Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 137: Negative woman

"Do you know why Princess Wan is leaving the palace?" the little emperor asked with a sullen face.


"Because I want to avenge the emperor's uncle." He continued, "My father died in the hands of the emperor. Wan Taifei's father and elder brother were both under my father's hands. Naturally, they died in the hands of the emperor. When she goes out of the palace, she will definitely find a way to deal with the emperor."

He still has something to say, "Uncle Emperor said, women seem to be weak, but in fact they are weapons. Princess Wan was spoiled by her father for a day or two. How could she not have the ability to climb anyone with her looks. The bed can capture people and use it to target the emperor."

"That's it." Chao Xi was a little disappointed, "Then I can only think of other ways."

Even if you want the clues in the hands of Princess Wan, you can't harm Shen Fei.

"Maybe there is a hidden story in it. I don't know if Taifei Wan's father and brother died in a terrible way. I always feel that it is not the emperor's uncle." He explained, "If it is the emperor's uncle, it will not torture people at all. Kill people."

Chao Xi blinked, "Yes, then I will look back and ask."

Shen Fei is indeed not a tormentor. Even if it is an enemy, he will be killed directly. Chao Xi is 60% sure that he did not do it.

Of course, how to wait for him to come back.

"What do you want to ask me?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and Shen Fei raised his foot and stepped in through the front door.

"Say you look more handsome."

Shen Fei obviously didn't believe it, "Aside from doing wrong things and needing my help, would you praise me?"

Chao Xi was taken aback.

He had guessed it unexpectedly, and he really needed his help.

"It's not a big deal." Chao Xi concealed something, "Did you kill Princess Wan's father and brother?"

It's too tiring to go round and round, Chao Xi asked directly.

"What a good question?" Shen Fei narrowed his eyebrows.

"I want the clues in her hand. She asked me to help her out of the palace. Yuan 鋈ィ  leeches 闶堑蠑負! Back   plaque 豢谄 oyster cockroach low dropout br/>

"She and I are indeed enemies, but they are one-sided."

Sure enough, he didn't do it.

"In those days, Princess Wan's father and brother wanted to take refuge in me, but they were discovered by the emperor before he had time. After I entered the imperial city, everyone thought it was me. "Shen Fei looked at the little emperor as he spoke.

This matter is related to the first emperor, knowing that it was the first emperor's hand, what did the little emperor think?

Noon is the time for meals, and there are people walking back and forth in the Hall of Nourishment, serving dishes or delivering food, and it is very busy.

The little emperor stood in the middle, lowered his head, his long eyelashes drooped, and fell into contemplation. There was no movement for quite a while.

"Uncle Emperor." I don't know if it was a change of topic, or he really didn't respond to this matter. When the little emperor raised his head again, his face was filled with joy, "Is the Taibao's poison solved?"

"Yeah." Shen Fei's gaze fell on his hand, because he held his sleeve tightly, his pinched fingertips turned white.

After all, it was his father, he really couldn't let go.

"Great." The little emperor went to pull him and Chao Xi, "I can finally eat with confidence."

Because of the Taibao issue, he hadn't eaten properly for several days, and he kept thinking about Taibao.

"I deliberately asked someone to cook more dishes, thinking that you should come back at this point, just in time." He passed the meal before Chao Xi came back, and specially ordered it to be cooked. When the two came back, it was just right. Can eat.

He is still young, his stomach is easy to get hungry, he eats irregularly, sometimes early and sometimes late, so that the food in the imperial dining room is always warm, and some are warm from morning to noon, not fresh, and not as good as freshly cooked.

When Chao Xi heard eating, the gluttons in his belly must be eager to move, but he wouldn't be able to eat with the little emperor, because he couldn't enjoy eating at all, as long as more than three chopsticks would be taken away immediately.

Why is it not delicious to eat three chopsticks, and the delicious ones are removed, leaving behind the not delicious ones to torture yourself?

Chao Xi still didn't understand this rule. Although Shen Fei had explained to her, she is now invincible.

Two days ago, the poison was still greedy, probably because the medicine Gu has grown up. Those medicines could not satisfy it before, and it has to challenge more difficult things.

Chao Xi drank the piercing medicine, her hot voice did not respond for several days, and she was still speaking dumb.

It is easy to be found by girls when pretending to be a man, but the clever lady Wan Taifei didn't recognize it because her voice changed and became more hoarse, unable to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

After eating with the little emperor for a few days, Chao Xi already knew which dishes were delicious and which was not delicious. She didn’t shy away from meat and vegetables. The little emperor and Shen Fei ate a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, and preferred light ones, so they were eating them. Hardly hit.

Chao Xi was ready, and asked those two people if they wanted to eat braised pork?

She said she didn't want to eat, and came back with two chopsticks. As soon as it was put in the bowl, the dish was taken down.

When Chao Xi ate with the little emperor for the first time, she didn’t prepare. She watched the fish she likes was taken away. The second time she understood, she caught a large piece, and thought she could hold three chopsticks, so she left some room. Didn't clip too much, and was taken away again.

