Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1013: Active protection mechanism

The entire meeting room was quiet.

There is no problem with the core, and there is no problem with the nuclear power plant...

The problem lies in the external power grid?

When he heard this, Lermontov laughed.

"What you mean is that there is no problem with the battery, and there is no problem with the battery slot. Is there a problem with the Russian power system? Can't accept the high-tech fusion? This is the best joke I have ever heard."

Lu Zhou slightly stunned: "Is it funny?"

Lermontov’s face flashed a touch of twilight, and he said unceremoniously: "Academician Lu Zhou, I know that you are a good mathematician, even in the city of St. Petersburg next to there are hundreds or even thousands of you. The peers are waiting for your report, but I have to say that you are a pure amateur in power."

Lu Zhou nodded: "This is indeed the case. I don't understand the Russian power grid system at all, but I have enough evidence to prove my point."

Lermontov did not speak, just holding his arms and waiting for Lu Zhou to continue.

Obviously not just Lermontov, the people in the entire conference room, even the academicians including Wang, are waiting.

Did not sell off at this time, Lu Zhou cleared the scorpion and continued.

“When designing the core, we usually add a lot of insurance measures to ensure safety. For example, the active shut-down mechanism on the core trap, such as the temperature detection device on the heat dissipation system, can be significant in the core. Actively suspend the fusion reaction at the risk of accidents. These insurance measures will not only shut down the core in the event of a core failure, but also predict the possible risks of the core in some special cases, before everything is irreparable. Terminate the ongoing nuclear reaction."

Lermontov took a nap.

"such as?"

Lu Zhou: "For example, when the external power grid can not withstand, or can not consume the energy generated by nuclear fusion."

“There is no such problem at all,” said the No. Walker, who stood next to him, and said, “In order to ignite today, we have adjusted the work plan of other thermal power facilities, and even have a lot of power consumption in St. Petersburg. The area has been re-designed for electricity. As long as the core is successfully operated, we will immediately reduce the efficiency of the unit in a nearby large thermal power station. When the core output reaches 10%, we will shut down St. Petersburg. Units 1 and 2 of the Leningrad nuclear power plant 80 km west... We have a comprehensive plan to adjust our energy structure."

Lu Zhou: "But have you considered another possibility?"

Minister Novak sighed slightly: "What is it possible?"

"In general, even if it triggers the protection mechanism of the agc system, it will not be able to enter the grid of St. Petersburg in a little bit of electricity, but now the situation is..." Looking at Minister Novak, Lu Zhou continued. "Your grid system, it seems that even a little bit of energy from Helios does not want it."

Lermontov laughed: "How is it possible? Are you ridiculing our experts in the power sector? Or are we having a ghost in our power sector? Do you want to say that?"

"If you take it as a mockery, then I can't help it. As for whether there is a ghost inside, it is not my professional field," shrugged his shoulders, and Lu Zhou continued without expression. "However, in fact, Your energy management system...the so-called ems, and our Helios fusion power station seem to have quite serious compatibility issues."

"I'm not sure if this is a system bug or an artificial one. In short, the energy produced from the core cannot be successfully input into the grid, and even a little bit can't be done, which triggers the active protection mechanism of our core. By plasma The data of the body turbulence is analyzed, and I can tell you this responsibly."

"I can even say that without this protection mechanism, the problem we encountered today is not what is called a no-point, but a major nuclear accident."

It is quite dangerous to melt the core of hundreds of millions of degrees of plasma.

At least for people in nuclear power plants...

Upon hearing this, the expression on the face of Minister Novak changed instantly.

Lermontov’s face was not very good-looking, apparently scared by the nuclear accident.

However, even if he was shocked, subjectively he still did not believe that Lu Zhou could complete the analysis of the plasma turbulence data in such a short period of time.

Obviously, this person is only using his academic authority to sue for his compatriots.

Biting his teeth, Lermontov said: "...there is no alarm in it, who knows if you are talking about it?"

"Mr. Lermontov."

Suddenly looked at by the boat, the hair was slightly stunned and frowned.

"……what happened?"

Staring at Lermontov, Lu Zhou seriously asked: "In case, I will confirm one sentence first, do you really want us to solve this problem?"

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Lermontov's expression was slightly flustered, but it was quickly calmed down. "This is related to billions of investments, and I am the head of rosatom on this project." Who do you think is the most anxious person now?"

“Very good,” Lu Zhou nodded. It looked like Minister Novak. “You can arrange for several engineers to check what I said is right. I believe this should not be difficult.”

Minister Novak cautiously took the spot.

"I will let people do it."

Pushing the chair up and standing up, Lu Zhou looked at his eyes and kept staring at his own Lermontov. The index finger tapped on the stack of more than two hundred pages of plasma turbulence data.

"You don't know how many copies of this stuff I have seen."

"Now I have told you where the problem is. If you really want to solve this problem, then I will try to solve the problem as I said."

"If you just want an accident identification, I can of course show you my calculations on the spot, but I am not sure if your IQ can be understood."


Lermontov stood up angrily, but forced the pressure of Mr. Masim, who was standing at the door, to sit back and let go.

