Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 49: King Ning is dead

The official raised his hand, and Chao Xi realized that he was holding a small cloth bag with needles in his palm. It was the kind she carried with him for emergency use. She didn't know when it fell. All her attention was on the drama. Aching stomach.

On the surface, she is pushing the wheelchair, but in fact she is holding the wheelchair, not holding it, for fear of falling down.

After thinking about it, I just released the wheelchair and turned around to take it. The young man cleverly stepped forward, ran over and took the small cloth bag over, "Thank you, man."

He had a very good attitude, nodded and bowed, made the official feel very fulfilled, waved his hand to tell them to leave quickly, and don't stand and block others.

A few people did not dare to stay and left immediately. When they reached the corner, Chao Xi could no longer hold it, leaned against the wall and slid down to sit down.

The son gestured, as if asking her how?

Chao Xi shook his head, "I'm fine, just take a rest."

It’s strange to say that those medicines are all made by herself. After they are made, she will try to drink some and feel the effects of the medicines. They all have antibodies. Even if they are mixed for the first time, they should not be so uncomfortable to drink them in time. what?

She will only react to new medicines. Those old ones, which she has drunk and studied, unless the amount is very large, like staying in a swamp, staying overnight, continuously inhaling poison gas, and directly making her sick It took two or three days.

Although there are many kinds of medicine this time, but the amount is very small. Just apply a little at a time. It is very controllable, but it hurts like this. It feels like it won’t get better if you don’t lie down for ten and a half months. Chao Xi feels something is wrong, and her body seems to be weakened. a little.

Is it pregnant?

But when Kuishui had just left, it was impossible to get pregnant. Chao Xi was a doctor herself, so she didn't know?

Since it is not pregnant, why is that? The body weakened inexplicably, and Kui Shui was part of the reason, but Chao Xi faintly felt that there were other reasons.

She closed her eyes and thought for a while, vaguely remembering that she was told by Master Qian when she was a child, and Wan told her that she must not break her body. If she breaks her body, she will not be able to marry. No one wants her.

The master warned her so, but he slept with this man, he didn't care which man he slept with, Chao Xi didn't take it seriously, thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Her physical deterioration started when Shen Fei fell asleep. For example, she had a minor illness just after sleeping, because she recovered very quickly, but she didn’t care about it. She just thought it was because of the rush and exhaustion. Think carefully. He didn't do anything, and he didn't rush or walk slowly, and he still had time to enter the city to set up a stall.

It was only this time that she reacted to the drug test, and she suffered a lot from not listening to the master's words.

The matter of'breaking the body' may not have any impact on the master, but it has a great impact on her, and she suddenly regrets it. After sleeping, Shen Fei did not stay behind. It was not for responsibility and for the future as others said. , Grew up suddenly and stayed with her for a lifetime.

Fortunately, there was a reason when he left. If it was just for the future, or if he left without saying anything, it would be a big blow to Chao Xi.

Chao Xi's consciousness became more and more blurred, and she didn't hold it for long. She slept with her head crooked and fell asleep. She didn't know that she had slept for a few days, but she was sweating on her body, and she felt uncomfortable.

Dazed, it seemed that someone was approaching, and a cool scarf was covering her head. She shivered in the cold, and she was more awake, and her strength recovered. She suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed the person's wrist.

"Oh!" a familiar voice sounded, "you hurt me."

Chao Xi opened her eyes and looked at it, and found that it was the little boy who was rubbing her car. Her forehead was too hot. The little boy had just changed her a square towel and was about to wash the changed one. Before she had time, she was caught. Chao Xi stopped.

Chao Xi released her hand, apologetically on her expression.

The young man didn't care at all, but was pleasantly surprised, "Are you finally awake? Do you know how many days you slept?"

He stretched out his hand, "For two days, I can still be so energetic without eating or drinking. It seems that I am fine."

Chao Xi forced herself up and sat up barely, her temples were still a little painful, she rubbed and asked, "Where is your son?"

"The son has returned to the old house to do errands. Tell me to stay and take care of you." The young man put the slightly hot square towel in the basin to wash.

Chao Xi nodded, "Here?"

"This is an inn. The things in the old house of the son are more troublesome. It is very likely to cause trouble to the upper body and it is inconvenient to bring the girl, so I asked me to find an inn nearby to settle down temporarily." Xiao Si said, "The girl is hungry." Let me get the porridge."

People who just woke up are weak and can't eat a lot of tonic things, so porridge is best.

Chao Xi did not refuse. She was indeed a little hungry, her body was weak, and she couldn't walk, so she could only ask others for help, "Thank you."

The young man shook his head, "We should thank the girl. Thanks to the girl, we can enter the city smoothly."

? ? ?

what's the situation?

Zhao Xi Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

"Does the girl know the regent?"

"Shen Fei?" Don't be too familiar with her.

"That's the man." The young man wrung out the scarf in his hand. "I heard that the man was chased and killed when he asked the emperor for medicine. I didn't know how he ran into the ravine and broke his leg. He is also in a wheelchair, just like our son, so naturally there will be people who doubt him. When we came, we were actually very worried. I didn't expect the girl to draw everyone's attention away and no one paid attention to us."

