Scarlet Falls

Chapter 300 The Mission of the Twelve Gods

A home that is empty when you come back is not a home. A home that is empty after you come back but has someone to leave food for you is still a home.

Wei Wei really felt this, and a smile appeared from the bottom of his heart.

But after noticing his emotional changes, the head pendant felt deeply confused: "People are really strange. You have clearly analyzed all the principles, pros and cons to him, but to him, it doesn't matter. It is not as good as an irrelevant word that can touch the heart more. It is obviously a species with the instinct to pursue truth, but many times, it is easier to be affected by an unreasonable action."

With this thought in mind, it also breathed a long sigh of relief, smiled and said to Wei Wei: "Then what are you going to do?"

Wei Wei smiled and said: "Of course it is as planned. Since we want people in this world to learn to be in awe, we must first let them feel fear."

"What the hell?"

The head pendant was suddenly shocked and stuttered a little: "I, I, I thought you had changed your mind."

Wei Wei turned around and saw that Ye Feifei, the eldest lady who had never touched Yang Chun Shui, had already begun to heat the rice left by Brother Piggy in the pot, and then took it out with a very happy smile:

"I really like the captain, and I also like our team, and I like the way they treat me."

"But there is one thing you said rightly."

He sighed softly, stood up to help Ye Feifei get something, and then replied with a low smile: "I really can't learn to compromise."

“So, there must be no less things to do.”

"Especially, mom is about to wake up, and there isn't much time left for me."


The head pendant didn't know what to say. It felt deeply confused and nervous.

I always thought that it was not a positive image, and there were no great things in my heart at all, but looking at Wei Wei, I couldn't help but start to panic.

To make this world feel fear is not something a good person would say...

When it was thinking about the underlying reasons for this incident and wondering what shocking behavior it would see Wei Wei do again, Ye Feifei had already heated up the food, and the two of them sat at the dining table where seven people were sitting before. , began to enjoy the late-night snack after this exhausting run. Wei Wei's appetite seemed to be as good as before. While eating, he looked at Ye Feifei with a smile and said, "What was it like before?"


Ye Feifei, who had a steamed bun stuffed in his mouth and looked a little bulging in his cheeks, was startled for a moment before he realized that he was asking about the time when he was swallowed by the disaster.

His expression also became a little confused.

In fact, after experiencing such an incident, she couldn't possibly have no doubts in her mind. She just saw Wei Wei's depression at this time, so she deliberately pretended to be relaxed.

It wasn't until Wei Wei started to ask that she frowned and tried to describe it in simple words: "It's like... a dream."

She tried her best to describe: "Originally, I am who I am. My name is Ye Feifei, a...regular employee of the Scrap Iron City Sheriff's Team."

"However, after the clan master and the others pulled me to that place, I felt that a lot of information poured into my mind all at once, so it was like I suddenly woke up from a dream and found that I was actually The identity of the other person, Ye Feifei, was just an identity I had in my dream. It was very short-lived and unreal. When I woke up, it was just a small piece of my memory and experience..."


As she spoke, she suddenly had an idea and pointed to the plate and said: "Just like this piece of meat, it is actually a piece of ginger, but for a while, it mistakenly thought it was a piece of meat."

"When it wakes up, it realizes that it is actually ginger, which is different from meat."


Wei Wei was confused by this explanation. He picked up the piece of ginger and put it aside, saying, "What next?"

"Then you came over..."

Ye Feifei said: "I felt like I woke up again. It turned out that the feeling that I was not myself was actually an illusion. It was also a dream. In this dream, I found that I was not Ye Feifei. I even had a kind of feeling. It felt like I was finally free, but when I woke up from this dream again, I realized that I was Ye Feifei, and this piece of meat was still meat, but for a while, it was mistaken for ginger."

The head pendant couldn't help but squint his eyes: "What do you mean by jingle?"

Wei Wei seemed to have understood. He smiled and asked softly: "So, how many things did you remember in that dream where you were no longer you?"

Ye Feifei paused slightly with the chopsticks in his hand, and whispered: "There are quite a few."

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Tell me about it, okay?"

Ye Feifei looked at Wei Wei worriedly: "Are you so anxious to hear it?"

Wei Wei nodded.

He knew that the most critical information was hidden here in Ye Feifei.

The disaster is not just as simple as waking up in Ye Feifei and then leaving. Once it passes by at her level, it will leave many indelible traces, and the reason why she did not know what to do after hearing Wei Wei's answer. She left without hesitation and made such a big sacrifice because she had left the most important information in Ye Feifei's mind, and she was convinced that Wei Wei would understand.

Ye Feifei also seemed to be very stressed. After a while, he whispered: "I have those memories, but there are many things that cannot be expressed in words."

"So, Brother Xiao Wei, I can only try my best to describe..."


After Wei Wei nodded in agreement, she sighed softly and said, "Brother Xiao Wei, I saw you...or maybe not you, but those legendary gods..."

"Seeing them being born."

"I also saw their fear..."


The head pendant suddenly widened its eyes and looked at Ye Feifei in disbelief.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, didn't seem surprised. He just sighed lightly and looked at Ye Feifei expectantly.

"So, now you understand."

Similarly, in the foundation, the highest-level shelter, the three founders looked a little tired after telling the spiders the secrets they knew:

"The Twelve Gods, plus Scarlet, are all such a product."

