much stronger than at that time. Inheriting his late teacher Tong Hu's Libra Golden Clothes to become the Golden Saint of the New Era, this is also what Yusei expects.

After merging with the power of the universe, the holy garment that obtained the attribute power naturally changed its shape. It's just that this holy garment has already evolved into a new holy garment, which is completely easy for his small universe at this time.

Yes, as long as you have seen the original, you will know. This is exactly the same as what he wore in the later period, and it looks more beautiful than before. On the right shoulder is the shield of the Libra weapon, and the same is true on the left hand, just like the dragon shield of the past. There are two three-section sticks behind his back, a nunchaku weapon behind his hands, a crutch weapon behind his knees, and a green gem in the center of his chest.

The hood is also different from the past, not covering everything, like the hood of the Dragon constellation. The back of the cloak was blown straight by the wind, and he kept watching the situation below.

On the way to the seventh house, Guangya and others have been running on the stairs, and the six of them are running towards the Libra Palace.

(7th house, Libra house... Dad is there. Although I have heard Dad say that he has the qualifications of Libra Gold Saint Seiya)

Although he thought so, he had never once seen Zilong wearing a golden holy robe.

"Longfeng, are you thinking of your father?"


Suddenly Cang Mo interrupted his thinking, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"I'm a little concerned"

He turned his head and forced a smile.

"There's nothing you can do, and it's no wonder you're surprised when you hear it all of a sudden!"

Seeing his expression, Guangya told him in a soothing tone.

When they were about to reach the seventh house, everyone was shocked. Although they hadn't seen anyone yet, they had already felt something.

It's like the water of a waterfall falling from the top of the Milky Way.

"What a gentle and peaceful little universe"

"Like Longfeng, but much bigger"

Yuna and Guangya couldn't help but be surprised, thinking that this is Zilong's small universe.

Long Feng ran up quickly at this time, because he felt it.

(This little universe... absolutely can't be wrong, it's Dad!)

The other five followed and ran to the door of the seventh palace, looking at Zilong standing there in front.


The father and son hadn't seen each other for a few months. The last time Longfeng returned to the Wulao Peak, Zilong had something to do.

"Is that Long Feng's father?"

Only to see Zilong's eyes staring at them all the time, the cloak whistled by the wind, Zilong did not answer Longfeng. "The Saint Seiya of the Draco constellation in the past—Purple Dragon!"

"Besides, is that holy robe a new-born holy robe?"

For him, of course.

"After Virgo, another legendary Saint Seiya!"

Before the battle, Eden was already feeling very difficult.

"It can be understood that he has guided Longfeng's cultivation since he was a child. Although he is as calm as Qinglong, he feels the incomparably powerful and profound microcosm in the depths of his body!"

Yuna, who just judged objectively, thinks that Zilong is really a very remarkable character.

"Young saints, welcome here."

Then Zilong spoke up.

"I am the golden saint in charge of 'balance' and 'harmony', the purple dragon of Libra!"

"Dad, are you really the golden saint of Libra?"

He looked at his father with a little nervousness.

"Longfeng, I feel that the powerful small universe you played in the previous battles, I just haven't seen it for a while. It seems that you have grown a lot."

Long Feng was overjoyed and burst into tears. The praise from Zilong was what he had always expected.

"It's all thanks to Dad."

"However, still immature, the potential microcosm you have is more than that. Not only you, but everyone else!"

Looking at the person below, his eyes fell on Guangya and Eden.

"Are you two Lightfang of Pegasus and Eden of Orion? I have known about you a long time ago."


"I see, if it's the former Golden Saint Seiya, I probably wouldn't be able to compete with you guys."

That refers to the previous generation, the predecessors of the past.

And Zilong has already seen how high the small universe they have.

"Sure enough, are we going to fight Daddy too?"

It seemed that Long Feng was a little unwilling.

"Come with me, young saints!"

After Zilong turned around, ignoring his son's mood, he walked towards the palace.

