Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 10: Two days already

Shen Fei rolled up his sleeves with his left hand hitting the bamboo board, then moved his body, leaned against the bed, reached for the rag in the water, wrung it out and wiped it on his face.

One hand is not very convenient, he wipes it very slowly, and there are some injuries on his body. As long as he moves slightly, he will feel a little pain. The man did not come back yesterday and did not give him any medicine.

Usually she would come back before dinner on time, make a meal, wipe him, and apply some medicine by the way. Yesterday he read until early in the morning, the candle burned out, and the person didn’t change, so he fell asleep without knowing the person. When he came back and when he left, he didn't even feel at all.

She doesn't seem to light the lamp.

His sleep is always shallow, and if someone lights a lamp, he should wake up long ago.

There was a weird smell in the room, smelling lazily wanting to sleep, Shen Fei lay back on the bed, and opened the window with her hands. It was already sunny outside the house, and the sun had come out early. It should be the hour.

Wake up late?

He lowered his eyelids, propped up his upper body, pushed the bowl close to him, put his feet on the bed, opened the bowl with one hand, and looked at the food inside.

It's the only shrimp he can eat recently. Since he hurt his body and was weak, he couldn't eat greasy things. The lighter the more, the more I like it, but the boiled shrimp has a fishy smell. After adding spices, the taste improves. , But the ingredients are mixed in the shrimp, it is difficult to remove, Shen Fei has to pick for a long time every time.

Unknowingly, he picked up half of the incense, and the food was already in a cool state. When he finished eating and drinking the medicine, he touched the edge of the bowl, and it was already cold.

If it is usually when Chao Xi is there, before he has any reaction, then the person will take the initiative to remove the bowl and bring it back after it has heated up.

What's so urgent? You left before you could eat?

The food was obviously untouched, and the shrimp was not peeled, unlike the usual style of that person.

Shen Fei drank the medicine, put the bowl on the bedside table, took a book from under the pillow, turned the page he had read yesterday, and continued to read it.

A book that is not thick, I have read most of it yesterday, and only a small half is left. If it is normal, I read it in less than three hours. Today I am inexplicably irritable, and I only read pages all day long.

He pulled the tripod over, held it in his hand, and suddenly used his strength to support his body. He just took a step before he fell and pulled the tripod to his feet slowly.

The frame was made carefully and carefully. Each section of bamboo was tied with a rope to make it easier for him to hold, so he could stand up quickly after he fell and continue practicing.

It's strange to say that Ping An is not here except for the absence of Chao Xi. I don't know what they did.


Chaoxi is hunting with peace. Winter is coming. The stupid bear is going to hibernate. Before the heavy snowfall, he must feed him from 500 catties to 600 catties. Otherwise, there will be no food in winter. Chaoxi is poor and has a lot of food for peace. That is impossible.

Bears do not have to hibernate. Hibernation is because there is no food in winter and it is troublesome to catch prey. It likes to eat fish. If the hair on the body of the fish is not dry in winter, it is easy to get sick and freeze to death. So most bears choose hibernation.

Chao Xi also chooses to hibernate this guy, which can save two months of trouble. Ping An only hibernates during the coldest time, usually before and after heavy snow, and at other times, he still tries to stay active, trying to catch food, and live until the next season.

It will come to see it every time it hibernates in Chaoxi, is it still alive? Sometimes when I am free, I pry open a thick ice net and some fish come up and fall into its hole. The boy can eat when he wakes up. Sometimes he has enough pockets to buy a cage outside. It always goes to see him once a week. No trouble.

The trouble is that before the heavy snow comes, you have to take it to hunt everywhere. I don’t know how many pairs of shoes are broken, they are in the mud, the wind is gone, and they are dirty and can’t see people. It will continue for a long time. It is unrealistic to ask her to wash every day. Xi simply slept in a place with peace. He didn't go back yesterday. She cooked a little bit of the meal in the morning and went again.

It’s troublesome to run back and forth in the mountains. According to the situation in previous years, Chao Xi usually walks with safety. When the sky does not come back, she finds places to sleep and solves food and drink on the spot. This is faster. After all, this is a safe territory and there are no large animals. It’s not enough to catch a small one in one day. It's better to run out of the safe territory and grab a big one, enough to eat safely for two or three days.

As soon as this season comes, Ping An’s only task is to eat, keep eating, a large wild boar 100 catties, even if it keeps eating, it can eat for two days, during this time you can go back to rest.

However, there has always been a saying in the forest that there are pigs, two bears and three tigers. The wild boar chop is in front of the bears and tigers. Naturally, there are reasons for it. Generally speaking, it is strong, fat, and fierce. It is very troublesome to encounter it. It's like kerosene, once the fight is endless, especially the boar.

Chao Xi was lucky to have reached the wild boar. Unfortunately, it was a boar. She cooperated with Ping An, and used terrain and tools to reluctantly slaughter the pig, but she did not get any better.

Ping An's body was full of small wounds, which were pierced by the fangs of that pig when he was fighting with a wild boar. He went crazy, and Chao Xi's mystery and medicine didn't work.

Chao Xi also suffered a back injury, stabbed the knife in, and before he could take it back, he was dragged by the pig and ran for a while, rubbing his back on the ground, causing pain.

