Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 68: Chastity in danger

Shen Fei also seems to know that she has this hobby. Generally, she will fulfill her when there is nothing wrong. When there is something, she simply won't come for several days.

He is very passive and doesn't like to take the initiative. For example, when he first found him, he should have explained the explanation himself. He didn't, let Chao Xi ask.

The same is true for baking eggs for him. Normally, he can not show up for several days. He only sleeps at night and leaves early the next morning, so Chao Xi didn’t bake eggs for him for a few days. Shen Fei seems I noticed that Chao Xi had a problem, so he appeared passively.

He has always been like this, thinking that he is dealing with major national issues. If something happens, he will not pay attention to it.

"Is it because Yuan Guo is too cold?" Shen Fei did not say, Chao Xi also guessed something.

"Yeah." Shen Fei wanted to look up at her.

Being pressed by Chao Xi, she was digging Shen Fei's ears. This movement might puncture his eardrums.

"Do you want to use herbs to solve it?"

Shen Fei’s ears are very clean, the earlobes are soft, thin, with transparent powder, Chao Xi’s eartips are actually useless, but she doesn’t take her hand off, she likes Shen Fei to rest on her lap. The feeling of letting her dig without moving.

I don’t know why, I suddenly remembered the doll when I was a child. The master gave it to her. She liked it very much. She combed her hair when she was idle. The hair was made of cloth strips, and she often hung silk. Chao Xi was worried for a long time and couldn’t find a solution. She also likes to make clothes for the dolls, sewing them by herself, and the moment she put them on is full of pride.

Sometimes it would be like treating a person, bathing it and rubbing it, and it turns out that it is difficult to dry back when wet, and it is easy to get stuffy.

Later, a mouse bit out the hole and took the cotton away. Chaoxi hid it and then hid it, hid it and hid it again, and finally took the whole baby away. After looking for Chaoxi for a long time, it finally found it in a hole. , The doll has been bitten into rags, and is placed in a hole as a nest, covered with unidentified liquid and dirty things, as well as mouse shit.

Chao Xi cried for a long time and didn't dare to say anything. She was afraid that her master would find her and scold her. Master would not allow her to raise these messy things. Everything would be poisoned to her. Those who dared to feed would also be scolded. .

She doesn’t know if it’s a special hobby, just like this. Xu was not satisfied when she was a child, and grew stronger and stronger, thinking about everything, deliberately ran to the forest to pick up injured animals, and Shen Fei also raised them well. of.

Shen Fei does not know how many times better than the rag doll, and there is no problem with hair hanging. The only problem is that it is too big to make clothes for him. The advantage is that he is much more delicate and realistic than the rag doll. Shi was actually not too embarrassed to change his clothes and take a bath, but he was ashamed to treat him as a rag doll.

It's a pity that Shen Fei's legs and feet get better too quickly, and Chao Xi hasn't enjoyed it yet. When he left, his legs were still not complete. Think about it because someone else gave him a bath and put on clothes for him.

Shen Fei's sore brow wrinkled involuntarily, and Chao Xi quickly took out the earpick, "Do you hurt you?"

Shen Fei shook his head, "What are you thinking about?"

Chao Xi didn't tell him, "I'm thinking about some herbs that are cheap and can replace wine to warm the body."

Many marching battles will bring wine, and drink a sip from time to time to warm the stomach, but many people are too strong to drink, and some people will go crazy after drinking, so this method is not advisable, and there is not so much alcohol to drink, so Shen Fei will think of other methods.

"Did you think of it?" Shen Fei asked.

"Don't worry." Chao Xi asked him to turn around, "This side."

Shen Fei was also obedient, and turned around obediently, facing Chao Xi. Chao Xi opened his ears and looked at it. As expected, it is also very clean here. Although Shen Fei is lazy and doesn't like to talk, He doesn't like to walk around, but he likes to be clean, and he is not allowed to have a little dirty place. He must dig his ears frequently. Chao Xi has no choice but to give up this little fun, and turned the scissors to cut his nails.

Xu has been busy recently, and the nails have not been cut much, they have grown a little bit, but the nails are finely cut and can be cut for a long time.

"Ordinarily, ginger, cinnamon and scallion are used to make tea and drink, but I think it’s better to make tea than to soak your feet. Don’t look at your feet. It’s actually very important. Do you know the roots of trees? Human feet are like The roots and the feet are good, and the body is good." Many people think that their feet are not important. They don't care if they are injured. They often hold their hands and wander around in straw sandals. Chao Xi feels sorry every time they see it.

Why are older than others faster? It's because the feet are not well protected, the feet are the roots.

Shen Fei shook his head, "The Yuan country is short of firewood, so it is not realistic for everyone to soak their feet every day."

It is also said that whoever brings a large number of firewood to fight, heavy and tired, must be from the spot.

"How about taking a bath? They always have to take a bath, right?" It also works in the bathing pool, which happens to be used by everyone.

"Wash once every ten days and half a month."

Chao Xi: "..."

After giving up, Chao Xi thought of another way, "Have you heard of Zhu Youshu?"

Before Shen Fei asked, he continued, "I picked up a patient some time ago, got drunk in the middle of the night, and woke up at the grave, thinking that I had been caught in the evil and became nagging. Later I wrote him Zhang Fu , Told him that after drinking the talisman, the "ghost" would be driven away by me. He believed it. As expected, there was nothing wrong the next day. Do you know how I cured him?"

"You lied to him, there is no ghost at all, but he scares himself, but if you say it straight, he thinks you don’t understand anything. It’s better to pretend that you know and tell him the ghost was driven away. He feels at ease , The'ghost' disappeared naturally." Shen Fei affirmed.