According to Russian tradition, they should fight one at this time.

But for the sake of life safety, he felt that he should still restrain himself.


The ignition ceremony was forced to shelve.

According to Lu Zhou’s proposal, the Russian Ministry of Energy has already contacted the Russian Uniform Power Company and began to investigate potential hidden dangers in the power grid.

As for whether the problem is on the grid...

Lu Zhou can be very responsible, indicating that this probability is as high as 95%.

However, let him make an accurate analysis of the accident, and use mathematical methods to prove his own experience, which is less than a week.

Instead of spending a week to do this meaningless thing, it is better to go directly to the grid to find out where the problem is.

After coming out of the nuclear power plant, Lu Zhou did not return directly to the hotel. Instead, he found a restaurant opened by the Chinese people nearby and had a meal with the academician Wang.

At the dinner table, I just talked about what happened just now. Academician Wang suddenly sighed and said with a feeling of emotion.

"To tell the truth, this thing is very embarrassing. As far as Lermontov's attitude is concerned, I have some doubts that this is the self-directed performance of Rosatom."

The chopsticks in his hand stopped, and Lu Zhou looked at Wang Academician strangely.

“What good is this for them?”

Although he does not know much about business, it is clear that it is clear.

Such large-scale public utility projects often carry a lot of bank loans, even if they are put into use one day later, they are hundreds of thousands or even millions of losses.

When he heard the question of Lu Zhou, Wang Zengguang patiently explained.

"This is a tens of billions of orders, not just loans, but also insurance policies. If there is a problem with the core, they can not only apply for compensation from the insurance company, but also pressure us to provide complete or partial fusion. Technology. After all, there is no third-party testing organization at all. Whether it is a core or a nuclear power plant, the standard failure is a word we have to say."

In short, the Nuclear Industry Group and East Asia Power are like a retail giant that opened a supermarket chain, or a monopoly. Now Maozi neighbors plan to open a branch at home, how to decorate the supermarket, purchase goods, or even How the goods are placed on the shelves, the head office of the Chinese side has the final say.

Because the products on the Chinese side are necessary for the country concerned, at the national level, the countries have made some concessions to many places that could not be conceived to ensure that products can enter the country.

But this concession is not without preconditions.

The biggest premise related to nuclear facilities is naturally security.

This is especially true for countries like Russia that are extremely sensitive to nuclear accidents.

If nothing happens, of course it is the best, hello, hello, everyone, enjoy the dividends brought by clean energy, and share the power of knowledge to change the world.

However, there are serious quality problems in the products, and all the hidden dangers are exposed/exposed.

For example, the most terrible, the core can not be successfully started, but there is no institution in Russia that can carry out quality inspection on the product. The core has no problem, and it depends on the East Asian power that sells the core.

If rosatom does not seize this opportunity to extort money from them, it will be strange. Even in terms of means, they are still "restrained."

Lu Zhou frowned and asked: "Is it possible for the Russian authorities to instruct them to do it."

"It is unlikely, but even if they did, it is estimated that the Russian authorities will also take the opportunity to act. Let us first test the reaction of our side and decide whether or not to condone. After all, the oligarchs in the nuclear power field of rosatom still have no political or altar in Russia. With little influence, and with a step back, their energy department must also be toward their own people."

Speaking of this, Academician Wang Zengguang also sighed. "I didn't expect the opening to be unfavorable. This is still a normal country with our diplomatic relations. If it is on the other side of the sea, I don't know what other moths are waiting for us."

If the Maozi is likened to a stream/氓, then the other side of the sea is the flow of a suit, and there is still a culture that will arm itself with knowledge.

However, this is also a wake-up call for East Asian power that has just left the country.

Even if it is a strategic ally, even if the project is discussed by the state, it cannot be completely taken lightly. For small countries in Southeast Asia, they are giants backed by superpowers, but for other big countries, they are giants and they are also a piece of fat that will go, everyone wants to take a bite.

Next time, they will also include the grid system that needs to be connected into the inspection project for project acceptance.

Of course, this may involve national security issues and some inconvenient disclosures, and the parties may not be willing to cooperate.

But even so, it is always better than it is now.

He and the boat touched the cup and killed the beer. Academician Wang said sincerely.

"Today's business, thanks to your help."

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "You're welcome, so I am also a shareholder of East Asia Power."

"You are a big dog, and you secretly show off the wealth there. You have invited this wine!"

Smiling with a smile, looking at the innocent Lu Zhou, Academician Wang paused for a while, and put on a serious tone to continue.

"Look back, I will contact the domestic side and ask what their opinions are."

"No matter whether the final problem is on the external power grid, we can't transfer it to them. This place can't be opened at all. Even if we export controllable fusion technology, we must guarantee the technology leadership of more than ten years. ”

Lu Zhou nodded and continued: "Is there anything I need to help?"

"No, we have trouble you too much," said Lu Zhou, Academician Wang Zengguang said with a smile. "The rest of the time, you still have peace of mind to attend your international mathematician conference, and you will have another ignition ceremony." It’s not enough to catch up, it’s not because of our reasons.”

"As for other things, give it to us!"

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