Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1016: Hide achievements to unlock! (3/3)

Morning on August 3.

The sky above St. Petersburg is clear and clear.

The conference hall of the Klinkia Hotel is crowded with people.

Even though the conference hall was spacious enough, because there were so many people present, and two security checks were set up at the entrance, the people who entered the room were still shoulders and shoulders, and the crowded aisles were almost impossible to drop their feet.

As in the past, in accordance with the usual practice, the organizer of the Organizing Committee of the General Assembly, Professor Viana, and the Chairman of the International Mathematical Union, Seon Chongwen, respectively, stood at the opening ceremony and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, welcoming scholars from all over the country and thanking Russia and Support for mathematics in all walks of life in St. Petersburg.

Then, the whole conference ushered in the most exciting awards session under the eagerness of everyone.

This link can be said to be the highlight of the whole conference. It can even be said that many people are coming to it.

The forthcoming four categories of awards almost mark the highest honour of the entire mathematics community. It can be said that any one of them will get one of them. The mathematics road of the winners will be smooth in the future.

Especially the Fields Medal.

Compared to the Lifetime Achievement Award, which is comforting and half-baked in academic career, the Fields Prize, which is only under 40 years old, can be said to be the crown of countless mathematicians.

Most people admire hard work, but everyone is eager to become a genius.

This is especially true for mathematics, a field of genius.

The people sitting in the crowd can clearly hear, and the people sitting next to them are discussing intensely, who is likely to receive this supreme honor.

"Jody Williamson, Australia's youngest number of academicians, established a pure algebraic Hodge theory on polynomial rings, and successfully proved the kazhdan-lusztig conjecture of the cosmopolitan group, which was not obtained in the last session. Unfortunately, this session should be his."

"...Marina Vyazovska should also have the opportunity to extend the 3-dimensional sphere stacking problem to 8D and 24D in the study of discrete geometry, and also took the 2017 Cray with these studies. The Research Award, the Larkin Gold Award, and the European Portfolio Award, my tutor described her with genius and incredible words. She is 38 years old this year, and if she doesn't win, she won't have a chance."

"Marina Vyazovska's research is really good, but the direction of discrete geometry is too cold, not to mention her mentor is not a famous scholar. In contrast, I am more optimistic about another Ukrainian mathematician, And also a lady."


"The certifier of the Corner Guess, the last Cole Number Theory Award and the Ramanu Gold Award, the winner of the European Mathematical Society Award, Vera Puyue. Whether the research results or the mentor are top-level, and still from Princeton, even The judges committee does not consider her this time, and she must be her next time."

"Damn, why did the Fields Medal have only one year? There are too many people to win."

"Because there is more money, there is no gold. We must choose a scholar who is really good enough to change the future of the mathematics world..."

Sensitively captured the penultimate sentence, Lu Zhou's face showed a surprised expression.

In the place he didn't know, there were so many things happening, and she didn't even tell him.

Although I understand that she may want to give herself a surprise, perhaps she thinks that this is not worth mentioning at all, but she still knows a little bit of a small loss.

I didn't want to live up to the expectations of the attendees. Professor Sen Chongwen, who stood on the stage, didn't let people wait. He set up his speech and pushed the glasses on his nose. He quickly entered the awarding process.

"The first is the Gauss Award, I know that you have been waiting for a long time."

In this sentence, the moment of export.

The huge venue was as quiet as silence.

After looking around the venue, Professor Sen Chongwen slowly said with a steady and solemn tone.

“We often say that mathematics is the foundation of natural science and applied science. Its boundaries determine our understanding of the universe and ourselves. However, in the study of applied science, we can combine the methods of higher mathematics and use them skillfully. Those tools that solve the major propositions about our future can be said to be few and far between."

"With regard to his deeds, I can use a whole day to describe, not even finish it..."

The attendees who attended the meeting listened very carefully, and Lu Zhou also listened with great care.

However, at this moment, there was a complaint of disharmony.

"...Oh, Shet, I have already guessed who it is, and send him the prize quickly!"

Soon, someone whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, the most suspenseful Goss Award, hurry up next."

Lu Zhou: "..."


Can't cooperate with it, wait a while to say this?

The surprise that I finally brewed is gone!

Lu Zhou turned his head to see who is arranging himself, but there are too many people here. Looking at it all is a human head. It is impossible to tell who the two sentences are.

On the stage, Professor Sen Chongwen continued.

