Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 477: Power minister

Chapter 477 Power Minister

Xin-kun Anshan kept looking at Li Xiao, but he didn't want to be as tough on the surface.

Right now, he was compelled to confront Li Xiao. At the time of the battle in Nagashino, he faced the counterattack of the main force of the Oda Army Shibata Katsuya. As a retainer of the Takeda family, he led a thousand people. Two hundred troops, fleeing on the battlefield.

Because of his self-defeating without a fight, it directly led to a gap in the Takeda Army Central Corps front, which was taken by the Oda family, and led to Keshi Anaka, Masaji Tsuchiya, Nobuzuna Sanada, Masahiro Sanada, one of the four ministers. One Takeda army generals such as Masaoto Naito died in battle.

However, Nobuyuki Anyama also had his own plan. On the same day, Naga Shino battled with his family and he would lose in the battle.

After the strength of the Takeda clan was greatly damaged, he would only appease him and not hold him accountable.

But in the end, Takeda Army, with the help of Li Xiaozhi, won the victory in Nagao, and instead beheaded Nobunaga.

Anayama Nobuyuki didn't know well this time, but fortunately Takeda Katsuyori died soon, otherwise he would be severely punished locally.

At the moment, the Takeda family is dealing with the replacement of the Patriarch and cannot hold him accountable. However, if the Patriarch is established, such as Li Xiao, Baba Nobubu, Masanobu Takasaka, Masanobu Sanada, and other real-power generals, he will definitely be held accountable for his escape.

Especially the Baba Nobubo and Takasaka Masanobu, both of them want to kill Nobu-kun Anyama and then hurry up.

This time, Masanobu Takasaka was ordered by Takeda Nobuhiro and Takeda Nobuhiro. Even Uesugi Kenshin ignored Uesugi. He made the largest mobilization from Kaizu Castle and led the 10,000 North Shinano forces into Kaii. He was preparing to suppress all parties who were ready to move. Power.

After hearing that Masanobu Takasaka's army had entered Kai, Nobun-kun Anyama became even more anxious. In the face of such strength, the strength of the forces in the Anayama clan was simply unbearable.

Therefore, Shin-kun Anyama has spent the past month in fear and anxiety. At this time, Nobuyoshi Takeda and others came to win the Anayama clan, saying that as long as Nobuh Ayama supports Nishina Shengxin’s ascendance, the Anayama clan’s cooperation will be exempted. The charge of war.

Seeing that Li Xiao wanted to bring the situation back, Xinjun Anshan was heartbroken. Knowing that he was not Li Xiaobiancai's opponent, he decided to attack Li Xiao directly and let him burn himself.

"Nagasaka Mitsuken, this rebellious minister is trying to overthrow my Takeda family, so he deliberately slandered Li Danma Shou. Isn't it possible that Xuanfan Ansaka can't even see it? It's Xuanfan Ansaka instead. Chang Xiaohe led his army to retreat without authorization, and now he still has the right to slander Li Danma Shou!"

The letter room of the racecourse is full of eyes and ears, and he is angry at the mountain Xinjun, and at the same time relieves Li Xiao.

Xinjun Anshan hummed, and said, "Who knows this? Li Danma holds a heavy soldier in his hand, and his collar is more than six hundred thousand shi. He can be described as a prince along the way. This heart is unpredictable, and he is afraid of self-reliance. Chang Xiao During the battle, the right-wing legion and the central legion were fighting hard, and what was Li Tauma guarding when he suffered heavy casualties? A small Maruyama fought with Sakuma Nobumori for a long time, but he did not commit himself, his standing main force. "

"Holding an elite army but lingering in the fight, this is the greatest rebellion of self-respect and preservation of strength. In this case, I must be held accountable for Xinjun Anshan, first take Li Xiao!"

Xinjun Anshan pointed his finger at Li Xiao, acting as if he was dealing with his family impartially, but at this moment he beat Li Xiao a rake.

Seeing the righteous and stern words of Nobun-kun Anyama, behind Li Xiao, Ben Duo Zhengxin suddenly stood up and shouted: "Asshole, Nobuh-san, you attacked Bajianshan with three times the force, but the Tokugawa family's original duo. This time I killed a piece of armor, and now I still have the face to ridicule my lord, the battle of Nagashino, as everyone knows, my Hida Yuezhong Legion has contained more than twice the strength of the Oda Army with 8,000 people. You don’t know this. ?"

Li Xiao also said: "Nobuyuki Anyama, I didn't want to be held accountable at this moment. Right now you are looking for your own death. Everyone, Nobuyuki Anastyama's performance in the long battle is obvious to all. It is really thrown into me to escape. The face of the Samurai of the Takeda family is like that of Nobu-kun Anayama who will not kill, and where are the adults such as Naito, Tsuchiya, and Sanada who died in battle? If this person is not removed, who else in my Takeda family will fight to the death in the future."

