Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 67: Delivered

"I used to play when I wanted to play when I was in Guli. Now I don't need me anymore? So don't play for me at all?"

It seems to be true, not to mention Shen Fei's hand when she was in the valley, but Shen Fei's whole body, except for the most important part, let her toss, how come back to the capital and the person changed?

I remember that she used to feed her mouth to eat and drink, and she did it herself when she took a bath. Although Shen Fei was reluctant, he would not stop it. He knew the reason why people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Xi didn't put him on clothes and let him sleep naked. He had no choice but to endure silently without saying a word.

Is it right now that the back of the queen regent has straightened up, so I have more confidence in speaking and doing things to her?

Shen Fei sighed quietly.

I didn't read the book. I put it aside, and both hands were free for her to play. One hand was a little far away from Chao Xi. Chao Xi unceremoniously pulled it over and held Shen Fei's wrist with the other. Later I felt like this. Unable to play, gave up one, held Shen Fei's hand near her with one hand, and squeezed and pressed it as before.

Shen Fei is absolutely thinner, and the blue veins on the back of her hand are more obvious than before, and she looks very fragile, making her unable to bear to use force, but it is still the same good-looking.

It turned out that Chao Xi didn't feel that she had any hobbies, but now she found that she seemed to pay special attention to other people's hands. If she was a little more attractive, she couldn't help but compare with Shen Fei, and she often found that Shen Fei had a victory.

His hands are like jade, like fine white porcelain. If they are auctioned off, let alone the one with a thousand taels of gold.

If Shen Fei's whole person is taken for auction, there will definitely be many rich women bidding. It is difficult for a daughter to buy Shen Fei. Of course, she will not bid for it. Of course she keeps it so good-looking, how can it be cheaper for others.

Chao Xi dragged Shen Fei over, holding his hand to sleep. Before falling asleep, she seemed to hear the helpless sigh of this man. Chao Xi liked to hear him sigh, the feeling that she could not help her, as if she Like being spoiled by Shen Fei.

In fact, she is indeed spoiled by Shen Fei. Many details may prove that Shen Fei never argues with her, and she does what she does. If the concepts of the two people diverge, such as who sleeps outside the bed and who sleeps in the bed, generally It was Shen Fei who compromised.

It was Shen Fei who gave in anyway.

He slept until the next morning, and Shen Fei was still there when he woke up, but he didn't leave. Does this indirectly indicate that the battle situation in Phoenix Mountain has stabilized?

Shen Fei is too lazy, and I guess he wouldn’t say that Chao Xi can only be seen from his performance. For example, Shen Fei has come out a lot more times today, and he would look around during the day, like an inspection, behind him Follow a mighty group of people.

This person is really brilliant, he walks like a white swan, so conspicuous, setting off others like wild ducks.

I didn't even care about dressing up, I simply erected the crown, and my black hair hung behind my back like a waterfall. After washing every two days, the surface was as smooth as silk.

Xu Shi's facial features are too delicate, and he looks so handsome and handsome. After he walked past, almost everybody was discussing him, even men were ashamed.

It turned out that everyone’s eyes were on his legs when he was in the village. Now that his legs are good, his eyes are all attracted by his face and temperament. Chao Xi also feels a little weird. It’s not the first day I saw Shen Fei. Anyway, every time he walks. There is an indescribable feeling, as if this person will fly into a fairy in the next moment, a kind of fairy air, it is rare to not be influenced by the money and temptation of the world.

During the day, Shen Fei would pretend not to know her for fear of causing her trouble, so he walked by and Chao Xi didn’t bother him either. She was examining a patient who was injured on his back, and he didn’t take care of him. What happened, I didn't tell her. I suddenly felt itchy recently, and it was really uncomfortable. Then I asked her what happened to her back every day like something crawling around?

Chao Xi thought of something. When he took off his clothes, he found that the entire back was red, swollen and pus, partly rotten, bitten by flies in the forest, and gave birth to maggots.

Winter is not without mosquitoes, but few. In fact, as long as the environment is suitable, a small number of flies can survive in winter. They hide under the animal's fur and rely on the animal's body temperature to keep warm.

Because the foot of the mountain is humid, everyone uses torches to keep warm every night. This environment is more suitable for flies. Perhaps it is hatching insect eggs in the nearby mud, or it may be that this person ran to the forest for food and was accidentally caught by flies on animals. Staring at him, maybe he was stung by a fly, but in fact, the flies have laid their eggs in the carrion, but they are all-pervasive.

Under normal circumstances, the mosquitoes can't bite him through the clothes. It must be painful and uncomfortable. Take off the clothes and check it yourself, or wash it with water in the lake. There are mosquito eggs in the unburned water. In short, it is in the forest. All are risks.

Chao Xi took the knife and came out, "The carrion behind you will be cut off, or the maggot will crawl into your internal organs, and you will not be far from death."

The man trembled in shock, "Does it have to be cut?"

"It's definitely going to be cut. I'll apply some sesame powder to you. Cut it when you don’t feel it. It won’t hurt." Chao Xi lied to him. The pain must be painful. Even if there is numbness scattered, cut it off. How could it not hurt for such a large piece of meat.

"That's it." The man was relieved, and honestly lay down and waited.

