Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 379: Chu Yuanxi began to perform (part 1)

"Then I would never agree." Chu Yuanxi showed her hypocritical smile brighter, "Are you going to ask for three seats? This way of gaining control of the company by playing with the company law must be discarded. There are a hundred harms but no benefits, what do you think?"

   The "three seats" allusion is about a well-known company losing control of the company because the founder does not understand the law. In order to get investment, he easily promised investors three board seats, which made the board completely out of control. At the time of his signing, no one in the entire creation team, which was very strange, understood the company law and understood the severity of this condition.

   When the other party exercised the rights of directors to vote against it, the group of talents suddenly realized that the board of directors voted on the one-person-one-vote system, not Nima based on the proportion of shares, but based on the proportion of shares by the shareholders meeting.

   However, there is also a legal requirement to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. It is not that the chairman wants to open it, otherwise the board of directors will have no meaning. As a result, this thriving company actually failed because of this lame reason when the founder was torn with investors, and finally became synonymous with cups and was recorded in the history of corporate development in the celestial dynasty.

   Du Cang helplessly spread his hands: "But this can easily become your own words, which is not conducive to protecting the interests of investors."

   "Du Sang, you have to be careful about it. This is called democratic centralism. The reason why the heavenly dynasty is able to concentrate on major things is because of this good system. What do you think?"

   Du Cang lost his voice for a while. Seeing that his face was not good, Cynthia hurriedly finished the game: "Oh, it's boring to be entangled. The A-round entrepreneurial stage is just a word."

   Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi did not intend to retreat, but instead made a palm-down gesture toward Cynthia, saying, "That's not what I meant, Sister Cynthia. I mean, the **** decides the head."

He stood up and walked in front of Du Cang and said, "Me, Chu Yuanxi, the boss of Pakistani Entertainment, first consider the interests of the entire company, not the interests of investors. This is my underlying logic. You must fully express it to you, and I hope that you will not be misinterpreted.

   I know that many entrepreneurs will make irrational promises to investors for various reasons when financing, or even make unprincipled concessions. However, this kind of compromise needs to be considered comprehensively. If it is beneficial to the company as a whole, then it can be discussed, but if it has a negative effect on the company's overall development, it may lead to various black swan incidents, and I must avoid it.

As Du Cang Sangsu said, not promising that investors will get seats on the board of directors cannot effectively protect the interests of investors. However, I give such a promise that cannot guarantee the interests of the company, unless I have already begun to calculate how to exclude it from the board of directors when I give it to you. You make you seem to be empowered, but it's actually useless.

  Excuse me, do you need a clean company that can grow quickly? Or do we need a board seat that won't produce any real use just to consume my energy and force me? Could it be that you have seen a lot of this kind of thing, so you regard it as a gray rhino and don't consider it? "

"Mr. Chu, you are beggar our neighbors for our investors. You are such a talented person, there is no need to be so wary, right? We can't play with you." Lei Siyun sat behind and laughed openly. Irony, but he is wise not to pick faults in corporate governance, such as the number of natural person shareholders is too small. After all, this is only the A round, there is no reason to die like a card.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said, "It is precisely because I treat you all as friends that I speak thoroughly, otherwise I should set up a lot of traps to satisfy your demands and actually take you away. Although you think I am my first entrepreneurial venture In fact, I am familiar with this mode of thinking."

   "Okay, don't be zhuangbility anymore." Li Jingfei covered his face, "Hey, I heard that you have recently completed what other financing?"

   "Ah? How did you know?" Chu Yuanxi was quite surprised, and other investors were also surprised, staring at him in a daze.

   "Ah? I heard what Cao Shan said." Li Jingfei showed a lewd smile, and Chu Yuan Xixin said when you secretly added Cao Shan's WeChat? And have you seen her look when she lifted her hair? Her big face plate matches your baldness!

However, Chu Yuanxi originally wanted to announce this: "Introducing a new situation, Shenqi has completed a project financing with a valuation of 150 million yuan and a financing of 30 million yuan, which will be used to build the flagship store. Pakistani Entertainment will take a share in the financial post. 47.6%, there is no performance requirement, but there are incentives, but it is for Cao Shan, the CEO of the artifact company. It will reach an annual net profit of 35 million within three years and give her 20% incentives. Her current options are 3.97%."

   This agreement was signed on Sunday. I just signed it. The money hasn't arrived yet. I'm going through legal procedures. Cao Shan was happy when she heard that Chu Yuanxi had helped her find so much money, and asked Chu Yuanxi: "Aren't you afraid of me laundering the money?"

   Chu Yuanxi's answer was: "Then I will bring down your steel plant. Do you think I am Santa Claus?"

   Cao Shan now really believes that Chu Yuanxi has this ability if she is deliberately planning revenge...

   Li Jingfei didn’t know so I carefully tasted the product and said: "Is the valuation underestimated?"

   "This is just a small matter, you don't need to pay attention to such details." Chu Yuanxi sat back in his seat, "Do you have any questions?"

   "Yes, how much do you value yourself?" Li Jingfei scratched his head, then looked around. He thought he was the only one who didn't know the valuation of Pakistani Entertainment. As a result, it seemed that everyone didn't know? Huh?

   "I'm sorry to tell you the company's valuation target until this point. I personally think that the company's valuation should be 1.5 billion."

  Chu Yuanxi finally said this number very hard. He has worked hard for half a year to make this target number seem reasonable, and now he feels that he has achieved it.

   Yuan Jing was fully prepared for this, so he didn't say anything today. An Qi was actually prepared for it, especially after seeing the data handed over by tcg, but no one else saw it. Several people wanted to talk at the same time, and gave each other a bit of humility, and another member of the Magic Capital Syndicate spoke.

  His name is Dobby. Working in the companies of Magic City and Pengcheng, it seems that if you don't take an English name, you will look very different, and the good name is international. But Chu Yuanxi is also quite fascinated. This person doesn't look like Putin the Great. Why is he called Dobby?

   But Dobby understood Chu Yuanxi as soon as he spoke, his voice was very sharp!

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