Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 392: Chu Yuanxi's entanglement

Chu Yuanxi didn't know until Friday that a term called "virtual net assets" was invented in the capital market because of Pakistani Entertainment's financing. Xin said that he didn't know which financial genius had such a sharp vision that brought the entire industry to Go to the ditch.

He had never calculated it like that before, not that he didn't want to do it, but he didn't dare to do it!

Knowing that Chu Yuanxi's style and strong aura when he was financing, he had already come up with this algorithm whenever there was a little reasonableness. If this algorithm is established, that’s great. Chu Yuanxi doesn’t need to make such a high performance promise as a bet. Nima’s 100% equity premium rate investment is still an early project, and you can’t find it under the lantern. Ah, it's like betting against me? You are sober and sober first-

The problem is that this algorithm is simply against the sky! Although Chu Yuanxi has a big tone, she must not allow herself to fool investors in an irresponsible manner. After all, entrepreneurs and investors are not hostile, and entrepreneurs are obliged to be responsible for investors' investments.

The so-called virtual net assets are simply nonsense, because this so-called virtual net assets may be emptied anytime and anywhere. Not to mention that Pakistani Entertainment does not have an APP, and users are on other people's platforms. What if they have an APP? Isn't the content of the jokes awesome? It's not even a word of effort. Can this kind of thing count as an asset?

However, he was too embarrassed to say anything if others had to do this. Anyway, this demon wind didn't blow up by himself. Love whoever you want. Anyway, the old man got the money.

The money had arrived in the account according to the agreement, and it arrived very happily, and then Chu Yuanxi's phone call was overwhelmed by bank managers like gods from all walks of life. Especially the Ping An Bank next to it has formed a manager coalition to attack the gates of Pakistani entertainment. The money must be kept in Ping An’s account anyway. The female manager who led the team said, otherwise the younger sister will die to you President Chu. Take a look! Anyway, if you don’t save to me, I will be killed by the company...

This kind of impact in reality is still terrifying, and Chu Yuanxi was really persuaded, and she had to follow her kindness after receiving some preferential terms.

Fortunately, it happened so late that Chu Yuanxi watched the football for two days with peace of mind. The World Cup has come to the last minute. France strongly eliminated Belgium, while Croatia went all the way and killed San Miao. The final will be Performed on Sunday.

But as soon as the money arrived, it meant that there was no excuse for being lazy. Chu Yuanxi had already recruited Cao Shan in advance. In fact, she should have come a long time ago, and she should have come when Shenhao's money arrived, but a few things came together, so it was delayed until today.

As a result, Cao Shan hadn't come yet, Chu Yuanxi suddenly saw an article that moved the world, and the central banker personally wrote the article-"Fiscal Policy Under Current Situation Has Great Potential"!

This article is actually Yang Ma talking to the Ministry of Finance? Chu Yuanxi immediately opened her eyes and read carefully, because this represented a very strong meaning. After more than two months of implementing the new asset management regulations, Yang's mother couldn't stand it anymore!

There is one meaning between the lines in this article-the big central bank here implements the new asset management regulations and various efforts to reduce leverage, desperately preventing all parties from spending money, have caused the economic winter (only money shortage in previous years), you The Ministry of Finance has come out to engage in iron cock! What about your proactive fiscal policy? The whole society is waiting for you to fill in the funding gap. Have you taken a break?

This is so interesting, the Ministry of Finance must look dumbfounded. Without the Ministry of Finance, even Chu Yuanxi remembers that the tune set by the two sessions at the beginning of the year was to achieve fiscal balance as much as possible this year and reduce the deficit. That’s why the National Development and Reform Commission stopped the iron roosters in many cities. Kind of voice?

How about the implementation of the Ministry of Finance's implementation at the beginning of the year? Anyway, the first half of the year was indeed balanced, with a deficit of only 28.9 billion, which is not worth mentioning relative to the scale of the Chinese economy.

There must be a good show this time! But Chu Yuanxi suddenly became very entangled. It seemed that financing was too early...

We must know that the economic environment under the two states of economic cold winter and fiscal release is very different. Consider the four trillion waters in 2008, and all industries are silted up with money. Banks are actually under lending pressure. Too much loan can't get out, can't meet the target? Under this circumstance, the financing conditions are definitely not what they are now! what--

However, the investors even entered the money obediently, and it was only a week away. Now they can't destroy the contract if they want to break the contract. This is cheating, is this?

That is to say, Chu Yuanxi has a firm mind, or that he has known that there are many landmines on the road to entrepreneurship, and various natural and man-made disasters emerge in an endless stream. The original world has already practiced the skills of cheating and being cheated, so he can still remain calm now.

At this time, Cao Shan finally arrived late, and sat in the tea room to meet Chu Yuanxi.

When Cao Shan was seated, Chu Yuanxi made a cup of tea: "The money is already in the company's account, and the 30 million that belongs to Shenqi Company can call you at any time, but I don't agree with your M&A plan."

Cao Shanwan didn't expect Chu Yuanxi's veto to be so direct, and her hand holding the teacup suddenly trembled: "Why? If we have money, we will miss the opportunity to buy!"

"From the perspective of capital use, this is true. However, mergers and acquisitions can only boost the positive effect in the short-term, and may not be effective in the long-term. On the contrary, it may be a drag."

"Cut, you are short-sighted." Cao Shan brushed her face with her hair: "Now our products can only be sold in stores and online ~ It is called O2O, but it can't be an agent. Businessmen and distributors, do you understand? In other words, let’s be insulated from channels. Do you think it’s right for a clothing company to insulated from channels? Not intuitively?”

The cause of this dispute was that Cao Shan had a new plan for the use of funds because of the sudden capital injection, merging some other normal brands, and then laying channels according to the gameplay of normal clothing companies, thus perfecting the other leg of the artifact company.

What does the current artifact company say? It's too divine, it's not like a clothing company at all, and more than one person has said this to her.

In the past, it was because there was no money, and one penny was split and used as two cents to spend. Now that I have money, why not do it?

However, Chu Yuanxi put down the tea cup: "Distributors and agents can’t do it because they can’t do DIY, right? But there are pros and cons if you don’t use channels. You can’t just look at the disadvantages and it’s not conducive to expanding channels. How much accounts are needed for the channel, how much inventory turnover is generated, and even multiple turnovers.

You definitely don't have the right to speak when you shop the channel, right? There is no way to pay in advance, you can only supply it first. The cost is overwhelming, but it can't be done by 30 million. You can't get it back once you spread the stall. "

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