"I will take this rebel right now and confiscated the Angusan family territory!"

"Do you dare?" Seeing Li Xiao's troubles, Anyama Shin-kun's waistcoat was cold, and he said sternly, "Li Xiao, when my Takeda family hasn't had your turn to speak alone, what are you going to do, do you decide on behalf of the Patriarch?"

Li Xiao ignored Shin-kun Anyama’s words and directly said to Nobuyoshi Takeda: "My lord, there is a will at the end of the day, and the family's affairs can be agreed by the five of us. At the moment I propose to deprive the Anyama family of territory and kill Ananayama. How about Xinjun?"

As a retainer of the Takeda family, Li Xiao has the right to propose and pass, so it is reasonable for him to publicly propose to kill Shin-kun Anyama.

Seeing that Li Xiao was about to propose to kill him, Xin-kun Anyama was terrified at the moment. Only with Li Xiao, the two of Baba Nobubo hated him, and Masayuki Sanada was on their side. Three of the five elders were on the side. Li Xiao proposed so, he will undoubtedly die.

Shin-kun Anyama looked at Nobuto Takeda, with a pleading expression on his face, and said: "Zuojingdian, you see, Li Xiao is going to control the power of his family, and if he doesn't agree with him, I will destroy the Anayama clan. What will happen after that? Please also Zuo Jingdian uphold justice for me!"

At this time Takeda Shintora also got up, pointed at Li Xiao, and said: "Li Xiao, you are too presumptuous. Before I came to Kai, the people in my family told me that the Takeda family was out of the power minister and Cao Cao. I was supposed to be skeptical, but As soon as I see what you do today, it is by no means a writer's elder who should be responsible."

"You have great suspicions about the death of Shenglai and the battle of Changxiao. I want to press this matter in your pen and hold it down in the future, and now that it’s here and now, you don’t have to talk about Li Xiao anymore. He is not upright, he is suspicious, shuts up, and listens to our decision again..."

"I think it should be you if you stop talking!"

Li Xiao stood up, fingered Takeda Shinhu and said, "Zuo Jingdian, I respect your Excellency as the grandfather of the master of the museum, so I have repeatedly tolerated you. The job of the master of the museum is given before the master of the museum, and there is discussion. What right do you have to deprive you of."

"On the contrary, you were banished out of Kai for your own way. The first lord once said that you cannot enter Kai for one step. Now the lord of the museum sees that you are old, so you are allowed to live in Gaoyuan City. Today, your Excellency entered Kai for not to say, but to this Family matters are dictated. I’m going to ask you, what qualifications do you have? You are the one who must be silent, otherwise my Takeda family will not keep you."

There was silence in the main hall of the Takeda family. No one had thought that Li Xiao would have smashed Takeda Nobuko's face in public, and he didn't give the former Patriarch the slightest face.

Takeda Nobuhiro and Takeda Nobuhiro were both stunned, but the retainers were also at a loss for a while.

On the contrary, Nobuto Takeda was shaking tremblingly at this moment, touching his chest with one hand, and pointing to Li Xiaoyan with the other hand, and said, "The other way round, the other way round, you are indeed the minister of authority, Cao Cao of my Takeda family, Sima Yi!"

"This person can't stay! Otherwise, my Takeda family will surely die in your hands."

Hewa Faithful, Nobunoshi Hewa, and Nobuyoshi Takeda all stood up and shouted to Li Xiao: "Li Danma Shou, although you are a penman of the family, you must not be rude to Zuojingdian. Please apologize immediately."

"Li Xiao, Zuo Jingdian is the former superintendent of the family, you must not be rude, and apologize quickly!"

"Apologize, hum, you can object to me,"

Li Xiao stood with his hand in hand and said, "But I, Li Xiao, will never apologize to anyone in my life!"

As soon as Li Xiao said this, all the retainers of the Takeda family in the hall were shocked.

Li Xiao looked around the audience, looking at the expressions of everyone in the bottom of his eyes, but in his heart, he was still impulsive. In front of Takeda Nobuko's aggressiveness, he did not control his temper. With such a disturbance, I am afraid that it will be even more difficult for him in Takeda's house. It's gone.

After all, Nobuto Takeda is also the former head of the Takeda family, and Li Xiao's actions are tantamount to offending everyone in his family.

But offend it.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's expression became cold, and he hummed inwardly, so he gave himself an excuse for being fucked, and was completely cut off from his family, but this group of people wanted to push Renke Shengxin to the stage, and I was already Doing his best can be regarded as repaying Takeda Katsuyori's affection.

Now I can take this opportunity to leave with anger, break with my family in the name of supporting Wuwang Maru, and completely embark on the road of the great name of the Warring States Period.

Since I said I am Cao Cao, I will take the name of Cao Cao and show it to you.

If I turn against it, let alone any of the Oda, Uesugi, and Hojo families, the Takeda family will be in big trouble.

