Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 388: Your music circle is so deep

Chu Yuanxi's suggestion seems to have opened up An Qi's second line of Ren and Du, allowing him to find a new way to get rich-Laozi helps the author in a copyright lawsuit! I don't believe that the contract that the author signed with the small website is flawless!

Chu Yuanxi is not optimistic about this, because An Qi can't be the first person to discover this business opportunity, and of course it won't be the last, so it depends on how he tossed.

He printed the agreement, and when he found Uncle Sheng, he was watching the Penguin video. Chu Yuanxi stretched her neck and saw that it turned out to be the second season of "Tomorrow's Son". After another look, there were three students on stage, huh? The students on the show are familiar, "Who is this in the middle?"

"Tailor Li." Uncle Sheng didn't lift his head, and said, "You don't even recognize Tailor Li. Have you done "Sorrow for Li Ren" for nothing?"

"Oh, why do you like Tailor Lee? I remember you looked down on him?"

"Who is looking at him? I am crazy! I am looking at Zen Master Xiaoyue." Uncle Sheng paused, and a simple face appeared on the screen. He looked like he was in his early thirties. . "This is a famous person in our folk music circle."

As a result, Uncle Sheng clicked to continue. Soon, the famous Zen Master Xiaoyue in the folk song circle on the screen finished singing, waiting for comments. Brother Chun said a few words casually, and then a beautiful man said: "I think this is music from 20 years ago."

"Hey fucking, isn't this who, Huahua?" Chu Yuanxi said that the sentence was severe enough, and Uncle Sheng immediately slapped the iPad on the table: "Fuck! What qualifications does Hua Wuyu have to be Xiaoyue? The teacher of the Zen Master, this is absolutely jealous!"

"People's "Happy Boys" champion, who has been to the Spring Festival Gala, is this qualification enough?" Chu Yuanxi directly struck her heart. It doesn't count after the tie, pick up the iPad and put it back. On the screen, Huahua immediately followed and stabbed again: "A thing with no technical content."

"What else are you looking at?" Uncle Sheng was unhappy, "Happy Boy Champion, that's really a couple with Brother Chun. He knows the skill of a fart and dares to slander our folk songs."

Chu Yuanxi smiled, "Look at Tailor Li."

According to Chu Yuanxi's thoughts, Tailor Li must pass the test easily, right? His fame this year is not so big. Not only did he have a screen-sweeping work such as "Sorrow for Li Ren", he also came out with a song "Tears of the Generals" which is also quite popular. This is not over yet, it will be again in May. I sang "Speak the Truth" with a pure beautiful woman, and it became a hit again.

When "Speaking Real" was released, although it didn't dominate the charts like "Liren Sorrow", it has a long stamina, especially after several grassroots singing on the vibrato, it raised several waves of peaks. Therefore, there are three hot songs in half a year. No matter how they are cut out, they will definitely be regarded as a god-level performance this year. On the other hand, what about Brother Chun and Huahua sitting on the seat of the "Star Push Officer"?

However, Chu Yuanxi obviously underestimated the depth of this bowl of water on the rivers and lakes. First, Wu Qingfeng failed. Tailor Li felt that he had failed with such a big name, and felt very aggrieved. He decided to struggle again. Open your mouth and call "rapper" as "popper", making the rappers sitting in the audience roar.

Before he could finish his embarrassment, Huahua gave him a test: "You are playing D right now? Don't play 4536251, can you change the style? I only want you to play a harmony, level 6."

Hearing what Huahua said, Uncle Sheng slowly put down the phone and watched the show intently. Chu Yuanxi suddenly became very serious watching him and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know what 4536251 is?" Uncle Sheng clicked a pause and asked himself: "A kind of chord. Almost all the music of Wang Xueqian is 4,536251."

Chu Yuanxi was even more confused: "What does it matter?"

"Tailor Li hasn't cut the King of Geng's songs much before. And he—" Uncle Sheng raised his chin and lit the flowers on the screen, "He and King Geng are good friends."

"Fuck, the water in your music circle is muddy?" Chu Yuanxi clicked to continue.

Tailor Li finally showed his defeat in the show. He buckled a string first, and then looked at Huahua pitifully, just like the face of a pupil being called to answer a question by the teacher when he was distracted-I hope the teacher will make the question clear. Let him know what he is asking.

And Huahua drooped her eyelids, without even looking at him

Tailor Lee had to say awkwardly: "Is it the kind of chord conversion?"

Huahua kept the posture without raising her head, embarrassed him.

He had to wave his hands and said, "I really don't know about this..."

Just listen to what Huahua talks about: "As a creator, knowledge of music theory is very important. Otherwise, you don’t know what you are writing. This is terrible, because it is too impetuous. Then you will mark yourself as original. People, you will affect the audience."

Brother Chun made up the knife heartily: "In fact, my biggest question is how he wrote his song."

"Fuck this group of double-standard dogs, I can't stand it if I hate Tailor Li so much!" Uncle Sheng pushed the iPad, "These people obviously look down on our grassroots singers, why don't you say Xue Mouqian like that?"

Chu Yuanxi still didn't get to the point: "What does this have to do with King Geng? Doesn't that mean that Tailor Li doesn't understand music theory and can only play melody? The criticism is right."

"Yeah! Xue Mouqian is the same as Tailor Li. Almost all songs are 4,536,251. What does it mean? It means that Ya also doesn't understand music theory. They are all melody of essential oils, which is the same as Tailor Lee who can play 4,536,251 This villain has never seen him say Xue Moqian, but when Xue Moqian was on the show, he couldn't find any adjustments and he helped to cover up, shamelessly!"

"You are wrong to blame others." Chu Yuanxi finally understood why Uncle Sheng was excited. "Calm down. It is said that Xue Mouqian's songs are made by others or bought. Neither do I Knowing the truth and falsehood, how can someone who never compose music understands music theory anyway?"

He pulled a bench and sat opposite Uncle Sheng and said, "Uncle, tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Uncle Sheng looked at Chu Yuanxi quite solemnly, and quickly put away his mobile phone and IPAD, only to hear Chu Yuanxi say: "About the cost of creation of "Out of the Mountain".

"Xia Mi?" Uncle Sheng was taken aback, and Yang Yuanmei came over: "It means that Chu Yuanxi is going to give you money."

"What's your beauty when I give money to Uncle Sheng?"

"Heaven, earth, I can have a good meal again." Yang Yuanmei licked her face and asked, "Should I just say, after the financing is completed, Chu Yuanxi expects to be a little more generous than before. How much did you give to Uncle Sheng? "

"Isn't this negotiable?" Chu Yuanxi turned to look at Uncle Sheng: "Show you a document. If you think there is a problem with the terms, talk about it. If you think there is no problem, you can discuss the number. Regarding the copyright of "Uncle Sheng" questionable."

After saying that he offered an agreement, Uncle Sheng opened it and it was a very simple copyright statement.

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