Yes, to put it bluntly, Yin Jian planned to let Xu Qingfeng go to Yu’an City to help him look at the house.
After all, that house was left to him by his parents, and they raised him and left him with a lot of memories. If there is any other place in this world to make him feel at ease, there is only the old house left.
Only there, Yin Jian didn’t want to let supernatural events destroy it.
Moreover, Xu Qingfeng was very embarrassed when he was here.
In terms of strength, Xu Qingfeng can’t say that he is not strong. After all, he is a judge, and among the four ghosts in his control, two powerful ghosts and two powerful murderers are definitely not weak.
Not to mention that he has now become an alien whose consciousness controls the ghost body, so he doesn’t have to worry about the ghost’s recovery caused by the use of his abilities.
But this is not weak, it is only relative to the supernatural events that are not very strong, and it is also compared to those judges who are not very strong.
The gap between his strength and Yin Jian is really too big, and the supernatural events that Yin Jian has been exposed to now, not to mention the hazard level, the terror level is at least S-level and above, Xu Qingfeng’s strength, want to participate in Here, it’s even worse.
So he can only go to see the house, which is quite suitable for him. After all, he doesn’t have to worry about Specter’s recovery, he can use his abilities casually, and deal with general supernatural events. His terror level is enough.
Yin Jian planned to let Xu Qingfeng clean up all the supernatural events in Yu’an City.
All the supernatural events in a small city are easy for a judge like Xu Qingfeng.
Moreover, he is also very interested in Xu Qingfeng’s current state.
After walking out of Lin’s house, Xu Qingfeng was indeed not attacked by the specter’s murderous instinct. He really became an anomaly, but this anomaly was created by Yin Jian himself.
After Yin Jian checked his condition, he found that in addition to the four ghosts, there were half a page of ghost books in his body.
On the ghost book page, the blood written by the ghost pen was clearly visible, exuding a slight red light. It was the ghost book page and the red light of the blood inscription that kept Xu Qingfeng’s consciousness and prevented him from being attacked by the ghost’s murderous instinct.
And the most ingenious thing is that Xu Qingfeng at the moment is actually two Xu Qingfeng’s consciousness. The consciousness of Xu Qingfeng created by the ability of ghost pen and ghost book has the same memory and thinking as the original consciousness. way, exactly the same.
He is also in a small cycle now, just like in the Lin family house, but his cycle is not the previous one.
The previous cycle was a cycle between human consciousness and Specter’s murderous instinct, a cycle every 30 minutes.The law of the operation of ghost books can also more effectively prevent people’s consciousness from being eroded by the murderous instinct of ghosts.
And now it’s a cycle between Xu Qingfeng’s consciousness and consciousness. After 30 minutes, consciousness will switch.
And the ingeniousness lies in the fact that consciousness has the same thinking, the same memory, and shared memory, which also causes him to not be aware of his own cycle at all, and at the same time effectively prevents the erosion of the ghost’s murderous instinct.
The half page of the ghost book is equivalent to creating a small Lin family house cycle between Xu Qingfeng’s consciousness. In this way, even if he leaves the Lin family house, his consciousness will not be eroded.
Of course, in fact, he is not out of the ghost book.
Yin Jian prefers to call this situation a balance between consciousness and the ghost’s murderous instinct, just like Ye Xianguo turned himself into an alien with no ghost, and uses the ghost’s ability to restrain the ghost’s murderous instinct.
In the same way, Xu Qingfeng’s current body is equivalent to having some jigsaw puzzles of ghost books and ghost pens, which is why ghost books and ghost pens are much dimmed. This is to use some of their jigsaw puzzles to restrain the ghosts in Xu Qingfeng’s body.
It is precisely because of this that Yin Jian doesn’t want to use ghost pens and ghost books to create aliens in a short period of time. In addition to consumption, the remaining people in the ghost house are too weak.
Xu Qingfeng left, and Yin Jian asked Lin Lei, a Japanese tour, to arrange for Xu Qingfeng to go to Taizhou to find Yang Xinggang. At the same time, he also had to adapt to the world in 110 years.
After everything left, Yin Jian’s body flashed white light, and he disappeared in place.
When he appeared again, he returned to Lin’s mansion.
For Lin Lei, this matter of Lin’s house is over, and it is over for Xu Qingfeng, but for him, it is not over yet.
The bus at midnight, he was going to see it here.
But he didn’t just wait here. He entered the room of Lin’s mansion, and Yin Jian was going to take out the ghost book and study it again.
This ghost book is very unusual and has great potential for growth. What is strange is that this ghost book is a ghost, but it does not have the law of killing or the instinct to kill, only the law of operation and growth, which is very strange.
It’s not like ghost cigarettes. When you run out of cigarettes, ghosts will come out to kill people. This ghost book is like a simple prison, and then it is even more bizarre when paired with ghost pen. Recreating consciousness and reshaping aliens is equivalent to an alternative resurrection.
Yin Jian casually used his ghost hand to explore the ghost house, but he found nothing.
The ghost book disappeared in his haunted house.
No, it shouldn’t be said that it disappeared, but was swallowed by the haunted house, forming some kind of strange change.
Yin Jian discovered this when he unfolded the ghost house. The ghost pen was still in the lobby opposite the ghost gate, and the ghost book beside it was shattered.
Except for the cover, all the pages inside were broken into pieces, as if someone had torn them off.
And these torn pages were pasted one by one on the door of the haunted house.
The growth law of the ghost house is that every time a ghost is imprisoned, there will be an extra room. Now, the pages of the ghost book are directly merged into the ghost house, making it instantly appear hundreds of rooms.
On the door of each room, there are pages of ghost books, which record the faces of ghosts.
It’s just that among the hundreds of rooms, some rooms are obviously illusory, those are those ghost riders who have already left the Lin family house, and the rest, only eight are solid, which are the real prisoners. Ghostly room.
After Xu Qingfeng left, there were only eight living ghosts left in the Lin family house.
But even if it was eight, the horror level of Yin Jian’s haunted house had been raised a lot. After all, among the eight living ghosts, Zhou Zhen, the carrion ghost, was the only one under the daily tour.
In addition to this, there are three at the day and night tour level, two at the impermanence level, and two at the judge level.
The level of terror brought about is equivalent to the improvement brought about by imprisoning twenty ghosts.
Originally, Yinjian’s haunted house had a house, a ghost gate, and two ghost lanterns. The horror level was extremely high. In addition, these living ghosts and the integration of the ghost book pages of the ghost book itself, which had a very high horror level, were added. The horror level of this haunted house has instantly risen to an extremely terrifying level. .

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