Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 381: 1 dumb puzzle to resolve disputes

Seeing that Dobby still wants to talk, Chu Yuanxi stretched out her arm and swiped: "Listen to me, buddy, if I want to empty the company, it's easy. I can separate the game project into another company, which is a related company. Then pass Authorize to deliver profits to it, and charge a turnover of about 8%. This is fully in line with the current situation and rules of the game industry, right? Angel has opened a game company, you can ask him. Therefore, you want to use financial supervision to prevent It is impossible for me to hollow out the company."

An Qi was stuffed with shit, because 8% of the IP authorization share is normal, and even this ratio is already very high, with a low 5%. But that is an ordinary way of operation. It needs to be divided by channels, and some even have to be agents. Chu Yuanxi's official uniform gameplay makes flowing water equal to gross profit. He doesn't pay the channel share at all, and he doesn't need to hand over the agency rights. If he goes at 8%, it would be unreasonable.

The problem is that Chu Yuanxi has said that I want to hollow out the company and I want to transfer profits. That day, there is no such thing as Liang!

An Qixin said, am I having no temper? "Chu Yuanxi, do you know that Zuckerberg met Sequoia's investors in his pajamas, and wrote on his pajamas the ten reasons why Sequoia should not invest in Facebook?"

"Oh, Sean Parker is a person I admire very much. He won Zuckerberg a condition that the startups of that era had never mentioned before, so that Zuckerberg has always been the actual controller of Facebook. Without him If that’s the case, Facebook is already Yahoo’s."

This is another potential exchange of information, in the old Chinese saying, it's called "puzzling puzzles." Chu Yuanxi knew what An Qi meant by this. Because Zuckerberg humiliated Sequoia, when he was facing the scene later, Sequoia slammed the price to death, so that Facebook had a big blood when buying p, 19 billion US dollars. This is An Qi reminding him not to play too high, because Dobby may feel offended.

However, Chu Yuanxi's answer is to reiterate his position: company control and barrier-free development are the most important, and I don't think about other things at all.

Zuckerberg was encouraged by Sean Parker to insult Sequoia's investors, which made the acquisition of P very painful and unforgettable. However, he must first succeed and become the boss of the social network before he can enjoy the pain, otherwise he will have to bear the unforgettable pain.

This dumb mystery is not difficult to understand. Except for An Qi, all those present are veterans in the investment circle. So far, there is no doubt. If there is, you can only keep it in your heart.

At this point, all the communication on the main terms was over, and Chu Yuanxi got everything he wanted, of course, he had to pay what he could give. The remaining time is nothing more than the specific details of the terms, whether it is 133% or 135%, the maximum number of options or employee shares that the employee stock ownership platform can issue at a time.

The environment for entrepreneurship and investment changes every year, and there are often genius-like clauses to make up for unreasonable places or loopholes in the past industry rules. So even if you are an investment veteran, you have to talk carefully every time, but these are all details.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was quite envious of the entrepreneurial environment before the rise of the mobile Internet. How simple were the investors at that time? I don’t know how to use terms to protect my own interests. Especially many coal bosses, coal prices were still very expensive at that time, and coal bosses were still very rich, and only had money. It is a pity that these are all legends of the rivers and lakes, and Chu Yuan was born too late to experience it.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi introduced the gold master fathers to the main creative team of Baren Entertainment, as long as they arrived late, and let them communicate freely, and he himself closed the door with An Qi to talk about the fruit research and development team. To undertake matters.

The outsourcing game developed by Fruit has just been completed recently, and the delivery has been completed. The IP used is quite good, but I don’t know if it can be launched. If you get the version number, you can make a profit.

In fact, the most recent format is to make money as long as you can go online, but the threshold for going online is not known how much higher than in the past. The quality of this product developed by Guoguo is quite good. Unfortunately, the money earned has nothing to do with

An Qi was very embarrassed when it came to this, she only caught up with the late episode when she got up early. The problem is that this IP is quite high-quality, and it sells well on the entire network. It is adapted into a comic and hangs in the top ten on the Penguin animation all the year round. It can basically reach the top three when it is updated. It is a pure combat story structure with rich maps and monsters , Equipment and NPC characters are most suitable for changing into a brainless mobile game.

If the fruit network does not pay for such a good IP, why should the fruit be distributed? This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi was very irritated when talking about the transfer of benefits when he talked about the IP authorization fee.

Now that the copyright owner of the IP is in hand, how can it be possible that there is only one transfer? Liec, mg, and running water cannot be divided into one, and mg has to be calculated annually. In the current state of the fruit distribution, unless they can raise funds, they will not dare to take the money. If the product is finished and no money is made, the company will have to go bankrupt.

However, 2018 is called a winter of capital. Regardless of An Qi being a member of the Magic Capital Syndicate, he is not responsible for paying the money. He is just a role similar to a white glove. It is not easy to finance Fruit Network.

Sitting in the tea room, An Qi sighed a lot. In fact, he only felt that there was no problem with Pakistani Entertainment's financing, and even if Chu Yuanxi valued himself higher, he felt it was no big deal. If you look at Pakistani Entertainment from the perspective of a game company, it's not too cool.

What the game company hopes most is to have a large number of active users at, so that it is convenient to cut leeks and make money. But game users are also the users with the lowest loyalty. To play your home’s game today, and tomorrow to play another home’s game, few game companies can "master" a large number of users, and all those who can master users are super-large companies.

This is why so many game companies are keen to buy IP. Purchasing the IP of comics, movies and TV shows, on the one hand, is the content and user loyalty generated by the content, and more importantly, the user traffic brought by the purchase of IP. This is also the reason why so many IPs are shouted to the sky.

However, the current state of Pakistani Entertainment is that there is no shortage of users. For games like TCG, gameplay, quality, kernel, etc., An Qi, as an insider, feels that he has no idea at a glance. It is more difficult to make money than to reach the sky. Entertainment can get 700,000 DAU casually, just like magic.

He now has a strong impulse to embrace Chu Yuanxi's big thick legs, and hurriedly go to re-drums and open another game company instead of the nominal president and CEO of Fruit Network. In fact, the shares are quite small.

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