"...As he said, our science is changing the world, and mathematics will change our science!"

"The winner is -"

"Lu Zhou!"

The pouring rain of the applause sounded.

Standing up in a round of applause, took a deep breath of the boat, walked steadily on the stage, and took the medal from Professor Sen Chongwen.

The right hand gently patted on Lu Zhou's arm. The old professor showed a friendly smile on his face and nodded.

"Congratulations, young scholars, we met again."

Although applied science has nothing to do in the mathematics world, the Bourbaki School, which has a high voice in the mathematics world, is more glorious in terms of “uselessness” and “pureness” in mathematics, such as Hardy and Grottendick. It has been publicly stated that mathematics is pure and great.

But in any case, applied science is indeed part of mathematics, and even if scholars such as Hardy and Grodendijk pursued "glorious isolation", their doctrine is finally reflected in other disciplines.

The Gaussian Prize is there to reward such scholars.

"Thank you, I am very happy to see you again," shook hands with the old scholar. Lu Zhou continued with a smile. "I believe we will meet again."

Upon hearing this sentence, Professor Sen Chongwen clearly stunned and immediately said with a smile.

"What do you mean by such a situation? It is really a shame. Before you are seventy years old, we are afraid that no more medals will be awarded to you, and I am afraid that after you are seventy years old, I am afraid. I have not been in this world for a long time."

Lu Zhou: "Is there a Riva Lat Award?"

Professor Sen Chongwen coughed aloud: "...please give other people who love mathematics a chance. Good Professor Lu, please go on."

Lu Zhou: "..."

The Chen Shengshen Mathematical Award is a lifetime achievement that you don’t have to think about for a while. However, Lu Zhou feels that he is still a little hopeful for the recognition of the mathematics science in the computer. There is also a Riva Lat Award for the recognition of the subject matter of mathematics, and I have a lot of drama.

He still remembers the last time the Turks who won this award, it seems that they only built several primary schools in the remote mountainous area (desert area)?

My contribution to the general education of mathematics is more than a few primary schools. Can you participate in the awards?

Although he did not really care about the medal, Lu Zhou was still somewhat worried.

After he got off the stage, he sat in the front row of the Goss winner, quietly waiting for the award ceremony to continue.

The next is the Chen Shengshen Mathematical Award and the Riva Lati Award. The former is a life-long achievement, and the latter is an “ordinary person” who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of science.

The atmosphere in the venue was pushed to the high chao wave by wave, especially when the awarding ceremony of the Fields Prize began, the warm atmosphere reached its peak.

Sitting in the front row, the back to the venue can even feel that the pair of eyes focused on the stage, as if you can point something like...

Facing the expectations of everyone, Professor Sen Chongwen continued to speak.

Almost the professor opened his mouth and sat in the front row of the boat, the whole person froze.

"Number theory is an ancient subject. Its history is almost throughout the history of mathematics. And those classic propositions that have been solved and not yet solved can be said to be the origin of all the knowledge we have mastered so far."

“Few people can make truly outstanding achievements in this field, and the mountains are daunting, except those who look like torches and believe in steadfastness.”

"...She proved that there is an integer function h(z) by constructing a subtle transcendental function, and {g^ok(z0)}∞/k=1 converges to 1, which proves that we have been plaguing us for many years. The establishment of the Corner Valley Conjecture and the perfection of the theory of group construction."

"The first winner of the Fields Prize is -"

“Professor Vera Puyue from Princeton University!”

The thunderous applause, like a gust of wind and rain, hit the eardrum of Lu Zhou, and made him all messy in the wind.


He did not consider this possibility.

But all this is really too sudden!

She is indeed a good scholar. There is no doubt that the results of the research on the number theory can be added to this award, and there is no problem, but she is too young to say.

If Lu Zhou remembers correctly, she got her Ph.D. when she left Princeton. At that time, she was only 22 years old.

And now that 4 years have passed, she is only 26...

Of course, what really made Lu Zhou unable to prevent it was not just the news of Wei La’s award.

Almost at the same time, a line of light blue text emerged in his sight.

[Congratulations to the host, unlock hidden achievements! 】

[Please go to the system space to check your reward! 】


(Three more! The story is here, basically has entered the middle, and the rhythm of the latter will be moderately accelerated. Also, the comics of Xueba have been set for the summer, and will soon be able to meet with you, WeChat Students can pay attention to the next, "people set up pictures and comics news morning star I will be announced in the first time ~)


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