After nearly ten hours of flight, the plane finally landed smoothly at the Pulkovo airport in St. Petersburg. As the broadcast in the cabin sounded, the passengers untied their seat belts and began to disembark in order.

Taking advantage of the suitcase and passing the gangway, watching the back of Lu Zhouyuan, Yang Yongan glanced at the instructor next to him and asked carefully.

"Teacher, you and the academician of the land... is it bad?"

The last time I went to Beijing, he felt a little bit. Now look at the expression on the face of Dr. Wang, and the reaction on this road, he is more certain of the speculation in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he did not dare to go over the road and the boat is close to him. The fear is that his tutor is not happy.

After all, in any case, he is also a Yan school student, and the relationship with the academician of the land is no better, the relationship between the academician of the army is also difficult to help him, and as a veteran of the Yan school, his boss is He really needs to be a good person.

Hearing the question of his own students, although Wang Shicheng really couldn’t wait to throw that person away from the plane, he still denied it.

"Nothing! Who told you, don't say this."

Yang Yongan: "..."

Mom, it’s like this, it’s not like what it’s like!

Looking at the face of Yang Yongan, Wang Shicheng was silent for a while, and finally changed into a moderate tone and continued: "Some things are not something you should worry about, you should not go to the control. I have no common language with him, but You are all young people, you and he still try to get a better relationship, which will help you in the future."

When the words are here, the academician Wang will not say anything more.

However, after hearing this, Yang Yongan, who was next to him, was relieved.

Of course, this relaxed he did not show up on his face, just made a bold appearance, and nodded in obedience to the teachings.

"I understand, teacher."

Prior to this, his biggest concern was that his teacher, even the entire Yan School, did not deal with the Lu Academician. Even if I want to make a good fortune in this promising future, I have to worry about my own brothers.

But now it seems that the situation is not what he is worried about.

The tutor himself is only a private person who does not like this person, and does not raise personal grievances to the same party between the schools, and does not have to go to the extent of directly turning face with Mr. Qiu Lao.

In fact, what Yang Yongan did not know was that his mentor was not only "not like this person", but for practical reasons, he chose to let him step by step.

After all, the influence of that person has long been confined not only to the mathematics community, but to the entire academic community, and even to the extent of being linked to the overall national strength, which can influence the national strategy.

For such scholars who have "before jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements", the so-called school has no meaning at all.

I have learned this level...

He is a school.


What Wang Shicheng didn't know was that he had to go slower if he had to lose. If he and the boat were out of the airport, he would have to be shown by someone.

In fact, when Wang Peng walked out of the airport, even Lu Zhou himself was shocked by the enthusiasm of these hairy people.

Outside the airport, more than a dozen black cars of the same color were parked on the side of the road. A Russian who looked familiar was taken off the sunglasses, and with a warm smile on his face, he walked up and gave it. Lu Zhou is a bear hug.

"Haha, welcome, Lu Academician! Welcome to Russia! Don't know if you remember me?"

Freed from this enthusiasm, Lu Zhou shook his hand and shook, a little uncomfortable smile, said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Grudev... you are so enthusiastic."

"I said, if you come to Moscow to visit us, we will definitely come up with the most grand welcoming ceremony to greet you... although it is St. Petersburg, but it is similar." After releasing Lu Zhou’s hand, Gru Jeff Haha smiled and looked at a man and a woman next to him. "This is my daughter, Miss Victor Liya. I believe you should know, I don't have to introduce it. This is the Ministry of Energy."

"We have also seen," after Miss Victor Liya, Minister Novak smiled and extended his right hand and Lu Zhou shook hands. "Welcome to your arrival."

Two ministerial officials came forward to meet, even though Lu Zhou felt that his face was still thick.

"You are too polite."

"Compared to the friendship between us, this is nothing. Besides, like Mr. Grudev, I also promised you the last time I was in China. If you have the opportunity to visit Russia, I will come to the airport in person. You take the wind."

A friendly smile was revealed to Lu Zhou. Minister Novak looked at the man standing next to the man in a black suit and looks like a powerful man. He continued, "Please let me introduce you, this is the Federal Security Service. Mr. Masim, your security work in Russia will be his sole responsibility."