Now I know that regardless of the number of chopsticks, the two chopsticks will be picked up and she can eat a few bites.

Shen Fei, who was sitting next to her, looked helpless, "Not promising."

The little emperor also put down his chopsticks and reminded, "Chao guard, you will never eat braised pork for at least three days like this."

"Why?" Chao Xi asked casually.

"Because there are more than three chopsticks, this dish can be served at least three days later. After bad luck, this dish may not be available."

Chao Xi was stunned, "Is there such a rule?"

"Yeah." The little emperor said honestly, "have you not noticed that there is no fish you love to eat in these two days?"

Chao Xi took a closer look and it was really true.

There are too many dishes every day, she is dazzled to see, there is no such fish, there are more other fish, so that she did not find it.

"You have so many royal rules."

At first, he was not allowed to be at the same table, so he could only sit and eat by himself. Later, the little emperor tried his best to get over. Finally, he was able to be at the same table. He found that he couldn't eat well, and thought he was wise to deal with it. As a result, the mountain was higher than the other. They still win.

This time it’s really impossible. Fortunately, although there is no braised pork, there will be pickled pork, fried pork, and fried pork. In short, the daily dishes must be more than sixty-six dishes, only a lot, no less, otherwise the little emperor Really may not be able to eat full.

"Speaking of which these rules are for you, why should I follow them?" Chao Xi remembered.

The little emperor did this to avoid being poisoned to death, but she was not poisoned to death, why should she eat so carefully?

"Probably it is to share the blessings and share the difficulties." Shen Fei poured cold water into the cool, "Thanks your Majesty if you can serve the table, don't be so small or small."

"The emperor is right." The little emperor agreed, "I will be poisoned to death. Even if you don't die, you can't be happy than me."

Chao Xi: "..."

Rarely, unanimously jealous of her.

The little emperor can be poisoned to death, and Shen Fei can also be poisoned to death. She is not poisoned to death, but because they will be poisoned to death, she must follow the rules, so she must also.

It feels so weak.

"Just kidding." The little emperor called to the general manager, "Laifu, cross out the record of the court guard, and don't remember it again. What should the court guard eat? You can eat as much as you want."

The general manager nodded and asked people to cross out Chao Xi's record. What did everyone eat? How much you eat will be recorded in the notebook so that you can avoid it next time.

The more you like to eat, the more you don't give it? It's simply against himself, it's hard for the little emperor to keep this rule-breaking for so many years.

"In fact, don't talk about you. I have been in the palace for many years, and occasionally make exceptions." Sometimes a food that he particularly likes to eat is taken away after tasting, and he will become angry and want to come back again.

He is the one on the left and right, and he has to listen to him, and he will basically succeed.

Chao Xi nodded, "This is not what we said at all, it was the roundworm in our stomach."

This is a good excuse, everyone has nothing to say, just laugh, yuan ?} screen feeding is only suitable for sui br/>

The emperor's uncle has always been staid, and has always adhered to the rules of not talking about food and sleeping. If he laughed and smiled like he usually eats alone, the emperor would have called someone to use a ruler to beat his hand, and today he actually blended in. , Is it because of the guards?

The court guard must be very important in his heart, he has broken the rules for him several times.

After eating, the emperor was taken away by the guard, saying that he had important things to ask.

What can she do? It was nothing more than Princess Wan. Because the little emperor changed the subject, Chao Xi also heard something wrong. At that time, she did not force the subject to come back, but accompanied the little emperor to dinner. The topic continues.

"Shen Fei, what should I do if Princess Wan treats you as an enemy?" It was originally just a matter of asking Princess Wan.

The two were alone in the same room. Chao Xi realized that something was wrong with him. The more she looked at Shen Fei, the better she looked, and she wanted to put him...

Chao Xi didn't wrong herself either, and while Shen Fei was answering the question, she threw herself down and knocked Shen Fei down.

The floor was covered with felt, and the brazier was lit again. It was a room specially arranged by the little emperor for the two of them. There was someone guarding the room outside, but there was no inside. The quiet and quiet Shen Fei called every day to refrain, and the ground was not working.

"Dear, don't bite...hiss..."

Chao Xi had already bit him, blinked, and said innocently, "You said it's late."

Shen Fei helplessly, "You, was a dog reborn in the last life? He loves to bite so much."

Chao Xi kept asking while kissing.

"What can I do if Princess Wan treats you as an enemy? Do you want to save her from the palace?"

"Save it." Shen Fei answered without hesitation, "Since there are clues, how can I not save?"

"But if you save her, she will trouble you." Chao Xi expressed his concern.

"She came to trouble me, will I definitely die?" Shen Fei asked, "The queen mother can't kill me, and Bai Hanzi can't kill me, do you think she can?"

Of course not.

Chao Xi suddenly realized, "She is not your opponent at all, even if you let her go."

She stood up anxiously, patted her **** to go out.

Shen Fei called her, "Chao Xi!"

"I will go back."

Chao Xi still went out, Duliu Shen Fei sat halfway on the ground alone, shaking his head and sighing.

"It's really a sad woman, she doesn't care about the life and death of others after touching her."

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