Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 476: War of words

The 476th chapter tongue war

Just as Li Xiao was about to speak, Takeda Nobuto interjected to Takeda Shinren, saying: "Since Goro has the support of his family's vassals, he will ascend to the throne as the next generation of my Takeda family's governor. armor."

Takeda Nobunori's expression changed when he said this.

Nobuyuki Takeda on the side hesitated to speak, and finally let out a long groan.

"Shinren, what are you waiting for, don't you still make a decision?" Takeda Nobunori felt that he had everything in his hands. His important ministers Li Xiao, Takasaka Masanobu, Baba Nobubu, Sanada Masanoyuki did not say anything, he could finally take the Takeda family Incorporated into the trajectory of their expectations.

Takeda Shinren's lips closed.

"Hold on."

Li Xiao finally spoke.

Nobuya Takeda, Nobuhiro Takeda, Nobuya Baba, Masayuki Sanada, and others are all Yisong.

Takeda Shinren looked at Li Xiao, and said, "Li Danma..."

"Does Li Danma Shou have any objections?"

Nobuura Takeda interrupted Takeda Nobuyasu's words and looked up and down at Li Xiao aggressively.

Li Xiao turned his eyes to see that Takeda Nobuto's hand seemed to be pressing on the hilt of the knife intentionally or unintentionally, and the whole person seemed to squat up and draw the knife to face each other.

"Are you going to defy the unanimous decision of your family?"

Obviously, Li Xiao was just ordinary words, as if he had stepped on this man’s tiger tail, making Takeda Nobuto, an old tiger, with his whole hair standing upright, as if he would dare to offend his majesty. The man was torn in front of him.

Li Xiao glanced at Takeda Shintora, his tone was calm, and he said neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes, I do not agree with His Highness Nishina's inheritance of the family superintendent."

"Bastard," Hearing Li Xiao dared to offend him, Takeda Nobuto stood up, fingered Li Xiao, and shouted: "Li Xiao, what are you, but a foreign minister, how can you intervene and ask my clan superintendent? One thing."

Li Xiao put his hands on his chest and smiled slightly. Before he could speak, the horse farm letter room had already spoken: "Zuo Jingdian, Li Dan Ma Shou is not an outsider, his aunt is married to the princess Ju, let alone. He is the elder of his own family, and a minister entrusted by the master of the museum. He is powerful enough..."

"Enough," Nobuto Takeda interrupted Baba Nobuya, saying, "No matter what the elder of the family is, the succession of the family's superintendent will of course be decided by the clan's discussion. People who have nothing to do with the Kai Gen clan have no right to participate."

Takeda Nobuto's words excluded the three major officials of the Takeda clan, Li Xiao, Takasaka Masanobu, and Sanada Masao from the qualifications for discussion.

The Racecourse Letter Room still barely reached the side.

In the past few years, the Takeda family has attacked Ueno, Suruga, Shinano, Toe, and merged with the rich and powerful families, nationals, and retainers. It was not forty years ago that the team composed of the local samurai group of Kai, Takeda Nobuto. When he said it, it was tantamount to offending half of the retainers present.

But the problem is that Nobuto Takeda was in Kai, eradicating the powerful people of the country and trying to concentrate power in the hands of the Takeda clan. The result was too hasty and offended a large number of Takeda locals, so he was banished. Therefore, in the eyes of the Kai nationals, Nobuto Takeda. The reputation is worse.

For a while, the sentiment among the retainers was surging, and many people looked at Takeda Nobuto's eyes with disgust.

Even Nobuhiro Takeda and Nobuya Takeda shook their heads. Nobuya Takeda is indeed old and faint. Apart from his stubborn temper, he is no longer as decisive as when he took charge of the Takeda family.

But it was taken by Nobuto Takeda, with his strong style of the year and his status as the former head of the family, so everyone was daring not to speak up.

Nobuto Takeda thought he suppressed the opinions of the people, so he moved out of the shogunate mountain, saying: "The Gongfangdian has also supported my decision and granted the guardianship of Shinano to Goro Nishina. Now if anyone opposes it, it is Ignore the opinions of the shogunate. Do you dare to disagree?"

The fame of the shogunate really suppressed many people present, and the discussion in the inner and outer halls stopped.

"Could it be that the Kofangjeon appoints His Highness Nishina as Mino and Owari's guardian, so that my family can acquire Mino and Owari Niguo?"

This cold test word came out, making Takeda Shingo's eyebrows upside down, and he shouted: "Who is presumptuous and where is it? Saying such a rebellious remark."

I saw a person suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Zuo Jingdian, I said it underneath."

Nobuto Takeda turned his head and looked around, and saw that this person's seat was sitting behind Li Xiao, who was obviously the retainer of his old family.

"Bastard, who are you? Your family's head dare not say, such a rebellious remark, you dare to say, come on, samurai in front of the temple, take this person for me!"

Takeda Nobuto pointed his hand at him, and then pushed the sliding door. Several Takeda family samurai came from the veranda, standing behind Takeda Nobutora with their long swords in their hands.

However, the retainer under Li Xiao's command snorted coldly. When he was about to pull out the sheath from his waist, he was stopped by Li Xiao's hand.

"Tajima Shou-sama."

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said to him: "Since Zuo Jingdian directly asked your name, why don't you tell him?"

Hearing what Li Xiaozhi said, the retainer immediately understood, and said: "Zokyoden, next is the horse farm Masabo who asked for Oda Nobunaga on Kawakami Mountain. Do you have any advice?"

"Horse Farm Changfang!"

