Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 394: The entanglement in troubled times (Part 1)

TCG opened its service on the 13th, and it has been a whole week, and we can see more important data-weekly retention rate.

In the afternoon, the weekly retention and first-week recharge data came out, and the weekly retention rate reached 47%. This is a very popular data, and the three-day retention of many S-level products is like this.

The recharge in the first week is also in line with expectations. The Arpu value is not high but the recharge rate is high. It is more like a DAU-type game rather than an income type. The monthly flow is calculated more carefully. As long as the server is not fried, it can reach Android 30 million apples in the first month. The level of 10 million.

The most important thing is DAU. After a week, it does not drop but rises, because Pakistani users continue to import, and these users share on their social chain. This kind of sharing is far more effective than advertising for special games like tcg, because obviously this kind of game that needs to understand the new rules of the ship is more suitable for friends to play.

The method of stimulating sharing in this game is extremely simple and rude. It adopts a similar form to reward diamonds after recruiting new players. New players will continue to reward diamonds after recharging, which is very earthy, but very effective. This can be said to be the cancer mode of the celestial game world, but it is easy to use. It doesn't matter if my players are dicks, as long as they know the local players...

Therefore, TCG only needs to do the maintenance work and the development of the new version, and there will be no big baskets. Chu Yuanxi was able to concentrate all his energy on the establishment of the "Troubled Times" project.

Then it was Yang Jiangang's turn to struggle with Xue Ming.

Chu Yuanxi's requirements for this project are very simple. The basic feature is that it is different from all games on the market. The difference is first in AI, and second in the new ship design at the game level.

On the AI ​​side, Xue Ming had a case in the early days, and he only needs to "realize" the algorithms and matrices accumulated in the past few months.

Of course, this has to match the overall logic of the game, such as whether the player is playing a comic protagonist or a chaotic character, what is the main purpose of the plot, what is the map logic, fighting rules, etc. These are the things that need to be set when opening a project.

This meeting runs from morning to afternoon, and the main contradiction is centered on the dual-track system of world tasks and the player's own tasks.

In particular, Chu Yuanxi put forward a tricky request, requiring players to play random characters. Comic characters are all cards, and they are divided into plot and non-story cards. Having a plot card can trigger related plots.

This is not over yet, because it is a random player, he also requires players to do DIY in human settings. Not only must they choose their own good and evil, preferences, etc. when building a number, but also be affected by the choice of plot during the game. Develop towards justice or evil. In other words, the plot cannot be finished with a script, players can only watch or skip, but there must be interaction for players to choose.

This caused Yang Jiangang to have countless questions, and started a 360-degree onlooker of Xue Ming with several new tricks.

This game is essentially an over-picture game. At first, what Chu Yuanxi wanted to do was to equip the player with a portable artificial intelligence plot task plan, train the AI ​​through deep learning, and generate a map that matches the player’s personality. , Game rules and the main storyline of the player’s personal plot and supporting tasks. Each time a task node is reached, a plot is generated and a corresponding task is compiled, but the specific reward is only linked to the node, so that the game resources obtained by the player will not be There are changes and injustices in the plot.

In theory, this function must be completed, because the plot is prepared by the copywriting plan based on the game mechanism and the comic plot, and the task is also filled out by the system plan. As long as the configuration rules are determined, the AI ​​will definitely be capable after training. Big Penguin's AI can even write press releases, isn't it much harder than this?

But later Xue Ming put forward higher requirements for himself, because this scheme can only make players feel fresh when playing. Everyone plays a different plot, which is conducive to player interaction and vomiting, which increases the communication index, but it does not Will not make the whole world live. Because the main storyline should be what or what, there will be no changes due to the influence of the player, the player is equivalent to experiencing a period of war life in the context of the late Southern and Northern Dynasties.

But this is inconsistent with the theme of the game. The theme of the game is that the player will calm down this troubled world through his own efforts, which is close to the purpose of the manga protagonist. It is impossible for such a character to have no influence on the world plot. The protagonist of the player and the protagonist of the comics will each put down a troubled world? Or contemporary? This is a sick sentence! It is impossible to have no impact at all, there is, and it must have a great impact.

Xue Ming’s challenge is here. Players’ personal missions must be fed back into the main line of world missions to change the main plot.

That is to say, the main storyline must have the ability to temporarily rewrite, it cannot be described by a fixed script, and the front and back ends cannot be recorded and displayed with traditional game story logic.

This request put Jiang Bo and Zhao Jielei together because they had never done such a function.

And Yang Jiangang is already messed up in the wind, and his heart said that we will just create an income-based game to harvest the player's wallet. Is it so complicated? How to change the main plot? Can AI work? Does this mean to kill Uncle Sheng in seconds?

The problem is that it’s useless after a few seconds. Listening to Chu Yuanxi’s request, the player has someone to set up, what kind of plot will be affected by the set, and there are choices in the plot, which in turn affects the set.

The cards are also divided into story cards and non-story After the player obtains the story card, the corresponding story can be triggered. How to trigger it? When is it triggered? What happens in the plot when the player’s good and evil conflict with the good and evil of the character itself? How can characters from different camps enter the player lineup successfully?

But not letting in is definitely not enough. Card games can't always say that players can't collect a certain character's card, right? Wouldn't it be useless to open the box and draw the card? Moreover, the good and evil of the player in the game can be changed, and you can change your camp through continuous choice, thinking about it is big!

After the game planner met an unreliable boss, the job was simply not done by humans! Yang Jiangang thought for a while, and found that the plan could only be stared under this mechanism. Everything must be handed over to the AI, which is very justice!

This set of requirements is simply against the sky, because the role corresponding to the story card must have a big part in the main story of the comic, even if you don’t consider the camp contradiction of the card collection, it is equivalent to let AI write a story based on Crossed, can this work?

And the content of this is very confrontational. Players have a standpoint, good and evil, and so are the characters in the plot. Depending on the camp, they may have very different plots.

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