Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 389: It's not easy for big companies


1. Party B is the main creator of the script "Out of the Mountains".

2. Party B is an employee of Party A, and the creation of the script of "A Troubled World" is the work content officially released by Party A to Party B, which conforms to the provisions of the work contract.

3. Party A is the applicant and claimant of the copyright of the script "A World in Trouble".

With regard to the copyright of the script "A Mountain in the Wind", both parties declare that Party B is willing to transfer all rights and legal obligations related to the script "A Mountain in the Wind" to Party A, and Party A will pay Party B a lump-sum payment of ________ yuan as the transfer make up.

The two parties agreed that the total length of the script should not be less than 300 episodes, and the compensation will be paid immediately when the script ends.

Above is Party A and Party B and contact information, and below is the place to sign and seal.

"Why do you have to pay me for this?" Uncle Sheng was puzzled: "How much is it?"

"It's okay if you don't give you money." Chu Yuanxi glared at Yang Yuanmei who was about to speak, "but the law is not clear, do you understand?"

"Then why didn't you talk about it before?"

"Because before, you weren't a rich man with a net worth of 67.5 million." Chu Yuanxi smiled dryly and said to her heart that this was a mistake of mine. I just remembered it recently, but will I tell you?

"Okay, then I will keep it, but you fill in the number."

"Then I fill in one yuan, do you sign it?"

Uncle Sheng said loudly, "I signed, I'm already close to 70 million worth of money, and still care about this little money?"

Chu Yuanxi wrote a "1" and went up, then observed Uncle Sheng's expression and found that Uncle Sheng was very calm, but Yang Yuanmei gritted her teeth and had to smile awkwardly and added 1 million. "One yuan, usually only when the actual controller is transferred to the company, don't think about it."

Uncle Sheng's generous result statement signed the name: "How do you remember this coming out?"

"Hey, hasn't Microsoft been forced to come here recently? I don't know why their noses are so good, just our small broken company, the financing has not been completed, they caught it."

"Oh, I said why the company recently requested that Excel be uninstalled and replaced with WPS? It's been a long time for this reason?"

"WPS is not that Jinshan Dad let it be used for free? It's not that easy to use, but it's still alive." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but vomit: "Why don't you say Jinshan doesn't produce a replacement for Microsoft Office?"

A company like Microsoft has an incredibly sensitive sense of smell. If a company is small and has no future, it won’t even care about you, but if you get a little better, it will inevitably come to the door. Money makes no difference. But there is no way, who told you to type...

Only at this time, domestic IT companies will think of supporting domestic production, and they want to cheer up Jinshan and other dad-level companies, hoping that they will soon develop products that can replace Office.

"Fuck, Microsoft's protection fee is paid? How much is it?"

"Don't ask, it's easy to be sad after hearing it, and it can make your worth drop..." Chu Yuanxi patted Uncle Sheng on the shoulder and prepared to leave. Uncle Sheng quickly relieved him: "Hey, isn't it just that? Anyway, I have to hand it in sooner or later."

"A sum? There are still more places to pay for the protection fee." Chu Yuanxi sighed, "It's not easy for a big company to do it, especially after the announcement is issued. Look at it."

This announcement was stabbed out on the night of the 10th, and it caused an uproar in the venture capital media.

Some people say that the valuation is low, because the TCG mobile game "Animal Company" can make 100 million yuan a year. The valuation of 1.5 billion yuan is super cheap. This year, the A shares plummeted, and the overall valuation center Move down and replace it with a good year of 1.5 billion.

However, this rational voice was quickly submerged in the surging river. With the voices of several so-called entrepreneurial godfathers, the pace of the matter quickly moved to a weird angle. Many people are speculating on which listed company will eventually take over. One of the media immediately followed up and wrote an explosive article-"Baren Entertainment is a knife, a sharp knife for cutting leeks."

You must know that this is the first round of external financing of Pakistani Entertainment. Although the amount is large, it can be regarded as an early stage, and early projects are rarely eaten by investors. The industrial chain in the capital market is also one link after another. There is also a division of labor among investors. Some people eat fish heads, and after eating fish heads, they will be handed over to the middle section of the second wave of people to eat fish. Generally listed companies are responsible for eating fish tails. Stimulate the stock price because of mergers and acquisitions, and give the chicken feathers to the leeks.

At present, few people regard it as a game company, because in the field of self-media, Pakistani Entertainment has been famous for a long time. Even though a certain account alone can’t be compared to the big head, the whole If the matrix is ​​all set up, it is exactly the scale of the first-line head.

For example, Lengtu, the first-ranked WeChat official account in the grassroots media, is invincible, and the number of fans is close to Xinhua News Agency, but Weibo has only 300,000 fans, which is equivalent to nothing compared to WeChat. Zhanhao, ranked second, is also very powerful, but Weibo only has 3 million followers. Their Douyin is basically in a deserted state.

There are also a lot of grassroots super-larges on Weibo, but their WeChat is not good, so in general, Pakistani entertainment can already call itself a first-line, but Chu Yuanxi does not like such zhuangbility, and never claims to be a first-line. But this inherent impression has long been remembered by those who are interested.

The question is, why is it worth 1.5 billion for a short video on Douyin? Hilarious? How much is it worth afraid of a cobbler?

So soon a large number of self-media outlets made their own voices as if they were inspired, saying everything. The voices were so noisy that Chu Yuanxi didn't know if anyone was behind them.

At this time, the atmosphere in Ma Lu's studio was extremely solemn, and even his left eye, which had always been lonely high, felt depressed. In fact, he doesn't want to come recently, because the momentum of this studio is obviously wrong. In other words, the limelight above the entire Douyin is a bit wrong, and the most obvious feeling is that the divine music worthy of his choreography is rapidly decreasing.

It's more obvious in Malu Studio. What everyone can feel is: As long as you don't buy DOU+, there will be no traffic. If you do this, what are you doing with content? This phenomenon makes the left eye extremely embarrassed, because he is responsible for the content, but the hard-worked content does not have any advantage over the content of others in the cottage, so don't do it!

However, not everyone is restricted, which is surprising. There are still some inexplicable videos that will be spread, and the spread is so wide that no one understands the rules. Of course, if there is good music, it can be spread, especially the music that has added the original copyright library of Douyin. It's a pity that good music is what everyone wants to pursue. All Douyin UGCs are eagerly looking for, but very few people have this ability. If you are allowed to shout Mai, the left eye will be a fight. What a pity...

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