Scarlet Falls

Chapter 301 The Eighth Level Promotion Sacrifice

Faced with Ye Feifei's question, Wei Wei did not tell her because he felt that Ye Feifei should not bear this.

He just smiled and nodded to Ye Feifei, and said: "Don't worry, I already have a plan in mind. Don't think too much about it. Eat something and go back and rest early!"

"Captain and the others are out on business. The discipline here in Scrap Iron City depends on the two of us."


"……All right!"

I don't know if Ye Feifei is really relieved, but after hearing what Wei Wei said, she still nodded.

It seems that in her heart, she really feels that as long as Wei Wei starts to take care of Scrap Iron City's affairs, then there is no need to worry about him. Wei Wei who stays in Scrap Iron City has always been a conscientious person who abides by the foundation. According to regulations, even good team members who are very good at figuring out the leader's thoughts need to learn from him in many aspects. Of course, once he was let out, he would probably do something amazing.

The two of them finished the meal left by Brother Piggy together, then washed the dishes, returned the things to their original places, and prepared to go back.

Seeing that there was no one in the base, Ye Feifei took the initiative to stay in the dormitory. After all, this was the center for dealing with critical matters in Scrap Iron City, and it could not be left alone.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, felt a little homesick because he had been out for too long, so he went back to rest.

The head pendant sighed inwardly: "In the seventh dimension, he turned back and saved this female doll. It makes people feel that he really has a bit of a human touch."

"But when he was so lonely, pitiful and scared, he actually insisted on going back to his rented house to rest, and explained deeply... that he couldn't really be considered a person yet."


Wei Wei probably didn't expect that he would be despised by a dead man as a human being.

He stepped out of the entrance of the base and subconsciously wanted to drive, but found that the entrance was empty. He remembered where the jeep was thrown, and a bloodshot flash flashed in his eyes. Looking into the distance, he saw a scarlet car. The colorful modified monster is running hard on the wilderness. According to its speed, it will probably take a week or two to run back to Scrap Iron City.

Not far from the scrap iron city, there was another dilapidated abandoned train with bloodshot threads wrapped around it, quietly crawling outside the mental barrier. This was the car that I had picked up on the road before.

However, one car couldn't come back, and the other one was making too much noise, so Wei Wei could only sigh and rode Ye Feifei's small electric car parked at the base and rushed to the 15th block.

After returning home, I hung the head pendant on the wall, then released the ghost lady from the can, took off her clothes and took a shower.

With the sound of rushing water, the ghost lady got used to the life outside the cans and bottles. She was sure that she was back home, and her expression became relaxed.

But then he saw the clothes and underwear that Wei Wei had changed out of, and he showed a look of disgust.

After taking a shower, Wei Wei sat back on the sofa and lit a cigarette. As the smoke slowly blew out into the air, he felt a rare sense of comfort.

A bright red room, a white tablecloth, and several humanoid patterns painted on the floor.

Sure enough, I am most relaxed at home...

But thinking about what he was about to do, he sighed, put out his cigarette, looked up at the head pendant on the hook, and said, "Now you can become a real bishop."


The head pendant was already about to fall asleep, but when Leng Buding heard these two words, he opened his eyes suddenly.

But then it shook its head and said disdainfully: "My dream has been shattered, okay? Didn't you already say that Scarlet doesn't need believers?"

"If you don't even have a believer, then I'll go to your place and become a mere commander?"


It seems that some forms have changed. Not only the captain and the classmates are avoiding me, but even the head pendant seems to be less and less licking me after getting to know me better.

This made Wei Wei feel a deep sense of loss.

He sighed and said: "It is true that there are no believers, but we also need messengers..."

"And now, we have the first batch of envoys..."



The head pendant first thought of the Holy Realm, where the slaves of the Wandering Church had been expelled. Then he shook his head and then thought of the consortium leaders whose heads had been beheaded.

His eyelids suddenly moved: "You want me to take care of them?"

Wei Wei glanced at it indifferently, not bothering to explain more.

