Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1004: Iron curtain is falling

After the communication ended, Lu Zhou continued to pack his bags. However, at this time, the small TV floating next to it suddenly continued to flash.

Xiao Ai: [Master, when you called, it seems that someone is peeking at you. ('???\')

Lu Zhou: "...sneak peek?"

Xiao Ai: [Well! When the video data is transmitted to North America, it seems that it is not only received by one terminal. I feel a little strange to try to send a string of encrypted data to the strange device. From the address of the feedback signal, it is not the same person. . (?ˉwˉ?)】

Does it mean being monitored?

"This way..."

Although it was expected, but after confirming this point, Lu Zhou could not help but feel a bit of emotion.

A few years ago, when he first went to Princeton, the academic environment of the entire international community was not like this. I didn't expect this to be a decade's effort, but it has already deteriorated to such an extent.

It seems that the time of his return to the country is still very good for the card.

If it is a year later, it will not necessarily come back.

Xiao Ai: [I feel as if I have seized the equipment, and it has not found me, would you like me to install a back door? (??????)??]

Lu Zhou immediately stopped the road: "Don't, that's not something we worry about, don't mess around."

Breaking into a device is easy.

But after all, it is on the site of others.

If you find that your computer is passive, even if you just find a little bit of clues, it is difficult to ensure that those who monitor will not directly tear the face, doing some unfavorable things for his students.

Although there is self-confidence in information technology, the investigation and anti-reconnaissance aspects, Lu Zhou is really not confident, can do better than fbi and cia professionals.

Even Xiao Ai is just a child whose mind is not yet mature.

This kind of thing that only has no harm in the bad place is really no need for risk.

But thinking of Wei Wen’s current situation and the things he had said on the phone before, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, still took out his mobile phone and called the Secretary of the Science and Technology Bureau, Li, and used his current situation and his own The suggestion has been said a bit.

Although for those Chinese nationals in North America, what is happening in North America is undoubtedly a disaster.

But for China, this is not an opportunity.

If we can formulate some attractive talent introduction policies, I believe that in order to catch up with this opportunity, there must be many Chinese scholars who are swinging in the willingness to return to China.

As for Wei Wen’s call on the phone, “Mika/Sinism is re-emerging” and “Academic freedom is being challenged like never before”, these clouds are over the entire international academic world...

Even if I feel sorry for this, Lu Zhou can't do anything about it.


Early August.

From Shanghai to Russia on a flight.

After boarding the plane through the ramp, I watched Wang Peng put the luggage on the luggage rack, and suddenly met a acquaintance with a special identity.

It is also in the first class.

The two are on the line of sight.

In the end, Lu Zhou first reacted and smiled and said with a friendly smile.

"It's so good."

Hearing this greet, he followed the sacred **** and returned to the gods. Wang Shicheng’s mouth twitched like a twitch, but it quickly became a slightly better smile than the face.

"...Yes, it’s so good, it’s so good... hahaha."

It’s so special!

With so many shifts a day, you can hit each other and the seats are still close.

The most confusing thing is that when he was waiting for the plane, he did not notice it at all. !

If he was told that Lu Zhou was also the flight, he said that he had to let his apprentices go back to another one!

It is unrealistic to adjust the seat. Hesitated for a while, and Wang Shicheng finally sat next to Lu Zhou.

At the reminder of the flight attendant, the seat belt was buckled, and the old man closed his eyes and closed his eyes, waiting for the plane to taxi off and take off.

Just when he thought that this trip could be ended without anyone cares about it, Lu Zhou, who was sitting next to him, smiled and spoke to him.

"Does the academician Wang also go to St. Petersburg to meet?"

"Well," Wang Shicheng, who was not very open-minded, couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard this question. His tone was slightly smug. "There is a 45-minute report meeting, the International Union of Mathematicians." Invite me to go and talk casually, I will go."

It is quite difficult to get the report that he has already retired from the first line and received an invitation from the International Union of Mathematicians.

This shows that the international mathematics community still remembers that he is such a person and has not forgotten his research. For an old man, this is also the place to make him happy.

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "This way, congratulations."

Looking at the expression on Lu Zhou's face, Wang Shicheng snorted in his heart.

What a special hypocrisy!

Who doesn't know if you are a 60-minute report?

Don't you just want to force it?

Oh, I just don't give you this opportunity!

In my heart, Wang Shicheng did not have the modest slogan of playing cards according to common sense. He said something like "to each other", but after a smile, he underestimated the topic.

"What about you? Riemann guessed there was a result?"

When it comes to Riemann’s conjecture, Lu’s expression suddenly brought a bit of regret.

"Speaking, this is really not."

Regret is really regrettable.

He has been busy for a whole year, and the time to actually use Riemann’s conjecture is not a few days. If you spend all of this time on Riemann’s conjecture, you may not be able to make a beautiful result.

However, although Lu Zhou is really regrettable, but heard the old scholar's ear, it is to let him involuntarily tilted his mouth.

Ha ha!

You also have today.

Although it can't be proved that Riemann's conjecture is nothing to be embarrassing, but someone has boasted of Haikou and did not prove anything, but did not do the 60-minute report.

Oh, is it really sweet now?

In the darkness of his heart, Wang Shicheng pretending to be a stranger.

"No? I heard people say that when you just received a 60-minute invitation last year, you said that you wouldn’t go to St. Petersburg without making a point. You just thought about you, I’m still thinking about it. Have you already solved the Riemann conjecture? The result is actually not. This is really a pity."

This sentence is somewhat of a taste for people.

But unfortunately, the expression was too concealed, so that someone did not hear it.

Looking at the academician Wang who expressed sympathy for himself, Lu Zhou sighed and agreed to nod and said, "Yes, it’s a pity... I didn’t really want to come, but I couldn’t push it."

"...can't push it?"

I don't know why, seeing the expression on the face of this kid, Wang Shicheng always has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, as if to confirm his thoughts, the young man’s face showed a smile of embarrassment.

This smile...

He is really too familiar with it.

"Well," he smiled slyly, and Lu Zhou scratched his head and said, "They...should be going to award me a prize."

Wang Shicheng: "..."

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