Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 50: Don't want him

Chao Xi shook her body, as if unable to hold her back, she fell backward.

She was sitting on the side of the bed diagonally, half of the wall behind her, half of the table, the wall was firm, there was a bowl of tea on the table, and the cup was shaken by a strong impact...


The tea and debris inside spilled all over the floor.

The young man ignored him, swept his feet, and squatted away in front of Chao Xi. "It's not necessarily. Don't be sad. Maybe it's just a rumor. Back then, there were rumors that he didn't like women and had a habit of breaking sleeves. , Don’t you think it’s getting better with you, most of the rumors are wrong, and you can’t believe it.”

Chao Xi's mind went blank. He didn't hear what he said at all. He just instinctively opened the quilt and walked out wearing shoes and socks.

"Where are you going, girl?" The young man followed. "The son explained that the girl is still very weak and can't run around."

Chao Xi shook his head, "My father-in-law is dead, and I am going to collect his body."

In other words, I married a couple, and I still need to send him the last time. Chao Xi is still not well, and it rains outside. As soon as she goes out, she feels cold all over and can’t take care of it, so she found someone along the street and asked the Prince Regent’s mansion. , He was relieved when he knew not far from here.

The passer-by said that he only needs to walk two more streets and turn left. The third residence is the Prince Regent's Mansion, but he kindly persuades her to come again another day, where a funeral is being held.

Chao Xi only listened to what she needed, and didn't care about that sentence at all. She followed what the man said all the way and didn't see the Prince Regent's mansion after walking for a long time.

I don't know if it was deceived by that person. There are fewer and fewer houses around her, and the location is getting more and more biased. It doesn't look like she is living with relatives of the emperor.

Shen Fei is the emperor's uncle no matter what, his status is noble, it is impossible to live in such a place.

Chao Xi was tired from walking, so he just sat on the ground. Xiao Si was still behind her, fearing that she would get wet, so she gave her an umbrella. Later, Chao Xi asked him to help buy an umbrella. It happened to be nearby. Xiao Si was in a hurry. Go in, buy one in a hurry, and then turn around and Chao Xi is gone.

Chao Xi deliberately distracted him, wanting to go alone, after all, Shen Fei is her husband, not a servant, so it's not easy to trouble others.

There was still a slight pain in the head, Chao Xi pressed and checked her pulse again, and found that there was nothing serious, the poison had been cleared, but it was a little weak, and it would be fine after ten and a half months.

She is different from others. Every time she survives the effects of the medicine, her body will be stronger. This time there should be no exception. I hope to make up for the weak part behind her body. I don’t expect to be stronger. Just fine.

Chao Xi took a break again, her chest still a little suffocated. She closed her eyes and leaned against the door of someone else's house. The low eaves could slightly cover her from wind and rain. It was short and could only cover half of her body. Drenched in rain.

I just don’t know how long I’ve rested. It’s been a long time since Chao Xi thought that she was asleep, and she seemed to hear the fine footsteps in a dazed manner, mixed in the rain, and seemed not so real, until the rain came over her head and the rain hit the umbrella. Chao Xi only reacted when she was not exposed to the rain. Someone really stood in front of her, holding an umbrella to cover her from the rain.

It was the little servant who came after him.

"You don't actually need to be like this."

They were paid for riding in her car. It was a fair deal. They didn't owe her, so there was no need to take care of her.

"Why don't you need it?"

A nice voice came from the top of his head, not from the young man. The young man's voice was tender and clear. This man's voice was magnetic, hoarse, and belonged to a mature man.

Chao Xi opened his eyes and looked at it, and found that it was Xiao Si's son.

"Why are you here?" She glanced over from top to bottom, and found a detail, "Your legs?"

what's the situation? He stood up.

"My legs have always been good." The nice voice, like a jade bump, sounded again, explaining without any haste.

"Then why are you in a wheelchair?" Chao Xi felt incredible.

"Does it have to be lame in a wheelchair?" The man asked indifferently, "Can't it be lazy?"

Chao Xi was silent for a while, then suddenly reacted, "Don't you know how to speak?"

As soon as we met, she made gestures with her hands. She was speechless and dumb. The young man also explained that his young master had a low self-esteem because of a broken leg since he was a child, and he has never spoken since.

"I'm too lazy to talk."

Chao Xi: "..."

So this person has been lying, lying to her, without a word of truth?

"Let's go." Chao Xi coldly said, "I don't need your sympathy."

The man looked at her with long narrow eyes, "You have nothing to sympathize with."

"...My father-in-law is dead." Chao Xi stared angrily.

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?" The beautiful hand was held on the umbrella bone, the sky was overcast, and it seemed that the hand was distinct and white and slender.

Shen Fei also has such hands. She plays with, trims, and puts on plasters to maintain those hands every day.

The plaster is sticky and takes a long time to dry. Shen Fei doesn't like the feeling of wet palms. He often washes it off secretly with her back on his back, but when it is applied, it is applied. Even if it is washed off, it still has some effect. His pair The hands are softer and smoother, the fingertips are slightly warped, and the nails are round and square. They are really good-looking. Upon closer inspection, I found that this person is the same.

