The time outside was probably after one o’clock at noon. Yin Jian left the Lin family’s house at twelve o’clock, entered the real Lin’s mansion, and communicated with Lin Yin for a while.
Then I read the ghost book, tried the use of ghost pen, and finally resurrected Xu Qingfeng, which took a while.
At this point, he really came out of Lin’s mansion. It seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only about five hours.
“Judge Yin, you have finally come out.” In Yin Jian’s opinion, it was very fast, but for Lin Lei, who was guarding the day, it was like a year.
In particular, Yin Jian’s last words before entering the Lin family’s house scared him a lot, for fear that the haunted house would go out of control, and it would be impossible for him to deal with this level of supernatural events with a small day trip.
At this moment, after seeing Yin Jian finally come out, he was also relieved.
“Thank you for your hard work.” Yin Jian looked at Lin Lei and said expressionlessly.
“It’s not hard work, it’s not hard work, it’s just Judge Yin, is this, has the spirituality of the Lin family house been resolved?” Lin Lei asked somewhat submissively.
He was not only afraid that Yin Jian had not dealt with it, and thus refuted Yin Jian’s face, he was also afraid that the horror level of this Lin family house was so high that if it was not dealt with, it might explode at any time.
“Well, it’s half-solved, the danger is gone, but in the future, try to block this place as much as possible, and don’t let too many people come.” Yin Jian said, looking at the dilapidated Lin’s house behind him.
There are still secrets in the Lin’s mansion.
The Lin family house number is the ghost book. This ghost book has already been controlled by him. No ghost rider will disappear because of entering the Lin family house, but the Lin family mansion has not disappeared.
The Lin family mansion where Lin Yin is located is not the Lin family residence of Ghost Book, the two are separate.
Lin’s Mansion is a ghost realm. It is similar to the fixed ghost realm like the previous ghost platform. It will only appear in certain circumstances, and generally there is not much danger.
It’s just that he hasn’t forgotten what Xu Qingfeng said, Lin’s mansion is the platform for the No. 11 bus.
Moreover, Lin Yin also gave him a direction before it dissipated. If you want to know the relationship between the ghost train and the Lin’s mansion, you can come to the Lin’s mansion at midnight.
and the final question.
Yin Jian did not see Wang Wu’s information in the ghost book, which means that Wang Wu was not in the Lin’s mansion, but the location of the Lin’s mansion was indeed provided by him, so the only explanation can only be Wang Wu took the No. 11 bus that Xu Qingfeng said could suppress the recovery of Li Gui.
And the No. 11 bus passed by Lin’s mansion at that time.
“The No. 11 bus that can suppress the revival of the Specter, the ghost train that can induce the revival of the Specter, the ghost book that can mix human consciousness into the Specter’s killing instinct, and the ghost pen that can create a conscious ghost with a ghost book through the ghost book.”
Yin Jian felt that there must be a very important connection.
In Yama’s circle, this is probably a top secret that not many people know about.
“Who is this?” Lin Lei only found Xu Qingfeng next to Yin Jian at this time, and couldn’t help but look over and ask.
However, it was this sight that made Lin Lei’s heart suddenly startled. He saw the corpse spots on Xu Qingfeng’s face, the dull and pale skin, like a dead corpse.
Moreover, the look back from the other party actually gave him a sense of fear of imminent death.
“This person is terrifying.” This was Lin Lei’s first thought, and his second thought was, “Why does this old man feel more terrifying than the captain.”
His captain is one of the two leaders of Haizhou, responsible for the supernatural Bai Wuchang during the day.
“The old man’s name is Xu Qingfeng, and he was just rescued from this haunted house by Mr. Yin.” Xu Qingfeng showed Lin Lei a kind smile, but his smile was equally terrifying.
Unlike Yin Jian’s stiff smile, he looks too dead because of the corpse spots and skin on his face. This smile, no matter how kind, is as peaceful as a corpse at the same
When talking about Yin Jian, Xu Qingfeng also secretly glanced at Yin Jian.
He changed the name of Yin Jian. The previous Yin Xiaoyou seemed too frivolous, and it felt too flattering to be called Sir Yin, and Yin Jian was very young, so he didn’t necessarily like the name, so he changed the name of Mr.
Originally, in their time, Mr. was also an honorary title for people who respected him.
After seeing that Yin Jian didn’t show any expression, Xu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.
After a little handover, Lin Lei also left. He just arranged for some public officials to stay here and blockade. At the same time, a lot of building materials will come over soon.
They will seal the whole place with cement, which is also to prevent ordinary people from getting close to it.
Of course, sealing the cement can’t stop the ghost riders who have the ghost realm, but if the ghost rider died in this Lin’s mansion, he was courting his own death, and it wouldn’t interfere with other people’s affairs.
After Lin Lei left, Yin Jian also began to arrange Xu Qingfeng’s affairs.
He gave each other a day to find relatives, and naturally he would not break his promise.
Looking for people like this, or the official Ghost Rider headquarters is easier to do. Yin Jian directly took out the ghost phone number distributed by the headquarters before and called Yang Xinggang.
Yang Xinggang was naturally full of promises, especially when Yin Jian said that Xu Qingfeng’s strength was a judge, and he would stay in Yu’an City to deal with supernatural information in the future.
He even made a package ticket and personally arranged the matter.
In the 100-story building in the center of Yi’an, Taizhou, Yang Xinggang hung up the phone and couldn’t help cheering excitedly.
Why did he try his best to promote Yin Jian to join the headquarters, not only because Yin Jian’s joining will give him a lot of rewards, but also because it is good to enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree.
Yin Jian’s strength is so strong, he doesn’t need to do anything, as long as he lives in Taizhou, it is a huge benefit.
In the past two days, Yang Xinggang has bought most of the residential areas around Yu’an City and Yinjian Community. As long as Yinjian still lives there, it will be the safest place in Taizhou.
Sure enough, Yin Jian himself threw a judge-level ghost rider into Yu’an City before he left.
“How terrifying is Mr. Yin’s strength? He won’t have surpassed the judge.” Sitting on the office chair, Yang Xinggang said in awe.
He had judged that Yin Jian’s strength was extremely strong among the judges, but now he threw a judge-level ghost rider into Yu’an City. This kind of handwriting does not seem like a judge-level can do it. .
After all, to put it nicely, a judge-level ghost rider was placed in Yu’an City to help deal with supernatural events.
But in fact, this is to let a judge to watch the door for him.
Yu’an City is such a small city, how many supernatural events can there be, let the judge go, you must know that the person in charge of the supernatural events in one continent is impermanent. .

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