Humph, this is what you asked for and forced me to leave Li Xiao's fate.

So Li Xiao couldn't help being happy for a while, but then thought about it again.

This is a joy, but is this all right?

Li Xiao looked at Takeda Nobuhiro, Takeda Nobuyabu, Takeo Maru, Baba Nobubo, Sanada Masayuki, Naito Masatsu, and Bao Ke upright look at their eyes.

If it breaks, he will really go to the opposite of these people, and will be the enemy of the Takeda family from then on.

Does this mean that I have repaid Takeda Shingen and Takeda Katsuyai for their great kindness?

And what does Li Zhenghui think of himself, his vassal group? What are their thoughts?

Thinking of this, Li Xiao suddenly drew his saber around his waist. Kawabo Xinshi, Kawabo Xinjun, Nobuyuki Takeda thought that Li Xiao was going to be unfavorable to Nobuyuki Takeda, and they had to draw their swords now.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiao threw a sword against the board under his feet and said loudly: "My lord, Li Xiaoen is as heavy as a mountain to me. I can only repay it with my life. Even if my family is absent, I have nothing to say. Since Zuo Jingdian had doubts about Li Xiao and said that I was a minister of power, Li Xiao would not be ashamed of this word."

Li Xiao looked at Nobuya Takeda and Nobuhiro Takeda. Seeing that both of them kept winking, he hoped that he could make peace with Nobuya Takeda.

That being the case, let's give it a step as an explanation to Shenglai.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Li Xiao smiled slightly, and said loudly: "I will not be a minister of power, nor will I be Cao Cao, nor will I be seen in the Palace of Zuo Jing. Today I announce to you that I am Li Xiaoxie. In addition to the elder of the Takeda family, the head of the Hida Yuezhong Army, he also surrendered his family’s superintendent and inherited it with his eldest son, Li Zheng. He retired formally, and no longer has anything to do with the Takeda family."

After speaking, Li Xiao threw the knife on his waist, the ribs, and the scabbard together, and said: "As for His Royal Highness Wu, or His Highness Peopleke as the Patriarch, you can go and discuss it. There is no objection."

After speaking, Li Xiao walked to Wuwang Maru, and after a deep salute, he walked out of the hall alone with the shocked and surprised eyes of his family members.

In the matter of welcoming the house governor, Li Xiao and Nobuto Takeda fell out, and after a direct confrontation, he was forced by Nobuto Takeda and others to shed all his responsibilities and formally withdraw from the power center of his family.

This assessment directly forced away the chief elder of the family, which was something no one had expected before.

But the aftermath was not over, and then the croaking sound rang. Li Xiao's generals Machang Machang, Takenaka re-ruled, and Honda Masanobu threw his sabers on the ground.

After that, Li Xiao served General Kano Hideharu, Yamatorusada, Usami Nami and others also threw their sabers on the ground, and then the group walked out of the main hall together.

Their approach, of course, is to show that they will advance and retreat together with their family.

Although Li Xiaoren left, the remaining prestige was still there, and all his retainers were thinking silently, each with their own thoughts.

Only Xinjun Anshan stood up at this moment and said loudly: "Huh, Li Xiao, the rebellious minister, it would be better to go. He is just an outsider, Zuo Jingdian, please don’t care and continue discussing the governor of the house. Regarding the successor, it is not too late to investigate Li Xiao in the future."

Just after the words of Nobuyama Nobuyama, the Machang Xinfang laughed loudly and said loudly: "What a foreigner, don’t mind. It seems that in Zuojingdian, there is also the eyes of Mr. Xushan, my racecourse is also an outsider. Li Dan Ma Shou has resigned, what else do I have to say, this Takeda family is left to worry about those who want to worry about it, let me worry about it, I don’t care about it!"

After talking about the Machang Letter Room, and after bowing to Wuwang Maru, he stood up, threw his sword to the ground, and strode out of the main hall.

Shin-kun Anyama watched the horse farm’s letter room walk out, and said with anger, "The horseman at the horse farm is too presumptuous."

Just after Anayama Shin-kun’s words were Masao Sanada laughed and said, "Exactly, exactly, listening to Baba Mino’s words, I can’t help but plan to be lazy. Then, please take care of Master Anshan." After finishing speaking, he threw his knife to the ground and walked outside the temple.

After Masayuki Sanada in the Machang Letterbox, Masanobu Takasaka stood up silently, took off his saber, put it aside, bowed deeply to the place where Muwangmaru was, and walked away.

Suddenly, after Li Xiao left, the top four retainers of the Takeda family's retainer group all left empty.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Father, I have no objection to all your decisions regarding the next thing." Takeda Nobuyasu calmly said to Takeda Nobuya.

Nobuya Takeda listened to Takeda Nobuyao's words, looked at the first four empty seats on the right, and said loudly, "Li Xiao, you really are Cao Cao!"

After speaking, his body became stiff, and he fainted immediately.


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