Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 9: One less person

After staying together for fifteen days, Chao Xi found that this person had more scars, which had spread from his knees, legs, to his body, sometimes on his arms, and the palms of his hands were full of small wounds that were rubbed out. The person dragged from the ground, only that face was intact, and the others were almost lost.

what happened?

Chao Xi became more and more suspicious whether she was sleeping and sleepwalking in the middle of the night, and dragged this person out for a fight, causing him to be a domestic violence?

But she didn't sleepwalking. Sometimes she stayed up all night, and when she came back the next night, this person got new injuries.

Chao Xi took a closer look and felt that she had made it during the time she left. She was tortured to confess Ping An. Ping An could only scream, and couldn't ask anything nutritious.

She also found a problem. If she stayed at home, there would be no new injuries on this person, but as soon as she left, the injuries came back.

A person who can only lie in bed and cannot move, under what circumstances can he hurt himself like this?

She wanted to keep staring, but she was helpless. After all, she was the only doctor in the village. After she became famous, people in nearby villages would also come to see her.

If you stay on the mountain all the time and someone who is critically ill will send it over and find that she is not there, it will delay your illness. If you can't do it, you will indirectly kill you, so you still have to go to the shop under the mountain from time to time.

Fortunately, Shen Fei was striving to buy Ping An unknowingly, saving her a lot of effort.

Only when one person and one bear get along with nothing, Chao Xi can safely and boldly let the two of them stay together, go up the mountain to collect medicine by themselves, go down the mountain to treat people in the village, and run in the valley, the mountain, and the village.

Now being disturbed by Shen Fei’s affairs, she can't handle it well up and down the mountain and she is always distracted. She said she bought clothes for this person and dragged on and off. The person who dragged thought she was deliberate and didn't want to buy clothes for him. , I want to see him fruiting his body.

Although I did have this idea, it is more that the officers and soldiers in the city have been investigating strictly recently. Checking this and that, many people were caught in somehow.

Chao Xi wanted to avoid them and go to other cities farther away to buy clothes. This way at least two days and one night, so she hesitated.

When he came back two days and one night, this person should have starved to death. Even if he didn't starve to death, no one would deal with the injuries on his body. New injuries would be added. In case of a fever again, he would be gone.

After thinking about it, Chao Xi decided to solve the wound problem on his body before getting other things. She deliberately took a day off and told the nearby villagers that she went up the mountain to collect medicine and might not be back in two days.

In the valley, she told Shen Fei that she had something down the mountain. She didn't come back at noon and could only come back at night. She pretended to leave, and actually hid in the dark. Take a look at what Shen Fei did while she was away?

Did you do anything secretly behind her? How else would you make yourself so embarrassed?

Of course, it may also be an accident, or someone else made it. Chaoxi in this valley can discover it, maybe someone else has discovered it too, and then comes in and sees Shen Fei.

Chao Xi hurriedly went back and said that she was sweating and suddenly wanted to take a bath. She went to boil the water and said that she didn't want to wash it.

The boiled water must not be wasted, Chao Xi asked him if he wanted to wash it?

This person will naturally not refuse. Chao Xi has already understood him very well after getting along for more than half a month. As long as it is something that is related to bathing and cleaning, he has absolutely no opinion.

Even if he has an opinion, he would not say, let Chao Xi play around, but he was very willing to take a bath, and even actively cooperated.

Chao Xi went to mix with water, a large pot of hot water, two buckets of cold water, and the temperature was just right. As soon as he walked over, this person took the initiative to raise his arm so that Chao Xi could hug him.

Chao Xi hugged the person on the bench first, took off his clothes on the bench, and then took a large bath towel, soaked it on the person, so as not to get sick from the cold.

The next step is much simpler. Chao Xi gave this person a bath, and by the way, carefully observe whether this trace was left after the rain or the beating?

Maybe when she didn't know, this person was already strong by others.

If her master finds it, she will be able to faint Ping An and Shen Fei casually, and then this way, that way.

The master likes the beautiful man the most. How could Shen Fei be intact when she got into her hands.


If it were her master, Shen Fei himself might not know how the scars came from. He thought she did it. Under her eaves, she had to bow her head. She had no choice but to find out, so she remained silent.

This **** pot was immediately covered on Chao Xi's head, and Chao Xi couldn't tell.

She looked at Shen Fei. This person likes to take a bath and has a very strong self-esteem. Every time Chao Xi rubs his back, she twists his head to the side. It is convenient for Chao Xi to observe him when he has time. Mark of.

It doesn't look like it was left behind after a cloud and rain, and it doesn't look like being beaten, but like a thrashing.

When a person hits a table or bed, he knocks, leaving a blue mark.

Afraid of misreading, he turned this person over and lay on the bench. In this posture, Shen Fei couldn't see what she was doing, and she had no sense of her legs. Chao Xi squeezed and pressed, this person had no idea.

She was quite sure that it was the mark left by the knocking, how could it be like this? Is this guy masochistic?

Chao Xi put him up and down, rubbing it back and forth, and then pour it on with clean water, dry it and put on clean clothes, and stuff it into the quilt.

