Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 138: in bad mood

Chao Xi went to the little emperor to ask for an decree. Shen Fei did not refuse, but happily agreed, because he also wanted to know more about the queen mother. In that case, why not perfect him and by the way perfect himself?

The invitation went smoothly. The little emperor only asked her one sentence, "Are you sure?"

Chao Xi nodded, and he wrote the imperial decree without saying a word, and stamped it by the way. With this, no one would dare to stop the princess.

Chao Xi stuffed the imperial decree into her arms, and immediately went to find the imperial concubine Wan, the little emperor did not remind her that the imperial decree was so easy. If you suffer, it's good to mention something.

He worried too much. In fact, if Chao Xi got serious, he wouldn't be so pitted. After all, he had been with Shen Fei for a long time and had grown a little bit better.

The things to be discussed this time are more private than last time, and it is not to be told. Chao Xi came to Shoukang Palace. Without much fanfare, she went down and went straight into the courtyard.

In the morning, Chao Xi still remembered from which room the Concubine Wan Wan came out. There were no guards in the Shoukang Palace, and the maids were taken to the room without even seeing her.

Xu was a superficial effort. Shoukang Palace couldn't eat. The room was quite big. It was divided into four sides, southeast and northwest. Concubine Wan and the others occupied one side. There were several rooms. Concubine Wan chose the easternmost one on the second floor.

Facing the sun from the east, it can be seen that even after entering the Shoukang Palace, Princess Wan is still not easy and uses the best room.

Chao Xi opened the window, turned over and walked into Princess Wan's room. Princess Wan seemed to be in a good mood, humming a small note, sitting in front of the dressing table, and frowning at the bronze mirror.

I probably saw her from the bronze mirror, and this person turned his head happily, "The efficiency of the guards' work is fast. Can it be done so soon?"

Chao Xi took out the imperial decree from his arms, "With this, you can leave the palace safely."

Princess Wan hurriedly got up from the stool, walked to her and grabbed the imperial decree and opened it, "Yes, it's true."

She has been favored in every way, and she has been with the emperor for many years, but the imperial edict is still recognized.

The material of the imperial edict, and the stamp on it, are exactly the same as the first emperor except for the title.

"Unexpectedly, I begged everywhere, looked for people everywhere, but couldn't leave the palace. You made the emperor impose the imperial decree with just one sentence."

"It took a lot of effort to get this." Chao Xi hugged her chest. "I'm here to listen to the story. Tell me what you know."

Princess Wan held the imperial decree tightly and smiled, "Okay."

She didn't break her promise, she took the imperial decree seriously, sat opposite Chao Xi, took a sip of tea and said slowly, "The queen mother is all weird."

This is her evaluation of the Queen Mother.

"I followed her secretly, and found that she would stay in the yard every sunny day, telling her to wait for the sunrise. How can anyone wait for the sunrise from the middle of the night? Don't you start waiting at the fifth shift?"

Chao Xi's eyes lit up, Princess Wan did not lie, and then became a little heavy. The person she met when she was a child was indeed Bai Hanzi.

It's hard to do with one's own kindness and master's request on the other.

"It's okay to fool others with this kind of rhetoric, but it can't fool me. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I secretly hide in the dark and accompany her to watch the sunrise."

"Sometimes she can't keep going to sleep, sometimes she's awake all the time, she is really just watching the sunrise."

"It's that simple." Chao Xi figured out something was wrong.

"Yes, it's not that simple. Within a few days, I found that I was easily tired and tired. I couldn't wake up when I was asleep. I went to see the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor said that I took too many tranquilizer pills, but I obviously took the amount." She explained, "Sometimes I suffer from insomnia, so I would take tranquilizing pills. I took it under the permission of the imperial physician. How could I overdose."

"Later I locked Anshen pills in a drawer and never used them again, but instead of alleviating fatigue and getting tired, I realized that it was not my overdose of Anshen pills, but the soothing pills used by others. Overdose of pills."

"Queen Mother," she patted her chest, "Give me the tranquilizer pill, the same prescription, changed the method of use, and made incense, so I can faint when I inhale the incense."

"Later, I went to a private genius doctor and made a medicine that specializes in soothing pills. After drinking it, I didn't sleep again, and I saw it..."

"What did you see?"

"A man, a man wrapped in a black robe."

Chao Xi, the person in black, also knew that it was Bai Hanzi, but she always thought that Bai Hanzi was able to hide in the palace safely by pretending to be the queen mother. She also thought so when the princess Wan said that she did not.

"The queen mother seems to know him, her words are intimate, her manners are excellent, and she hugs him from behind, trying to see his true face. Unfortunately, the black robe is taken off and there is a mask. The man in black does not seem to want to reveal his identity."

Of course, I remember that when I was a child, Chao Xi wanted to see his true face. Unfortunately, the black robe was taken off, and the mask was inside. She was better than the queen mother. She also took off the mask. There was a layer inside, which was a black cover. I don't want to show my true colors.

