Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 379: Chu Yuanxi began to perform (part 2)

   I only heard Dobby say: "Mr. Chu, your valuation has seen the storm rise, isn't it too unfriendly?"

Chu Yuanxi spread his hands: "Well, after all, a subsidiary that is a free recruit is valued at 150 million. How do you think the parent company multiplies by 10? 1.5 billion is a lot, but my bet terms are If the ratio goes, it should be considered sincere, right?"

   "Can't you count it like that?" Du Cang couldn't help but vomit, "I have been investing for five or six years, and I have never used a subsidiary as an anchor."

"Alas, the Artifact Company is only a demonstration of the power of Pakistani entertainment, and it is only a side view. Everyone, you need a process of cognitive upgrading. Everyone has heard the story of blind people touching the elephant. You can't always observe Pakistani entertainment one-sidedly. A company, such failure to understand the company’s potential will only cause anxiety for you."

   Yuan Mu felt restless and couldn't help but vomit: "What potential is it? You just talk about it."

"Oh, through constant exploration, the company's business model can now be summarized as the creation of a'traffic pool' model. With the blessing of the traffic pool for quality content above any level, business interests will increase significantly." Chu Yuanxi looked calmly Zhu Yuan said, "You have also seen the data after the launch of Animal Company. When we talked about this project in February, did you think of this data?"

   "Did you think of it yourself?" Yuan Mu said rather weakly. At the beginning, Chu Yuanxi's words were still in my ears, saying that the total number of registered registrations is 3 million, and the DAU is expected to reach 500,000, and she said that you are a bullshit!

   However, this data is obviously underestimated now, because the game has more than 1.1 million accounts registered on the first day of server launch, and the DAU on the second day has exceeded 700,000 instead of "hopefully" reaching 500,000. And this DAU is seeing millions, because the retention rate is also good, which is terrifying.

   The only thing that is relatively poor is the recharge. The total recharge on the first day is only 3 million. This number is really too small and not worthy of 700,000 DAU. Change to a game with a normal income, 700,000 DAU on the first day, or a fan-oriented game, and at least tens of millions of dollars in the first day of recharge.

   Even so, after Yuan Jing got this data, he checked it for a long time before passing it to Yuan Mu. Then Yuan Mu's glasses broke.

   At this time, she recalled that it seemed that Chu Yuanxi said that you can watch this game as a DAU game, not an income-based game. In short, Chu Yuanxi put the bull that he had blown back on the circle again.

I saw that Chu Yuanxi looked at Yuan Mu with a mentally retarded look, and then ignored her vomiting, and then said: "Our company operates a traffic pool based on fan strategy. In this way, there are many directions for business. No. Any product that can meet the fans' vision in a certain aspect can be amplified by the effect of the traffic pool.

   In other words, the company’s fan base is a large collection, and there are many ‘true subsets’ in this collection. They are not related to each other, but because they are in my traffic pool, they can be opened up in many ways, so that traffic can flow from the true subset A to the true subset B, or vice versa. In this way, originally only applicable to products of true subset A, fans in true subset B can also be obtained, and even other true subsets. This is called amplification.

   So what I can tell you is that our company’s business model is an industrial upgrade of the traditional fan economy. What is the traditional fan economy? For example, the women’s group, there are many idols in the women’s group, and each idol has a group of fans, but these true subsets are more likely to be in a hostile state, instead of generating an intersection, want to push a product to all fans true subsets , The most common method is to let idols PK, this method is not ideal.

   And the solution I found is to make these proper subsets synergize, not PK. To give a specific example, why does this game of Animal Company have unexpected data? Because, for example, by using Zhou Minxi’s endorsement to make Zhou Minxi’s character in the comics, this game has been promoted from the basic plate of "Animal Company" comics with 1 million fans to the entire Pakistani entertainment fan base. The channel through which fan groups flow.

The total number of fans in our company is very large. There are more than tens of millions of people touched, and there are seven or eight million active. If the animal company mobile game is only promoted in comic fans, then the forecast made in February will become 'Goal', instead of crossing over easily like now. "

   "How about the income level of this game?" Lei Siyun asked.

"Income? Take the model to calculate it. It's about 30 million monthly turnover. It should be stable at this level for a long time. Considering that the company does not have to pay channel fees except for the Apple Store, this profit is still alive. "

   This is more than just "getting alive"! An Qi whispered an assist at this time: "It is almost equivalent to the profit of 70 million products on the market each month."

   The small meeting room fell into a brief silence following An Qi's words.

   Eight of the nine people were uncomfortable just now. This is inevitable, especially today Chu Yuanxi’s zhuangbility is full of firepower, the board of directors is not available, the valuation is soaring, and he secretly carried out a project financing.

   But now they finally know where Chu Yuanxi is confident ~ ~ Wanshui of course is not bad for a pure game company, but there is nothing particularly worthy of boasting. But for Pakistani Entertainment, Chu Yuanxi turned her face and said that Laozi was not financing anymore.

With a turnover of 30 million, you must know that although Pakistani Entertainment has moved its registration place from Horgos, Chu Yuanxi’s sloppy head but Xue Ming began to apply for the qualifications of high-tech enterprises after the Spring Festival. There are exemptions, and the value-added tax in the game industry is only 6%.

   Artifact Company obviously does not need to inject capital in a short time, which means that the cash flow of Temoba Entertainment is very, very healthy. In other words, Chu Yuanxi is in an extremely active position.

   Let a waver like Chu Yuanxi stand in a passive position and he can wave flowers, let alone now?

The only one who doesn’t feel this is Li Jingfei. His heart is still on the snow project, and he casually asked: “Then why are you still financing? I think we can get out of it. You can just hit the market this month. Up."

   Yuan Jing's nose is almost crooked, and he asks if you, Li Jingfei, do not succeed or fail. He didn't know what others thought, anyway, he had seriously discussed the necessity of financing with Chu Yuanxi.

   "The listing must have 200 natural person shareholders and strategic investors." Chu Yuanxi laughed loudly, "Drinking water and thinking about the source, everyone has helped me. Without your help, the company cannot grow to where it is now.

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