I cleaned up and dragged out the excess water on the ground. After that, I told this person that she was going to go. When I came back at night, I would eat the bread left in the drawer when I was hungry. I would find something to eat on my own without worrying about it.

As usual, there was no response or retention. The man didn't even look at her. He took a book for himself, opened it with one hand, found the mark made last time, and fell silently into the pillow.

Chao Xi has long been accustomed to it. She changed her shoes when she was out. She felt that it was a bit damp outside and expected to rain. So she took an umbrella and found a good hiding place on the tree, blocked by leaves. If you look closely, you can't recognize her.

He had no idea how to smell her scent, and chased him, shaking the tree underneath.

It weighed more than five hundred jin and had great strength, and the tree in Chao Xi was swayed by it.


A man's voice suddenly sounded in the room, hoarse and magnetic, familiar and unfamiliar, it was Shen Fei.

He is calling Ping An.

Ping An heard it, he hesitated, gave up shaking the tree, went over, leaned on the window, and stood upright, the big one more than two meters tall almost blocked the window, Chao Xi stood up slightly to see the room from the gap Case.

Shen Fei lifted the quilt in the corner, revealing a bowl covered with a handkerchief. There were some meat and eggs in it. They were made by Chao Xi in the morning and brought them to him personally. When Chao Xi was hidden.

The man brought it out and put it on the window sill, signalling to eat safely, not surprisingly, and bowed his head.

Shen Fei's eyes were rare and gentle, and his slender, white hands were placed on the head of the big bear, and he rubbed it carefully. One person and one bear became more harmonious.

That's why it's no wonder Ping An actually accepts him. It turns out that this servant has been secretly feeding it.

Speaking of this weakness, Chao Xi told him, but he didn't expect that he would use it in this way and had already made a good relationship with Ping An.

Chao Xi waited again. The bowl was only that big and it was enough for a mouthful. It was equivalent to a snack. After eating, he reached out to lift Shen Fei's quilt to see if there was any in it. Obviously, it didn't.

The big bear hung his head in disappointment, Shen Fei's arm slid down, scratching his chin, and he recovered in a blink of an eye, grabbing the hand shamelessly and laying it in his mouth.

Naturally, it is not a real bite, but a bite, which means being close. Usually, when Chao Xi is drying clothes in the courtyard, this guy will also come and make trouble, hug her legs, and gnaw her ankles.

It’s such a big one, and it’s a little while ago that it’s hugged its legs, but Chao Xi has a unique trick. He can loose his palm by flicking his forehead. Unexpectedly, this trick was also learned by Shen Fei. On his forehead, he fell to the ground with a sound of peace, with his feet upright, too fat to get up for a long time.

Shen Fei leaned halfway on the window sill, her black hair slipped from behind her shoulders, her long eyelashes hanging down, the corners of her eyes curled, and her smile became a thin slit.

He actually laughed, and it looks so good.

Speaking of which, he would rather spend more time stealing food to feed Ping An, and having fun with Ping Ping, he is reluctant to say a word to her. Chao Xi has to reflect on herself, is she usually too direct and provoked this person hate?

It is said that, he was threatened by her, and he coveted his body every day. If it was Chao Xi, Chao Xi would also hate that person, and he would show up less in the future, which would not hinder his eyes.

Seeing people's hearts for a long time, Chao Xi is in no hurry.

She looked almost the same, and was about to get down, when she suddenly found Shen Fei lifted the quilt, moved her legs little by little, and sat on the side of the bed.

? ? ?

What does he want to do?

Chao Xi waited patiently again. Shen Fei had already moved his legs off the bed and hung them beside the bed. He seemed to want to stand up, barefoot, holding the table with one hand, and just propped up. Fell down.

Unexpectedly, there were too many injuries on his body, his lower body was unconscious, he broke another hand, and his chest ribs also cracked three, which was only half a month old, and he didn't get well so fast.

However, he has the perseverance and insisted on getting up, falling, climbing, falling, and crawling, and so repeatedly, even let him go to the kitchen.

He held on to the shelf by the wall again, and barely held it under the eaves. He was tired and sweating and was embarrassed. He sat alone under the eaves for a while, and insisted on going back, patted the ashes on his body, and lay down again Bed.

It turned out that his whole body wounds were made like this. It was not that Chao Xi was sleepwalking and domestic violence against him, nor was it that others came in to strengthen him, but he himself was unwilling to be lame and insisted on standing up and training by himself while she was away.

The lost Chao Xi worried for a long time, always thinking that something happened to him. Now that the truth of the matter became clear, Chao Xi was relieved and did his own thing at ease.

Early the next morning, Shen Fei received a gift, which was a triangular bracket, which was very stable and allowed him to support and practice walking.

The cooked food was placed on the table, with a bowl upside down, the wash water was placed on the stool by the bed, he could touch it with his hand, a piece of rag inside, gently rotating with the water wave, steaming, still warm .

Everything is the same as before, everything is well prepared, but it seems different.

One person missing?

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