Chao Xi only learned from other people's descriptions, such as the master's mouth, that this man is extremely handsome, and it is said that he does not want others to doubt his strength because of his appearance, so he should cover his face.

Contrary to Shen Fei, Shen Fei wished the whole world knew that he was a little white face, embroidered on a pillow, looked down upon him, and was killed by him.

Why did Emperor Xian die? He just thought he had only one face to see, no strength, and no intelligence, so he ended up in his hands and properly pretended to be a pig and a tiger.

"The man in black seemed to have spotted me. He glanced at me before leaving. I was so scared that he thought he would kill me, but he seemed to look down on me and just skipped me and left."

"The queen mother was thinking about her heart, but she didn't find me. I stayed until dawn and wanted to tell the emperor. Just when I went out, I received a letter with two words,'life' and'death', I Natural selection can only forget about it, and never dared to follow the queen mother secretly."

Princess Wan sat up straight, "This is everything I know."

Chao Xi nodded, "Although it's a bit small, it's a worthwhile trip."

At least I knew that the Queen Mother and Bai Hanzi were two people, and the Queen Mother was not dead. She hid the master and Bai Hanzi beside her.

"Little brother, you send me outside the palace gate, and I will tell you another secret." Princess Wan said mysteriously.

Chao Xi raised an eyebrow, "What's the secret?"

"Since it's a secret, I can't tell you casually. You send me out of the palace first." Princess Wan took out the imperial decree, "Although I have the imperial decree, a woman who walked out of Shoukang Palace will inevitably be despised and thought of me. The imperial decree is false."

Chao Xi sighed, "Well, you have to keep your promise."

"We have been very happy working together."

It seems that she is about to leave. Princess Wan was a little pleased, and she was rarely overjoyed, "Remember to prepare a carriage, I will also pack up my luggage, and bother the little brother and wait for me."

Chao Xi said, "I am the most leisurely guard in the palace, not bad for a while."

This is the truth. Chao Xi, the guard, is more comfortable than most masters. The little emperor said that he had never been at the same table with his father since he was a child. At that time, he especially wanted to be at the same table with his father, even without meals, Talking is also good.

But the emperor father never allowed it, so it can be seen that dining at the same table is a great honor.

Chao Xi felt that the little emperor himself had regrets, so he wanted to abolish this rule a long time ago, so he only knew her well and just used it on her.

She may be a little special to the little emperor, but the real turn is not to that level. At most, the fortune-teller helped him catch the cricket, and then help him get rid of the magic song, never have nightmares, and because of his injury. After that, he saved his Wu Fu Zi Taibao, one by one, all the credit.

Concubine Wan went to pack her things, and Chao Xi stood by the door, holding her chest thinking about things.

Was the secret in Mrs. Wan's mouth related to Shen Fei again?

If she hadn't met Shen Fei first, would Shen Fei have so many secrets for her?

For example, he mixed up eight of the ten things, and he was always worried that he was behind the scenes.

At the end of the hour, I should have gotten up and active after eating, but Shen Fei took a bath and didn’t want to sweat anymore, so he just sat still, reading a book, thinking about things, thinking about things, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but pull down. .

Chao Xi, the one with no conscience, left as soon as he said, and didn't come back after so long.

He turned a page and keenly noticed a flash of light in the courtyard. The light shot at him with lightning speed, Shen Fei did not move, the light stopped at the center of his eyebrows.

"Do you know that as long as my sword goes further, you will die?"

Shen Fei glanced indifferently, "For a new sword?"

The visitor paused, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"As far as I know, there is no record of entering the palace in the past few days. How did you come in?" Shen Fei still held the book in his hand, his tone of voice unchanged.

"Are you confident that I dare not kill you?"

"Kill me, if you lose to me, you will become unable to beat me forever." Once he died, Bai Hanzi never had a chance to turn over again, proving that he was better than him.

"You dare to gamble just because of this?" Bai Hanzi's tone was a little surprised.

"Neither do you." Shen Fei closed the book, pulled out his sword, and went to the bookshelf to change a copy. "Just because the master didn't give you the seat of Lord Gu, you broke the inheritance ceremony, wounded the master, and took away the secret book. , You are more like a kid who has a temper than me."

Bai Hanzi frowned.

"Yuan? 颽梽戋都戋都Z# 颽突峤 lang swear oath  cellar 獬  pancreatic skeletal foundation! I take the file to go to the paralyzed mode   rake residual 碚庋MU  岷買碚 !br/>

"I am not like him."

Shen Fei opened the new book and looked at it, "It's really different. He just spilled some pen, ink, paper and inkstone. You spilled a knife and caused a catastrophe."

Bai Hanzi fell silent, and raised the sword for a while, "I came today to compete with you. What do you do with some of these?"

"Yuan? ╛犍_慊崂Xia Xian Xia Xia Xia Xian Stool's Mi Yan   迩頓!! Contempt for the Ying Fang Fang this   Australia 隳 Wu Jun br/>

"I'm here to compete today..."

"I don't want to compete." Shen Fei interrupted him.


"in bad mood."

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