Chao Xi was puzzled, "You haven't asked me anything, why do you know who I am?"

Normal people should ask first, how did they die? Or who is your mate?

This person did not ask, but first asked her if she had seen it with her own eyes. She looked suspicious of knowing the inside story.

I originally suspected him, but now I feel that this person is Shen Fei more and more, how can two people be so similar?

"Shaoming told me you go to the regent."

This person dismissed her again with a word. Shaoming should be the young man's name, and the young man knew that her mate was Shen Fei.

"You ask if I have seen it with my own eyes? What do you mean?" This sentence is very mysterious. If she has not seen it with my own eyes, does it mean that she is not sure whether Shen Fei is really dead?

In addition to death, he may still be alive.

"I don't know anyone else, but the regent has stood the court for many years. It is impossible for him to be capable of this, even a woman can't compete."

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like a string of broken beads, hitting the ground.

"People have missed their hands, horses have leaked hooves." Chao Xi spoke for Shen Fei, "Shen Fei is also a human being, and everyone will make mistakes."

It's not the first time he has made mistakes, and the failure of Phoenix Mountain is strictly speaking, but it's still bad thinking, otherwise there will be no two people know, know, know, or love each other.

"Normal people do." The hand holding the umbrella tightened slightly. "But I believe the regent will not."

The tone was affirmed, "He is not in the range of normal people."

"You are not a human being when you call me a grandfather?" Chao Xi's eyes grew worse.

"I didn't mean that." He turned his head and looked at the world outside the umbrella. It was really cloudy due to the rain, and he felt out of breath. "I mean, maybe the regent is not dead."

? ? ?

Chao Xi immediately cheered up, "How do you say?"

"Have the girl ever heard of a story."

Chao Xi dislikes his kind of trickery, people who don’t speak straight, and deliberately show off knowledge, "What story?"

"In the past, there was a man who was very good at investigating cases. No matter what the case is, as long as he passes his hand, it will soon be clear. So some people think that if you don't kill him, nothing will be done in the future."

"They planned for a long time, and came over to assassinate the adult in the middle of the night. The adult was outnumbered and was seriously injured. Before he died, he told the emperor a method, saying that this method can catch the culprit."

"What way?" Chao Xi asked.

"The emperor followed his method and told the world the next day that he was an eternal sinner who had collided with the enemy and treason. Fortunately, someone had assassinated him. He was very happy and wanted to reward those assassins with a thousand taels of gold."

The cool and pleasant voice did not rush and continued, "Not only has the reputation of a hero, but also a temptation of a thousand taels of gold, the assassins showed up, saying that they have assassinated the adults, and the appearance and number of them are almost the same as the adults said before they died. , The emperor was furious, and immediately took the man.

Xu was the evening, when it rained again, and gusts of evil wind blew, and the cold was in the bones. Chao Xi trembled and asked, "You have been talking for a long time, what does it have to do with Shen Fei?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, a little bit of astonishment, and said helplessly, "You can't teach you ruins."

Chao Xi was a little angry, "Do you think I am stupid?"

The person's expression became more and more helpless, it seemed that she was making trouble unreasonably, and she could not do the same.

Shen Fei often showed this expression. When Chao Xi touched him and disturbed him reading, this person sighed helplessly. He didn't like to bask in the sun. Chao Xi insisted on getting people out. This person also looked helpless and faintly spoiled. That’s why Chao Xi usually has nothing to do with her work. She always likes to provoke him and listen to his helpless sigh.

The sound is good, even a sigh.

"Just treat me like I haven't said anything."

The man handed the umbrella to Chao Xi, turned around and wanted to go. Chao Xi grabbed his wrist and said, "I have a friend who looks very similar to you. To what extent, you will show the same expressions and pretend to be lame. High and the same weight, do you think there is such a coincidence in the world?"

She stared at this person's eyes carefully, watching his every move, afraid that he would run, or throwing away her hand, her hand involuntarily increased her strength, making this person's wrist white.

"Girl, is this wrong?" The man wanted to withdraw his hand.

Chao Xi clenched tighter and tighter, "My friend will go home later because of something. I'm afraid he will forget me, so he specially sewed a sachet for him. It is not an ordinary incense. The incense sticks on her body and can last for a long time. ."

At first it was ambiguous, but when it came time, I simply opened the bottom line, "I don't know how you can cover up the fragrance, but I know that even if this thing is suppressed, there will still be some residue."

She suddenly pulled hard, dragging this person here, turning her body, and changing her position. She was outside, and this person was pressed into the corner by her.

Fearing that he was struggling, he simply grabbed him with his fingers, making him completely unable to resist, but this person didn't seem to have the desire to resist. He just stood still, letting her sniff and smell.

Chao Xi sniffed, his vision getting blurred, something slipped from his face, "I'm pretty sure you are not him."

There was sadness, sadness in her voice, and some emotions that she didn't even understand.

"He must be dead."

"It must be dead."

"It's better for him to die, so I can get rid of him and find someone else."

"He didn't leave me behind, I didn't want him first."

"No more."

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