The two of them dealt with the pig, and ate the edible ones, and chopped down a few branches of the inedible ones to make a shelf and drag them back safely.

Chao Xi also suffered some injuries to her leg, and she couldn't walk fast, and she would sit down and rest from time to time. When she was bored, she took out a stick, sharpened it, and made a cane.

She didn't need this crutches for long, and she was going to use it for Shen Fei, so she made it with extreme care. She didn't worry on the way back. Chao Xi picked up some medicine by the way, and sold it in the sun tomorrow morning.

It was midnight when she came back, and Shen Fei did not eat lunch or dinner, nor did she drink any medicine, for fear of waking him up, Chao Xi lit incense as usual. The incense was harmless and could only deepen people's sleep.

There was a bottle of abrasion medicine in the bedside table. Chao Xi took it out and wiped it on herself in the mirror. Ping An was waiting outside the door in a hurry, opened the door and probed to come in.

It was too big and stuck on the way, desperately trying to come in again, the squeezed door frame rattled, Chao Xi hurried over and pushed it out, this big bear almost took her door frame down.

Chao Xi smeared it in the yard, bandaging the long cuts, and simply ignored the ones that were not long, washed them with warm water, and sent the bear to rest.

She herself is going down the mountain tomorrow, so she took a shower, changed her clothes, and cleaned it before entering the house to rest.

Get up early the next morning, cook and wash, and bring in the pot and small stove together. There is coal in it. As long as Shen Fei picks up a piece of new coal and throws it in when the fire is about to go out, it can burn all day.

There are plenty of water racks in the pot, enough to burn, and there are two steamers on top. There are steamed buns, vegetables, and medicine. All steamed together is the smell of medicine, and I can’t control that much. It is enough for him to have three meals a day. Three bowls of medicine are enough. .

This is what Chao Xi thought about all night last night and came up with it. It's okay. If it's better to get a wheelchair, this person can go around in a wheelchair by himself.

There is a urinal under the bed, and there is a tripod in the upper hut. Since you can practice under the eaves by yourself, it is okay to go to the hut with hard work, without her having to worry about it.

Of course, a wheelchair is still very necessary, which can make him move more conveniently. Occasionally, when he is tired, he can sit up and take a look at the scenery outside.

Before she left, Chao Xi took two steamed buns, some vegetables in it, one in his mouth and the other wrapped in oiled paper, placed in the medicine basket, hungry to eat.

Ping An escorted her to the valley exit and watched her leave. She has no time to say goodbye, and is busy making money.

She is now basically a two-way race. She sees a doctor one day, earns silver, saves money to buy a wheelchair, and helps to hunt safely one day. She is just a doctor. How can she be like a man?

When I first wanted to do it, I only felt that she should be competent. With uncertainty and doubts, I found nothing when I did it. I didn’t understand it in the first year. I hurried a little, so I woke up three or four times in a hurry. In winter, I had to go out hunting. The weather was freezing and the animals were under the snow. It was very difficult to catch. After two years, I got used to it.

There are still injuries on the legs, and the injuries on the back are not healed. In addition to buying a wheelchair for Shen Fei, she is still trying to hide from Shen Fei, fearing that she will always irritate this person.

In Shen Fei's eyes, she is a wicked person. The wicked person should be a little self-aware and less offensive. Maybe in the future, this person will regard her as being wise, and remember her not so badly.


Just like yesterday, Shen Fei only woke up at Chenshi, and smelled the strange scent in the room again. After opening the window to let out the breath, the smell faded.

He tilted his head and looked at him. The preparations for this are better than yesterday. He moved the stove by his bed with a bench in the middle. As long as he sits on the bench and moves his body, he can pass.

Shen Fei washed his hands, brought out the food with some effort, and put the food back after eating and drinking, leaving only a bowl of medicine to drink slowly.

There is a candied fruit drawer, and when you open it, you find that the abrasion medicine next to the candied fruit has been touched.

This medicine was prepared by Chao Xi to see that he was covered with abrasions. She usually wiped it on him. When she was absent yesterday, Shen Fei wiped it herself. After using it, she put the ointment on the corner. Now it has become the middle position and the lid is hurriedly covered. .

Apart from him, there is only Chao Xi and Ping An. Ping An can't move. He didn't move, but Chao Xi was obviously.

Is this person injured?

Shen Fei picked up the iron clip hanging on the nose ring of the drawer with one hand, clamped a piece of coal, and burned it in the stove.

He got up late and the stove almost went out.

The stove is really well prepared, it can keep burning until dark, and three bowls of medicine are also prepared, and she is expected to return in the evening.

One day I said whether it was fast or slow, and I didn't say it slowly. I found something to do a little bit, and it passed without paying attention.

The sky gradually turned dark, Shen Fei raised his hand and let the sleeves slide down as far as possible, exposing his entire arm.

His hands are good-looking, his arms are also good-looking, slender and white, with beautiful lines, like jade, and slightly shiny.

Shen Fei stared for a while, then retracted his arm, tucked it into the quilt, and looked out of the window with a thoughtful look.

It has been two days since I took a shower.

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