"Let's go!"

The six people strolled in. The guardian of the Libra Palace has been here for more than two hundred years. When they entered the 12th Palace in the past, there was no Libra Golden Saint in this palace. Peak before the waterfall.

After reaching the center of the palace, Zilong stopped, turned around, and looked at Guangya and the others behind.

"As you all know, I used to be a bronze saint of the Dragon constellation. Later, in the battle with Hades, the king of the underworld, my teacher of great grace also passed away. In order to inherit this holy garment that he left behind, The Pope gave me the qualification of a Libra Saint. Therefore, after the battle with Mars, I also officially became a Gold Saint, and I will protect the Libra Palace that my teacher once guarded!"

It is not uncommon for a disciple to replace his teacher. In fact, the noble ghost is also his master.


Long Feng shouted.

Zilong opened his hands and looked at them with a serious expression, showing a very fighting spirit.

"Then let's attack. Young saints! Let me take a good look at your strength and intentions!"

Guangya and a few people have already made up their minds, and the small universe of the whole body is burning. Three of them, Guangya, Eden and Yuna, these three awakened "seventh sense" people have also exploded their powerful small universe.

It has consumed a lot in the Virgin Palace, and now it has recovered a little, but the power of people is generated by the will, and the current small universe has not weakened as much as before.

This is proof that there has been growth.

"That's it, let me see it, the new generation of Saint Seiya!"

"let's go"

Five people jumped up and punched.

"Then I won't show mercy!"

He raised his right hand, and suddenly a ball of water spread out around his body and surrounded him, like a defensive wall.

"——The Mirror Stops the Water"

The five people's punches hit the water wall, completely unable to move. The defense formed by the ultra-high-speed flow of water in the ball is simply an iron wall.

All five were shocked.

"You can't touch me like this!"


After shaking the five people away and falling to the ground, Zilong glanced at Longfeng, who was standing completely beside him.

Guangya and a few people stood up slowly after they fell to the ground. The move just sent them flying, and they were basically uninjured.

"What? This incomparable little universe!?"

"Obviously he didn't move a single step"

"You can't even touch it!"

"This power is similar to Mr. Shun's!"

"Is this also..."

All five of them understood that it was possible for the legendary Saint Seiya.

"Yes, this is the 'Scale of Omega', and all of us, known as the legendary Saint Seiya, possess this power!"

Zilong closed his eyes to answer them.

"There are several golden saints with such power in this zodiac!"

Just fighting against these people was almost defeated.

(Can we really win?)

Rongdou became cowardly in an instant, knowing that he couldn't.

"Just like us in the past, you have hidden power far beyond the golden saints. That is the power of a new generation that can open up the future. The saints must grow into the 'heart of the leaves'."

"Let Ye Zhixin?"

Guangya didn't understand what that meant.

"This is what my teacher... that is what the previous generation of Libra Saints said. Let the tree of the heart of the leaf, before the new buds sprout, all the old buds fall, that's the heart. Guard Athena and the saints on the ground. , must become stronger with the times, just as I surpassed the teacher, you must surpass me in the future. And your disciples or children must also become stronger, and then they will become stronger with the flow of the times One day there will be people who will awaken the ultimate microcosm. For this, no matter how much sacrifice we make, we must not be afraid, just like the tree in the heart of leaves, in order to cultivate new shoots, old shoots fall!"

The so-called "letting the heart of the leaves" is just this.

Long Feng saw that this powerful and manly man in front of him was his father, and felt very proud. After listening to his words, he admired him even more.



The other five listened carefully and were also very moved. This inheritance is indeed admirable.

"Humans are very weak creatures, but sometimes people's actions are above the will of God. Because of Athena, the saints were born. Fighting for peace on earth is because the hearts of human beings are full of light. Become the power that illuminates everything. In the final analysis, everything is within its scope, it has been possessed since the birth of human beings, and the ultimate beyond the ultimate——『Ω』”

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