Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 382: The troubled times are ready to establish a project

What he wants is the kind of game company he owns wholly-owned, and then make a domestic cheating mobile game, which kills users to recharge and cut leeks. There is no need to buy any ips. He only needs to have strategic cooperation with Pakistani father. In this way, as long as it is not foundry, even if it is twenty-eight, he can make a profit!

However, this idea was immediately annihilated, because he had been paying attention to Pakistani entertainment, so he understood Chu Yuanxi's protection of fans. Chu Yuanxi treats fans as fathers, not only does not sell advertisements, but also suppresses live broadcast rewards. Can he cheat father to cut leeks? nonexistent!

In fact, in February and March, when Pakistani Entertainment first showed its promise, he thought about buying some high-quality advertisements for Chu Yuanxi didn't sell advertisements, didn't he even sell face? It's a pity that at that time, Fruit Network didn't have any products worth buying advertising. It was in the window period. Later, when I wanted to buy it, I found it was not easy to buy. The result was that he knew that Chu Yuanxi owed him a great favor, but he couldn’t honor it.

Chu Yuanxi was here to talk about things. Unexpectedly, An Qi didn't say anything with a tangled expression on her face, asking her heart to say what this was for? Want to confess to me? "Eh, are you embarrassed to speak because of the shares? According to the rules of the road, you helped Pakistani people raise money. Pakistani Entertainment should give you some shares, just 10,000 shares."

The Ba’s shares are now 150 shares, and 10,000 shares are 1.5 million, but for a big man like An Qi, it is only a meaning, as a reward for helping. An Qi smiled suddenly, saying that Chu Yuanxi was quite on the road, but unfortunately she still didn't understand my heart! What I want is to honor favors and cut your leeks. How can a mere 1.5 million be sent?

But this matter can be discussed later.

An Qi sorted out her emotions and said, "Okay, then I will laugh at it. Let me talk about the R&D team. I have already sent you the salary form."

This salary schedule gave Chu Yuanxi a headache, why? Because it is so high! So far, only Xue Ming and his ai siege lion team in Pakistani entertainment are generally paid more than 35. Like the tcg team, they are basically at a level above 5.

But the group of programmers in the fruit research and development is awesome, the least is 30, and there are more than 40 or even 50. You must know that Xue Ming's nominal salary is only 50. As a result, this is a team with 0 people, and the monthly expenditure is going against the rhythm of the sky.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything to An Qi before. If you accept it or not, you can discuss it. Otherwise, Chu Yuanxi just wants to shout that the landlord's house has no more food.

However, you get what you pay for. The Guoguo team and the Ba people have been working under the same roof for a long time. Their code has been checked by Chu Yuanxi, and it is common to chat with them more than once. The level is indeed higher than that of Pengfei Technology. Some, this is something that can be felt from several sides.

Now all the plans are going smoothly, so the project must be set up in troubled times. What kind of team should this baby bump be produced? This is what Chu Yuanxi must consider.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yuanxi patted the table and said, "Well, let me first draw up a form of personnel I hope to receive. You can talk to people who are not on the list, and I will talk to people on the list, how? ?"

"That is to say, the people you want to receive, you still have conditions to discuss, and you have negotiated to stay, right? What are you going to talk to them?" An Qi nodded.

"Talk about salary." Chu Yuanxi said, making a list on the spot.

An Qi took it over and frowned at the time, because there was no actual project manager on the list, the back-end lead Cheng Chen Ran's name.

"Chen Ran is an ss-rated big cow by our company. Are you sure you don't want to stay?" An Qi was surprised, "How difficult is it to find a back-end big cow these years? If you don't keep me, I can bring me back to the magic city. Go. I wanted to bring Jiang Bo back to the magic capital."

"Yes, Jiang Bo, leave it to me." Chu Yuanxi nodded very easily.

He is not at ease with the original team of tcg, but he is even more worried with the original team developed by Fruit. After all, those people are not knowledgeable, and Chu Yuanxi is not a programmer. In case there is a backdoor in the code, let alone reselling equipment and gift packages, even a private server can't stand it! After all, Pakistani Entertainment is not a big player like Victory. It's okay to let them make products, but it's ridiculous to ask them to grab private servers.

The shady in game companies is both dark and deep. Because of the nature of this industry, you can share difficulties when you fail to do it. Once it is done, it will be a massive cash flow. No one can hold it under this level of temptation. Especially when a group of technical people face a boss who doesn't understand the technology, there is not too much work to play.

In particular, the fruit research and development itself is a team, with common attributes and common language between each other. If Chu Yuanxi can't eat together, so it can only be a combination of two teams, Yang Jiangang must be the master Planning, and Zhao Jie must be the main backend.

Besides, Chen Ranla's awesome work style cannot exist in itself, at least not in Pakistani entertainment. When he first looked at the code, his theory of not prioritizing planning as the back-end is really killing Chu Yuan Xilei. Once the troubled times are completed in the future, they must be handed over to the partner for transplantation, or even overseas transplantation. Use a framework that can be applied everywhere, not a back-end priority.

Chu Yuanxi decided to talk one by one, anyway there were more than a dozen people in total. He first found Jiang Bo. Jiang Bo obviously knew what to talk about. He nodded when he came in, and then asked, "May I stay?"

Chu Yuanxi was quite surprised, because Jiang Bo's wife worked in the capital, he thought Jiang Bo would go to the capital, but he was quite willing to stay in the capital when he heard this.

"Ah, what do you think of our company?"

This question made the pure otaku stunned for a moment: "Very good."

Chu Yuanxi decided to change the questioning and directly said about the benefits: "About the transfer of some members of your team to Pakistani Entertainment, it is for me to establish a new game, a mobile game in troubled times. ."

Seeing Jiang Bo nodded, he went on to say: "If you stay, you will still be the front-end main program in the new project, but I need to communicate with you about the salary."

"Huh?" Jiang Bo was stunned again, "Didn't it mean that the company has money and doesn't need to cut salary?"

Chu Yuanxi just wanted to cover his face, what kind of gossip was flying in the company? "It's not a salary cut, it's okay to maintain the original salary, but"

"No 13 salary?" Jiang Bo said with a suddenly realized expression, "I understand I understand that this year is an economic winter, many companies are laying off employees, and some game companies in Magic City have been raising technology for five or six years. The art has been cut."

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