"Until now, there is no convincing explanation of what the rose is. Perhaps the only person who can explain the rose is the Rose Sect who is still hiding in the dark. But according to the clues and information we have now , we can confirm that Rose is such a mysterious power that can invade people's brains and change their cognition, just like the source code of the world."

"In front of Qiangwei, the entire real world seems to have become a code structure, so reality can be modified like a network."

"The characteristics of demonic power also come from this."



As they explained this, their faces could not hide the confusion and palpitating depression:

"After the original researchers discovered the mysterious rose, they came up with such a bold idea. They could borrow the power of the rose to affect the brain waves of everyone in the world. In this way, they could eliminate human shortcomings and vent their anger. Get rid of the violence in human hearts, and in this way, a social order that is closest to a perfect structure in history will be formed, keeping human beings away from self-destructive tendencies."

"I have to say that this approach has good intentions and is certainly bold."

"Once they succeed, the rose will grow in everyone's heart. From then on, everyone living in this world will only move towards one goal. Even when it comes to self-sacrifice, they will not hesitate. In their hearts There will no longer be violence, they will no longer be lazy, and the entire society will burst out with unprecedented creativity, and even further upgrade the ethnic group."

"That's why the mysterious Big Bang happened in the first place."

"It's just that there are always some surprises, just like the twelve gods were born as promised, but unexpectedly, in addition to the twelve gods, another Scarlet was born."

"Unlike other gods, which have clear authority, concepts, and symbols, Scarlet has no actual authority and no clear symbols. The meaning of its existence seems to be chaos, and it is to oppose the twelve gods. And it It has been in confusion, and it has the characteristics of renewal. To put it bluntly, it is that it has been searching for its own meaning, but it always fails."


It was only then that the three founders sighed softly and said, "Before this, the Twelve Gods Church had actually been looking for the reason."

"They want to know why Scarlet was born, and they also want to know what Scarlet's goal is."

"It's just that they have always failed. Although they have solved Scarlet many times, Scarlet will always appear and can never really disappear."

"Until we expelled the Church of the Twelve Gods and gained their efforts and research."

"Until Scarlet, or rather, the boy named Wei Wei, was sent to the training camp by us, and we began to seriously study the special power he possesses."

"We gradually have a bold answer."


Spider already felt a splitting headache because of the information he got this day, but he still subconsciously asked: "What?"

"It was when the power of Rose began to affect the entire world, that is, the brain waves of the entire human race, that the Twelve Gods and Scarlet were born."

One of the founders said solemnly: "Then, we can't just focus on the power of roses, we also need to pay attention to the human race."

"If the rose is compared to the mother body, then the will of the human race is the father body."

"So, there will be gods like the Twelve Gods who are born with clear authority and symbolic meaning, and there will be demons like Scarlet who are born with chaos and cruelty."

"Because the twelve gods inherited more of the power of Rose, while Scarlet inherited the violent power of his father's body."


When they gave this explanation, Spider felt that the whole world had become much silent because of this, and his heart actually contracted hard.

"The Mysterious Big Bang, or the original Rose Project, was originally launched to eliminate the violent and self-destructive genes of the human race."

"However, with the birth of the Twelve Gods, who best represent the all-round spiritual nature of the human race, another unexpected force was born, that is, the violence that should have been eliminated because of this, this violence has not been eliminated Elimination, but also gave rise to consciousness. The twelve gods were finally regarded as demons by us because the later church abused their authority, but Scarlet..."

"...I have to admit that Scarlet is born to be a devil!"


Spider no longer knew what to say. For the first time, her smart brain felt that there was too much information to process.

She just raised her head blankly and looked at them: "You actually told me such an important thing. What...what do you want to do?"

The three founders were silent for a long time before saying, "We have something we need you to do."

"This you, refers to you, those people in the training camp, and your instructors, all of them, those who participated in the original plan and experiment..."

"Only you can do it."

"Otherwise, when the critical point arrives, everything will turn into nothingness."


Spider's eyes suddenly became frightened. She just wanted to escape at this moment, but found that she couldn't.

"So, in my memory, no, no, it is the memory left to me by others..."

Similarly, Ye Feifei also expressed the vague shadows in her mind: "We, no, I should say you, were all born together. We have a natural high status, and we also have clear goals and directions, or rather , this kind of innate goal and direction is the twelve, or should I say, thirteen consciousness bodies, and the responsibilities they are born with are their innate missions and their constraints."

"According to the instinct of the twelve gods, they must complete this matter and should complete it."

"However, the appearance of Scarlet caused countless twists and turns to all the plans that were supposed to be on track."

"The Twelve Gods have never understood enough. I always feel that Scarlet behaves very childishly in many places, and is always unwilling to perform a task that they should have done long ago..."

"This mission is the transformation plan of the human race that they are born to complete."

"And now, they are even more anxious, and even feel scared, because their mother is about to wake up. If they cannot complete their mission before then..."

"...Then, everyone will be swallowed by the awakened mother, and the whole world will become unpredictable."


After saying this, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Wei Wei carefully: "Brother Xiao Wei, I actually heard the conversation between you and her before..."

"So, you already know what to do about this problem..."


The update time basically represents the adjustment rhythm of my biological clock...

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