"Isn't this too happy?"

The head pendant was obviously excited, and his eyes let out a long-lost light: "Is it true that you can get whatever you want without it?"

"I begged you so many times before, but you still wouldn't let go. Now I've finally given up on my dream..."


"Anyway, there's no problem in leaving it to you, right?"

Wei Wei interrupted its chatter and glanced at it with a half-smile, as if he had deliberately asked the question in an understatement.


The head pendant was about to agree subconsciously, but suddenly became wary: "...Of course my ability is no problem, but what exactly do you want to do through them?"

Wei Wei was silent for a while and then said frankly: "I am going to prepare for promotion to the eighth level."

"The...eighth level?"

The head pendant was so shocked that he looked at Wei Wei in disbelief.

"Yes, you have been promoted to the seventh level, haven't you?"

Wei Wei said nonsense: "After the seventh level, of course there is the eighth level."

The head pendant's brows furrowed tightly, and he felt like he had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"I know what you want to say."

However, Wei Wei surprisingly showed understanding this time and said softly: "My seventh level is not complete. In fact, according to normal rules, I should have become a despairer when I was promoted to the seventh level. Totem, I gave up on humanity... or the concept of 'self', but I am very lucky... I should say lucky, I successfully kept my current will and gained my rank."

"Then according to your understanding, what should I do now?"

He smiled and said to the head pendant: "Remain greedy and continue to obtain the complete seventh-level power?"

"It's not important. I just realized that retaining humanity might not be a bad thing, and maybe what I should do is to see what a higher level looks like."



The head pendant didn't know if Wei Wei was right, but he just felt a little worried: "Your seventh level is equivalent to sacrificing to the Wandering Church, so if you advance to the eighth level, what do you think..."

It was a little afraid to ask.

Scarlet's promotion is different from other demonic systems, but it has always strictly followed the most basic logic.

Those are the two major elements of promotion, ritual and sacrifice.

There is no step that lacks these two elements, especially the promotion to the eighth level.

But thinking that every promotion of Scarlet is such a big deal, it is hard to imagine what Scarlet needs to sacrifice for the eighth level...

"As for the eighth-level sacrifice..."

Wei Wei listened to its inquiry and sighed softly, saying: "It's already there..."


The head pendant trembled as if it had been electrocuted. First, it thought about itself, and then subconsciously glanced at the ghost lady who was vigorously scrubbing her underwear.

However, Wei Wei seemed to realize what it was thinking and said calmly: "Don't worry, you are not qualified yet."

"All right……"

The head pendant breathed a sigh of relief, and felt faintly that he was being despised.

Especially, when it discovered that Wei Wei realized that he had indeed not thought about what the sacrifice was, its contemptuous eyes became even stronger.

"What exactly is the eighth-level sacrifice?"

"Is there anything worthy of being promoted to the eighth level in Scarlet? And judging from his expression, it seems that he has already prepared it. He is not worried at all..."


It couldn't help but ponder it, but the more it thought about it, the more frightened it became. Suddenly it guessed an answer, but it actually couldn't believe it.

On the first day, just like a normal conversation, I gave the scarlet bishop's seat to the head pendant, and also told it some of the most basic arrangements and ideas.

If you want to advance to the eighth level, in addition to sacrifices, there are rituals.

There is indeed a sacrifice for Wei Wei, so there is no need to worry anymore, then another more important thing is the ceremony.

Wei Wei has already had an idea about this. The previous disaster was because he understood his idea and was willing to help him. And when he said he was no longer confused, it was also because he thought of this ritual.

Another feature of Scarlet Promotion is to design your own rituals.

In addition to telling people about the head pendants, Wei Wei also planned to do some things on his own, so after waking up the next day, he did not go to the base to meet Ye Feifei, but rode a small electric car, beeping to the west of Scrap Iron City. He came here and wanted to find her at the Sensen family's manor and ask her to prepare to do something for him. However, this manor unexpectedly turned into an empty place.

Where are people?