Nobuto Takeda's momentum receded slightly, and when he looked at the sword held on his waist, it was the famous sword Zuowen Zongsan he had held back then.

He gave this knife to his son-in-law Imagawa Yoshimoto, and after hearing that Imagawa Yoshimoto died in Stabbing Sayama, the knife came to Nobunaga.

After Nobunaga's death, Li Xiao felt that the sword had been worn by its owner through the ages, and the end was ominous, so he didn't take the sword as his own.

However, as a samurai, Masabo Baba didn't have so much scruples. He wore the sword on his waist every day to show his great glory as a samurai.

And Li Xiao's intention to let Machangbo to report his identity is also very obvious. Even the elusive Nobunaga who exiled Ashikaga Yoshiaki died in his hands.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is so famous that he is not as good as toilet paper.

Seeing this knife, Takeda Shintora came to his mind either because of the past, or was deterred by the threat of Masao Baba's killing Nobunaga, and he remained silent at the moment.

And Shinren Takeda looked at Takeda Shintora, and the samurai behind him, and shouted: "Get out of here, you Tsuchiya Sohachiro, no one can enter the hall without my order."

The head of the samurai territory Yasohachiro uttered a loud voice, and then led the samurai to exit as many times as possible, closing the sliding paper door again.

At this moment, I was shocked by Takeda Shintora. At this time, Li Xiaolang declared: "Everyone, Li Xiao is not from the Kaigen family, but the old man of Mengzhi, the master of the museum will not give up, and will be included in the next as a samurai. After more than ten years For his hard work, Fang has become the elder of his own family."

"It can be said that there are no two lords, and there is no Li Xiao today. As a samurai, you should know grace and be loyal to the lord with your life. After the war, the lord of the museum was taken by the adversary, and he was seriously injured and dying. At this time, entrust His Royal Highness King Wu to the next."

"Although Li Xiao is not talented, he also understands the reason why a scholar should die for a confidant. Since the lord has entrusted one another with an orphan, he can only repay him with death. His Royal Highness Wu is here today, and Li Xiao has made it clear that he will only serve His Royal Highness Wu. For my Takeda Patriarch!"

Li Xiaozhi's words made him nodded in the hall, not to mention whether they support Nishina Shengxin or Wuwangmaru, but as a samurai, loyalty to the master's house is the righteousness to be kept.

Therefore, what Li Xiao did is absolutely reasonable, and it is worthy of Takeda Katsuyori to entrust his only son.

At this time, Renke Shengxin spoke, and he said: "Tajima Shou-sama has no ambition to seize the Wuwang Maru's house governor in Xia. I said that after ten years, the position of the house governor will be returned to Wu Wang Maru. Xia will never go against it. This promise."

Li Xiao looked at PeopleSoft and said: "His Royal Highness, Although you and I have no close friendship, you are a man of loyalty and virtue, and he is known to you."

Li Xiao's words made the audience think he was going to defend Wuwang Maru, and instead attacked Renke Shengxin's retainers, puzzled.

However, some retainers believed that Li Xiao was pleased on both sides.

Immediately, Li Xiao changed the subject and said: "The inheritance of the Wu family is passed down from father to son, but not brothers. Don't you hear about the Song Taizu and Song Taizong brothers?"

Song Taizu and Song Taizong are Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyi brothers.

After the candlelight and axe shadow, Zhao Kuangyin died bizarrely. Later, Zhao Kuangyi used the original Golden Chamber Alliance to replace Zhao Kuangyin's son as the emperor.

After Zhao Kuangyi ascended the throne, his nephew, Zhao Kuangyin's sons Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Defang, were forced to kill one after another, and then Zhao Tingmei, the younger brother of his possible ascendant, was killed.

After eradicating these people, Zhao Kuangyi passed the throne to his son.

Li Xiao's words awakened all those present and those who understood this story.

Li Xiao added: "As the saying goes, brothers are inferior to father and son, and brothers are inferior to father. It's not that I don't believe in His Highness Nishina, but I just don't believe in this selfish desire, as well as the world's people. The inheritance of the Wu family will never be violated, otherwise it will be a matter of the Song Dynasty. , Will repeat itself in this home."

"As for the suggestion that Wuwangwan was too young to be political, the owner of this museum mentioned in his last life that he asked Master Chaoyue to take up the role of Wuwangwan. See you afterwards. There are assistants of wise ministers inside, and other vassals outside. Together, we can regroup within a few to be the best in the world!"

When Li Xiao said this, PeopleSoft Shengxin was speechless for a while, and finally nodded and said nothing more.

Just as the situation in the hall was gradually turning around for Li Xiao, at this time, someone said, "Li Dan Ma Shou, I just heard you say that only the head of the family is the head of the family, that is, if the head of the family is not the head of the family, you will If you want to betray the Takeda family, can you not stand on your own?"

Hearing this, Li Xiao's heart shuddered slightly, his heart said that this person's words were so vicious, turning his head to see, the person who said the words was actually Nobuyama Xieshan.

Li Xiao snorted coldly and said: "Xueshan Xuanfan, you need to be cautious when you speak. How can you slander me, Li Xiao, at will."

Anatoyama Shin-kun sneered and said: "It's not slander. When Nagasaka Mitsuo was determined to rebel, Li Danmashou was instructed by your own hand. Associated with today's affairs, there is no room for suspicion."

Listening to the story of Nobuyama Takeda's death, Li Xiao narrowed his eyes, revealing a sorrowful look, and said in his heart: It can be said that there is nothing wrong with sin, this Nobuyama is going to burn the fire on himself.


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