Compared with the two ministers, the Russian Security Service, named Masim, did not have many words. The style of the wording did not have so many diplomatic rhetoric, which was more concise.

"Hello, Professor Lu, the alpha team has arrived in St. Petersburg, and our security personnel will be responsible for the security work of the imu conference. All the academic activities you are doing here will be protected by the highest standards. What you encounter here You can use this phone to contact me for any security or security issues."

From his hand, he took over the retro-style brick mobile phone. Lu Zhou handed it to Wang Peng, then looked at him and smiled and said: "There is work."

"You're welcome, for our long-lasting friendship."

Regardless of these words, with a sincere heart, this time I visited Russia, Lu Zhou can clearly feel that the Russian security department is still very careful in his safety work.

After all, no matter what factor is taken, Russia cannot allow him to encounter any form of security threat here.

This is not only about the image of the country, but also about the diplomatic interests.

After a few words with Novak of the Department of Energy, before the Luzhou boarded the car, the savvy Russians then spoke up and talked about the schedule for these two days.

"...a moment our team will send you to the hotel where you will stay. The team that picks up your car tomorrow morning will arrive at the hotel downstairs at 8 o'clock... Of course, when you can come down, it is best to be before noon. ""

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "Reassured, I have no habit of sleeping late, I will arrive on time."

Minister Novak smiled and said: "Thank you for your trip to Russia."

Before the visit, the Russian official facilitated an invitation to him through formal diplomatic channels, inviting him to visit the nuclear power plant under construction when he came to St. Petersburg.

Therefore, this time in addition to attending the International Congress of Mathematicians in St. Petersburg, Lu Zhou’s trip has yet to be dealt with.

However, this entertainment is not a hassle, at most it only takes up half a day.

In order to catch up with the International Congress of Mathematicians, Lu Zhou made a special trip two days in advance to complete the "insignificant" things before the meeting.

When I got to one of the cars, when Lu Zhou was getting ready to board the bus, she was always very lady standing next to the Minister of Georgia, Miss Victor Liya, and she didn’t know who was being provocative or arrogant. Halfway through the ground, the left hand was gently placed on the door of the car, and the land boat that had cast a confused view bent his lips.

"We are meeting for the second time. According to Russian etiquette, you still owe me a hug."

Lu Zhou: "Does Russia have this custom?"

"Of course," gently licking the bangs in front of the forehead, Miss Victor Liya's face showed a charming smile, and blinked and said, "Dr. Lu does not intend to do as the Romans do? Let the woman wait for a long time is not a gentleman's behavior."


Hesitating for a moment, Lu Zhou also happily hugged with the Miss Victor Liya.

However, the enthusiastic Russian girl apparently did not intend to just hug her courtesy.

Feeling that his ear was blown by a hot air, the face condition reflected red, Lu Zhou, instantly let go of the giggling Russian girl, hurriedly sat on the side of the car.

Mom, is this part of the Russian custom?

However, although I feel like I am being taken advantage of it.

But that hug is quite shocking.

Well, it is very shocking.

In various senses...

In the car, Wang Peng was sitting in the position of the co-pilot. Sitting in the back row with Lu Zhou was Mr. Masim of the Federal Security Service. Although Minister Novak only said that he is a detective, from the attitude towards him, the identity of the detective should not be very low.

It was noticed that the expression of Lu Zhou had been somewhat unnatural after getting on the bus, Massim said with a smile.

"Don't be so nervous, we will make sure you are safe."

Squeezing a smile from the stiff face, Lu Zhou said with a glance: "I am not nervous, but I have not gone abroad for a long time, a little... not very suitable."

Mainly in terms of cultural customs.

Shrugging his shoulders, Massim smiled and smiled and said, "Well, let's talk about something easy... What do you think Miss Victor Liya?"

Lu Zhou: "...What is it?"

"Like the hug just now."

Lu Zhou did not know how to describe it. After frowning for a while, he said in an uncertain tone.

"...It seems to have been hit."

Masim gave a slight glimpse, and then he laughed and blew a whistle.

"I was hit by a ball? This metaphor is really an image. I didn't expect Professor Lu to be an interesting person."

Lu Zhou: "..."

When did I say this sentence? !

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