Chao Xi cleaned him a few times first, pulled out the worms on the surface with silver tweezers, and wiped the mosquito loose, waited quietly, and asked him if it itch?

He said that it was not itchy to start immediately, the knife up and down, a few times to cut off the carrion on his back, the whole body of the person who was in pain was tense in the middle, and wanted to stand up, was firmly held by Chao Xi on his knees and continued to cut , The worm eggs spread to the fresh meat, and they were cut off for fear of being left behind. After washing them with medicine several times, the stimulating powder was poured. When the effect of the medicine was exerted, the maggots inside were uncomfortable. Caught and killed.

He was bandaged almost later, "Okay."

Chao Xi began to pack things up, washing the used things one by one, "I remember that you can't wash it with cold water even if it hurts or itchy, don't you know? Especially the lake water, where there are many animal eggs."

Needless to say, this person has already remembered, and quickly nodded and watched her leave. Chao Xi turned around and found the person waiting for her quietly not far away. Shen Fei was sitting in a wheelchair, apparently looking for a place with the sun to sunbathe. Basking in the sun is actually waiting for her.

It's not that he doesn't know him, how much this person doesn't like to bask in the sun, it is impossible to come out specifically for the sun, it must be to wait for her.

"What's the matter?" Chao Xi ran over and asked.

Shen Fei chuckled, "It's okay."

He just discovered by accident that when Chao Xi was serious, he was unexpectedly charming and confident, as if he had won the battle, and he seemed to be anxious and eager to forgive him.

"I'm asking what's wrong with your legs?" What kind of wheelchair do you sit in?

"The legs are fine." Shen Fei touched his legs.

"What kind of wheelchair is it okay?" Chao Xi stretched out his hand to pull him, but Shen Fei avoided him, "You go and wash your hands first."

Chao Xi: "..."

I forgot that I just treated the wound to the patient. Shen Fei loves cleanliness. He doesn't like messy things on her hands, although Chao Xi simply wiped it with cotton cloth.

After she went back, she washed it several times. Shen Fei watched her wash with his own eyes. After washing, she changed clothes before letting her approach.

"Are you all right to do today?" It shouldn't be. Shen Fei has been idle for the past two days. It is reasonable to say that one day of idleness is still plausible.

"Yeah." Shen Fei lowered his eyes, as if he didn't want to speak, he refused to answer a word that was unnecessary.

"The battle at Phoenix Mountain is over?" Chao Xi asked again.


"Did we win or the Yuan army won?"


Sure enough, something is wrong, Shen Fei's mood is inexplicably low?

Shouldn't you be happy after winning the battle? Still lost a lot of troops, or...

"Anything happened to Ping An?" Chao Xi was nervous.

"No." Shen Fei gave her a strange look, "Why did you think of this?"

Chao Xi let go, "See what you seem to be worried about?"

It was fine if Ping An had nothing to do. Shen Fei said it was okay, and she must have sent someone to see it. He was strictly speaking more reliable than her. Ping An was covered by him and nothing happened.

It's not a safe thing, so why is Shen Fei so worried?

Chao Xi looked over carefully. This person was sitting in a wheelchair, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and lacking energy.

She looked at Jinghua's sister again, and Jinghua covered her mouth and smirked, "We won the battle, and we should have been able to pursue the victory. We have just been chased and frozen again."

Yuan Guo is too cold, ordinary people can't eat it, people are sick and sick, and the key horse is also sick, and the wind is like a knife, slashing on the face.

"You haven't been to the Yuan Kingdom. You poured a basin of water and immediately turned into ice cubes. The runny nose hadn't had time to wipe it off. It was full of scum. It turned out that I went with the son once and accidentally stepped on the mud. My foot was nailed to the spot immediately, and I couldn't pull it out anyway." Jinghua sighed, "Yuan Guo is the son of the son's heart disease. If it is not solved, the son will not be happy even if he wins the battle."

I have heard of this morning. Many people compare Yuan Guo to weeds. Wildfires are endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates. He loves to cause trouble all the year round. He is fat and strong. One can beat three. It has not been no one to attack. Passing Yuan Guo, all ended in failure.

I remember that there was once a victorious general who was also defeated by Yuan Guo. Yuan Guo was even listed as the most difficult small country to fight. Those who went were either frozen back, or fell ill because of altitude sickness, or over there. There was nothing to eat, the supplies could not keep up, and he was forced to come back. In short, Dashun has never listed Yuan Guo on the map for hundreds of years since the founding of the country.

It will take some time for Shen Fei to complete this feat. There have just been so many things, and because a traitor is at a disadvantage, it is inevitable that he will be doubted about his ability. This is the best time to gain power. defeat.

On the surface, it seems that Dashun won, but in fact, he didn’t lose a bit after the fight. Seeing that he was going to suffer, he shrank to his own turf. Dashun couldn’t catch up, and he couldn’t even get revenge. Win.

So Shen Fei is so worried?

Chao Xi took over and pushed the wheelchair into the tent. When no one was there, he bluntly said, "Go ahead, what do you want to ask me?"

Since it was brought to the door, she was not polite, picked up the person, put it on the bed, and took advantage of nothing to do at noon, trimming Shen Fei's nails and digging ears. Anyway, she liked to molest Shen Fei.

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