Chao Xi nodded, "But this is not enough. The Fu Cinnabar I drew for him is ground with herbs. The Fu itself is also a herbal root. Together, it is a calming and tranquilizing medicine, which can make him fall asleep. , Is the same as being in a coma, he has no dreams, he doesn't think about it, he thinks that the'ghost' has disappeared.

Shen Fei seemed to be inspired by something, "I remembered another story. There was an old servant who tied the prisoner in the dark, tied his eyes together, cut a hole in his hand, and let the prisoner listen. The prisoner thought it was his own. The hand was dripping blood. In fact, there was only a small wound on his hand, which was already scarred, but he didn't know it. He was scared to death."

Chao Xi said, "It's almost like this. Human willpower is actually a force. Don't always think about Yuan Guo's coldness, think about the shame Yuan Guo brought to Dashun, think about how many soldiers and horses the Yuan army killed Dashun. How many people have been pitted, once they divert their attention, they may not be so cold."

Speaking of this, Chao Xi suddenly thought of another way, "Do you know ice? There are not many other countries in the Yuan Dynasty, but there are many ice cubes. Things will be reversed. The more frozen the ice, the hotter the hand."

Shen Fei frowned, "What do you say?"

Chao Xi laughed. "At first glance, you know that you have never played snowballs. Kneading a snowball with your hands will feel very cold at first, but after a while, you will feel your hands hot. Wash your face and hands frequently with cold water, and bathe in winter swimming, which will speed up blood circulation and improve your ability to resist cold."

Shen Fei obviously didn't believe it, "Really?"

"Naturally it is true." Chao Xi had already cut a hand for him, "Why do I lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"When I was a child, Master told me to take a cold shower. I hate her to death, but when I grow up I find that it is more resistant to freezing than others."

Chao Xi still remembers her master telling her that there was a ethnic group that would soak a hundred-day-old child in an ice lake, saying that it could keep the child from disease and disaster. Although that ethnic group is all sturdy and unusual, Chao Xi This is still not recommended, the children are too young and a bit cruel.

"It varies from person to person. Don't try if you are in poor health. You can try if you are in good health."

"Right." Chao Xi thought of something, "Is the marble easy to handle?"

"It's easy to use to paste the house." Shen Fei replied.

"Marble will heat up when it encounters water."

"If you don't have firewood, you can bring some marbles, grab some snow and ice cubes, they will heat up together, you must be careful when you use them, some will explode, you should think about it, I don’t know the details. Just listened to."

Aunt Liu said that the marble sprinkled in the ground can prevent insects, and that it will get hot when exposed to water. There is no ground in the morning and no marble is needed. So she has not tried it. Since Shen Fei wants to attack the Yuan Dynasty, she must overcome this problem. She said that she opened the quilt and ran out to find materials to try.

Chao Xi called to him from behind, "The other hand hasn't been cut yet!"

Shen Fei didn't seem to have heard it. People had already got into another tent. Chao Xi almost watched him slip away from under his eyelids. He didn't even shout, I don't know what he did.

This dead man, no one will kill her if something happens.

Chao Xi was a little angry, and went back to the tent for a nap. She got up in the afternoon to check the condition of her injuries as usual. The pus on her back was taken care of at noon. She was busy until the evening and wiped her body and feet and went to bed.

As soon as I lay on it, I felt someone coming from behind. Shen Fei still likes to attack from behind, like before, "Thank you today."

"Huh—" Chao Xi exhaled through his nostrils.

"Helped me a lot."

"Huh—" Continue to vent through his nostrils.

"I was eager to try what you said during the day, ignoring you, my fault."

"Humph--" I knew I was wrong, and I didn't bury my conscience.

"It's late, go to sleep."

? ? ?

That's it? She didn't say compensation for a day?

Only half of his nails were cut. Chao Xi was still thinking. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, someone outside suddenly called her. Chao Xi instinctively covered Shen Fei under the quilt, and one straddled him and stood in front of him, pretending to just wake up. Look like.

Sure enough, the next moment someone came in, saw her disheveled clothes, and backed out again, "Chao doctor, the person next door who is rotten behind has a recurrence of wounds. This time it is serious. He has a fever and talks nonsense. Go and see."

Chao Xi quickly got up, "Wait for me, I'll come right away."

Shen Fei stopped her, "put on my cloak."

The nice male voice rang, then stopped abruptly, and the people outside the tent raised their eyebrows like a flash in the pan.

Chao Xi replied and put it on, and hurried over with the medicine box. During the day, the man was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and his forehead was full of sweat.

Chao Xi squatted beside him and found that the cloak had hit the ground. He was afraid of getting dirty, so he simply took it off and put it in the corner without paying attention. He asked people to come over and turn the person on the bed. I don't know if the cloak is gone.

At the top of the moon, someone wore a cloak and quickly approached her tent. The person at the door saw the style of the cloak, and even nodded and let him in without doubt.

"Chao Xi" went straight into the tent.

Just as Shen Fei was about to go to bed, he changed his clothes and took off the jade crown from his head while sitting at the table. He smiled at the sound of footsteps, "You are back."

Before he could look back, his body was suddenly pushed down from the side, and someone bullied him up and pressed him hard.

The people outside the tent heard the movement and hurriedly raised their feet to come in, and were scolded by Shen Fei, "Get out!"

The curtain that was almost opened was lowered again, and the people outside the tent paused and greeted them to return to their original posture.

No one came in to bother, Shen Fei squinted and asked, "Why is the cloak here with you?"

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