Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1014: Really guessed by him? (1/3)

Just when Lu Zhou had returned to the hotel, Minister Novak was standing in the computer room of the Russian Uniform Power Company in St. Petersburg, and stared at the group of technicians who were busy working in front of the computer. .

Standing next to Minister Novak is the manager of the unified power St. Petersburg branch, named Olig. The white-haired middle-aged man has a thick hustle and bustle, and his body is a bit blessed. A set of Armani suits actually wears a balloon full of air.

From two hours ago, he was on the sidelines.

"Mr. Minister, I can swear to you that our grid is always in perfect condition and there is absolutely no problem! Starting from this morning, the engineers in our department have been waiting in front of their respective jobs to welcome The power supply of the Lios poly substation is being prepared, but we have not monitored the voltage change from the energy inlet of the Helios fusion power station -"

It was not affected by this rhetoric at all. Minister Novak said with a blank face and a blank expression.

"I will confirm it if I have any questions."

"I am deeply sorry for your decision. This is a distrust of our work."

"To shut up."

"Okay, Mr. Minister." Seeing the face of Minister Novak's face with an impatient expression, Olig quickly closed his mouth after muttering a whisper.

In fact, it is not just that rosatom and the Russian Ministry of Energy did not expect such a thing to happen. The Russian unified power company, which is responsible for operating the European power grid, did not expect such a situation.

At the time of project acceptance, it was not only East Asia Power that signed the letter of responsibility. The people who unified the power company also went to the site for inspection. After they approved the safety issue, they approved the Helios project. On-grid power generation request.

After hearing the news that the core of the Helios fusion power station could not start normally, Olig’s right eyelids kept jumping, and in the afternoon, Minister Novak took the person to the door.

However, he did not expect that the Minister of Novak actually suspected that the problem was not on the nuclear power plant, but on the grid system.

This is simply too ridiculous!

Time passed by, and so far, I still haven’t checked any problems. I’m wondering if I should remind you that Minister Novak is just right, sitting in a technician who is not far from him. Stopped the hand tapping the keyboard, staring at a line of strings in the screen and pushing the glasses

"...Mr. Manager."

By this voice disturbed the divergent thinking, Olig immediately looked to him, subconsciously asked.

"what happened?"

From the sight of a pair of twin eyes on himself, I felt a huge pressure, and the technician swallowed, and finally said with a hard scalp: "Our ems system seems to have a little situation -"

Upon hearing this sentence, Olig immediately realized that he might think too simple. He quickly stopped the technician's words and took him to go out.

"Wait a minute, come over with me first..."

Seeing that Olig intended to take the technician out of the house, Minister Novak immediately stopped the two.


Looking at the two people who stopped, Minister Novak stared at the technician, and said with a serious tone.

“What happened? I asked you to report your findings immediately and truthfully! If you have any concealment in the report, you will bear the hidden responsibility for this!”

When the minister said that he had to take responsibility, the technician suddenly stunned, and ignored the big-bellied manager next to him, madly throwing his own eyes, pretending to say quickly without seeing.

"We found several abnormal response records when checking the ems memory. When the system received an output request from Helios, it did not process the request, but it responded to the signal of the approval request..."

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the information that sent water from the upstream. The downstream dam received the message and also reported that it was opening the floodgate, but in fact it did not let go of the gate, even in the log. A report of the opening of the gate was recorded.

Academician Vasily frowned: "Is it a system bug?"

“It’s not a bit like a bug...” the engineer said in a difficult tone. “I found that the code that changed a few lines was not like a bug, but a human input.”

The cold sweat brush came out, and Olig hurried.

"How is it possible? Are you mistaken?!"

Thinking about it anyway, I probably also offended the manager, and the technician simply gave up the treatment and offended it. He pretended not to hear his suggestion. He said with certainty: "I can be more than 90% sure. No! Don't believe that you let our safety director look at it again, I believe his inference is definitely the same as me."

This is not just the cold sweat that Oliger has in front of him. The nooks who are standing next to him, the academics of Siwari, and the officials of the Ministry of Energy are all soaked in cold sweat.

The operation is caused by man!

Someone has locked the energy input port on the nuclear power plant from the ems system!

If the core is successfully ignited, the huge amount of electrical energy generated by nuclear fusion will not only smash the entire transmission line, but also impact all the connected transformer stations in the vicinity, and will also cause a series of chain damage from the magnetic fluid generator set to the core itself. Even a serious core overheated and melted!

If it was not for the core of Helios that actively triggered the protection mechanism, the reactor was forcibly shut down...

Thinking of Lu Zhou and the hundreds of millions of degrees of plasma he described, as well as the fusion reaction that took place in the core, Minister Novak felt only a lap from Satan's front door.

He shook his body and he jumped up like a polar bear who stepped on his toes and snarled angrily.

"Check it out for me! Who is it on our grid system! And those who are responsible for maintaining the grid system... Mom, are you eating something?!"

Looking at the violent Norwalk minister, Olig said with a trepidation.

"Mr. Minister, maybe it’s just a system bug, we don’t have to spend so much time--"

"Mr. Olig," stared at the fat man standing next to him. Minister Novak said in a word, "I advise you to cooperate with the investigation. This is the only way to clear your suspicion." ""

Hearing this sentence, Olig couldn't believe his eyes wide open, and the index finger pointed at himself.

"You are doubting me? God, how can I do this kind of thing!"

"It is not God's ability to doubt who is not my power," Minister Novak retracted and realized, staring at the already busy computer room, sullenly continued. "This is a well-planned and long-planned project." Destructive action, even murder! There is no doubt that there are some traitors in our ranks."

“This is no longer an energy issue, but a category of national security issues.”

Looking at the pale Olig, the Vasily academician holding his breath, and the head of the rosatom company, Lermontov, who stood by and said nothing, Minister Novak said coldly.

"I will report this matter to the FBI truthfully, and their people will take over."

"I believe that the truth will soon come to the fore."


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