Captain Ouyang and the others left Scrap Iron City, could it be that Sensen also left with them?

With questions in his heart, Wei Wei inquired about it, but got an answer that surprised him: "He was caught."

Neighbors around said: "Many people from the security hall came before and took away the little girl living in this big house..."

Wei Wei asked several times before confirming that Sensen was not attacked by some mysterious organization, but was arrested by a group of handcuffed policemen driving a police car. This suddenly made him feel confused.

After thinking for a while, he took out his phone and called Inspector Zhou from the Scrap Iron City Security Office to ask what was going on.

"you are back?"

As soon as Detective Zhou answered his call, he seemed a little nervous and stammered: "The little girl named Sensen is indeed here with us..."

"There's nothing we can do..."

"The above banned an organization called the Church of Order, and relevant personnel were arrested in various cities..."


After hearing this, Wei Wei understood and rubbed his brows, dumbfounded.

He also knew about the banning of the Church of Order, but he was only concerned about the banning itself, but he did not expect what the people in the Church of Order would do. Only then did he learn from this little incident that after the Church of Order was banned, Faculty members from all over the country will be arrested and interrogated. Of course, this is just a formality. Those who are truly capable will not be arrested at all and can easily escape or hide.

And what the Foundation only canceled was the name of the Church of Order, and it didn't actually pay much attention to these people who had dispersed.

But everyone else was able to run away and hide, except for a tough-headed kid like Sensen, who was actually caught like this.

As a war demon, she neither hid nor tried to resist. Instead, she was handcuffed by the police and stuffed into a police car.

According to Inspector Zhou, he is currently being held in the detention center, waiting to be escorted to the Second City Defense Line!

"You haven't left yet?"

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly asked Inspector Zhou on the phone: "Why do you feel a little scared?"

"It's okay if I'm not afraid..."

When Detective Zhou heard Wei Wei's question, he became even more frightened: "Ouyang said before he left, let us not offend you, so as not to be hung up and eaten as sashimi..."


Wei Wei had a question mark on his forehead.

I have indeed done a few things recently, and the impact is not small, but if the captain talks about me like this, is it a bit slanderous?

He didn't say much. After asking about the place, he rode a small electric car to the detention center. After arriving at the place, Inspector Zhou, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately took him to register and then directly entered the detention center. Although I knew that I was imprisoned entirely because of the trouble caused by Sensen, a stubborn person, but when I saw that the male cell where Sensen was imprisoned, I couldn't help but feel a little angry...

"She is such a beautiful girl, and you actually lock her in the men's cell?"

He looked at Inspector Zhou and the detention center staff in confusion: "If something happens, who will be responsible?"


The staff at the detention center were all nervous: "She asked for it..."

"She said she was angry because she was afraid that the female prisoners would not be beaten..."


When Wei Wei heard this, he was a little speechless. When he followed them all the way to the cell, he saw Sensen sitting on the wooden bed from a distance, slowly wrapping the bandage on his hand.

Next to them, seven or eight criminals, all with bruises and swollen faces, stood in a row as if they were forced to stand.

"Take it away quickly..."

The young supervisor of the detention center was almost crying and said to Wei Wei: "We also need discipline here..."

"We beat people every day, how can we control them?"


Wei Wei felt a little sorry for him for a moment. When he was fighting against the Church of Order, he never thought that one day he would be involved in the detention center.

He raised his palm, and with just one thought, he could destroy the door lock and bring Sensen out.

But he didn't expect that Sensen suddenly looked up at him at this moment. She didn't seem to be curious at all that he would appear at this time. She just said expressionlessly: "I know what you are here to do."

"As the only remaining believer in the Church of Order, I am also willing to help you."


She looked very serious and expressed her biggest request: "At least, you must use legal means to get me out of here."

Wei Wei was a little surprised, but soon laughed.

The Church of Order does indeed have something, and the requirements it puts forward are actually very consistent with the teachings of the Church of Order.

But fortunately, I am no longer the same person I was when I had no money to hire a senior lawyer.

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