The medicine bottle was too obvious and there was no note. The key smell was weird and unpleasant, not like medicine, but more poisonous, so the official insisted on letting her drink it all before it was safe to let her go.

Because there are too many problems with her, it seems that Xiaosi and his son are normal, so they pass the test.

Chao Xi focused on the first half of the sentence, and did not listen carefully to the second half. "What's wrong with the emperor? Why do you want the regent to ask for medicine?"

She asked too eagerly, indicating that it was important to her. The young man hesitated, closed the windows and doors, and whispered to her, "The emperor was suddenly poisoned two months ago. It is very difficult to understand. The genius doctor who came to recuperate only has three months. If the antidote is not found within three months, the emperor will..."

He didn't go on, but Chao Xi understood.

"Okay, how could the emperor suddenly be poisoned? He was poisoned, who is the one who benefited?"

"The regent." This Chao Xi knew that the Ming Dynasty was a woman and could not inherit the throne. When the little emperor died, the old emperor had no other sons. The little emperor was only seven years old and could not have children, so the throne would only be inherited by the regent. .

This person has already given power to the world and has been recognized by many people. He succeeded to the throne without any problems.

"Yes, so naturally, some people suspect that the regent was poisoned. After the Ming Dynasty and the ministers put pressure on, the regent had no choice but to go out to find a genius doctor and antidote, and prove himself innocent."

Chao Xi immediately woke up, so it was no wonder that this person would appear in a remote ravine, because he heard the name of Phoenix Yam Mountain and came to look for an antidote.

Chao Xi had also heard the name of Phoenix Mountain Yam before he settled in Phoenix Mountain.

"Such an obvious conspiracy, the regent is not stupid, why is he fooled?" Chao Xi couldn't figure it out, Shen Fei was so smart, would he not understand a conspiracy that she could understand?

"How can he understand? Can he not go? If he doesn't go, he will be charged with poisoning the emperor. How old is the emperor. At the age of seven this year, the people will naturally favor the weak, thinking that he poisoned the emperor and succeeded to the throne."

For this crime alone, some people add fuel and jealousy. Unwilling to ordinary people are waiting to find excuses to rebel. Poisoning the emperor is a good reason. With a little encouragement, a lot of people will join the rebellion team. Many kings in history have been defeated in this way, so even for the sake of peace of mind and justice, he has to go.

This is a conspiracy and a dead end. You must go, even if you have other ideas, you must go on the surface.

Once he left the capital, he would have been pursued and killed by people thousands of miles, and was killed in Phoenix Mountain.

Chao Xi gritted his teeth, "Why is the Empress of Ming Dynasty so bad?"

I wanted to kill Shen Fei several times. I would rather kill Shen Fei instead of Phoenix Mountain. What mentality?

Don't you know if you have to deal with foreign enemies wholeheartedly when there are foreign enemies?

Chao Xi remembers that the valley is not peaceful, there are countless small fights, and occasionally people will come to smash the venue. Every time at this time, the master will say, I don’t care about you at ordinary times, but who dares to fight me internally when there are foreign enemies. , I will kill someone first.

Chao Xi was most educated by her. Not only did she dare not fight internally at critical moments, she also didn't dare to fight in peace. Why can't Shen Fei be allowed to kill him if she couldn't figure it out?

"The Queen Mother of the Ming Dynasty pulls it up with one hand. The two women are the emperor's mother and the other is the wife. Naturally, they regard the regent as a thorn in the eye."

The relationship is too messy, Chao Xi can't figure it out, just want to know one question, "Is the Regent in danger now?"

This is what she cares most about, "I have already entered the city, all of whom are my own. There should be no danger, right?"

Xiao Si was silent suddenly, looked at her for a long time, and asked an irrelevant question in her puzzled eyes, "What is the relationship between the girl and King Naning?"

Chao Xi was afraid that the two of them would be okay, so the young man didn’t tell her, and simply told the truth, “We are a husband and wife, I saved him, and he promised to marry me. Later we became relatives, and we did everything we should and should not do. Now, the relationship is very close."

The more she said this, the less she dared to tell her, and the longer she remained silent, she couldn't hold back Chao Xi's probing eyes and said, "You must be hungry. I'll make you a bowl of porridge."

He said that he was about to stand up and leave, but was pulled by Chao Xi, "I'm not hungry."

One is the regent high above, and the other is the female doctor who came out of the ravine. It is normal for the young man not to believe it. Chao Xi explained, “We are really a husband and wife. We are in Phoenix Mountain, where Shen Fei is looking for medicine. you."

Xiao Si shook his head embarrassedly, "Not for this reason."

"What is that?" Chao Xi frowned in confusion.

The young man seemed to be very tangled, walked back and forth around the house a few times, and finally stood in front of her, "I said, don't be sad."

Chao Xi murmured in her heart, and then forced her composure, "I won't be sad."

"Then I said it." Xiao Si made psychological preparations for her in advance.

"The Regent..." hesitated and continued, "Dead."

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