Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1017: Famous teacher (3)

Vera Puyue!

The winner of the 26-year-old!

Although it did not break the record set by Professor Lu, this age is quite rare.

And what surprised people most was not just her age, but her gender.

Before this, the only female mathematician who won the Fields Medal was Mariam Mirzhani, an Iranian professor at Stanford University, but unfortunately, in the second year after the award-- That is, in 2017, she died of breast cancer.

It can be said that she will be the only existing female Fields Prize winner in the world.

"The Fields Prize is getting younger and younger. First Schulz, then Professor Lu, and this Vera Puyue..."

Looking at the young and beautiful figure on the stage, Xu Chenyang, sitting in the palm of the stage, said with a bit of vicissitudes, "Sometimes watching these young people come out one by one, I really feel I am old."

Four years ago, it was his last chance to touch the Fields Medal.

However, there was almost no suspense, and he eventually lost.

There is nothing to regret about this. After all, this Fields Prize is for the entire mathematics community and has only been selected once in four years. If it is not a prominent teacher, it must have the result of shocking the world. If it is both, then it is naturally stable.

For example, Lu Zhou, the division of Grothendieck, the instructor is the top Daniel at the time, plus the outstanding achievements of Goldbach's conjecture, even if there is no later ns equation, the International Union of Mathematicians also It is impossible for him to wait in a row.

Another example is Schultz, although the instructor Michelle Laporte is not a special name for the big cow, but it is also from the University of Bonn in Fartings, plus his "perfect space". Theory is almost one of the most promising directions in many directions of algebraic geometry. It is also logical to get the Fields Prize. Even so, he was in the air for a period of time, until 18 years before he won his medal.

However, in my own words, although it is famous in the domestic mathematics field, it can only be regarded as a quasi-first-line scholar in the international arena. There is still a big gap from the top.

Moreover, even if he wants to consider his name, he should first consider Zhang Wei sitting next to him.

Whether it is in the international academic community or its own strength, this amnesty is better than him...

I heard the friend’s feelings, and Zhang Wei was deeply resonated and shouted.

"Yeah, time flies."

In the twinkling of an eye, it has been four years.

Almost without knowing it, he has changed from a young scholar to a middle-aged scholar of the Pentium Five.

This feeling is like, as if they were the hope of the new generation of the older generation of mathematicians, today they have become the predecessors of the new people.

Xu Chenyang said with a smile: "Jiangshan has talented people, and each leader has been in the air for hundreds of years... But I still feel incredible. You said that person, if it is only his own powerful, I didn’t expect the students he taught to be like this. It’s amazing, it’s too bad.”

Zhang Hao shook his head and said: "There is nothing incredible, that Vera Puyuyi, I remember that she is the gold medal of a certain imo contest, the Berkeley branch of the full scholarship, and then directly took the recommendation of Tao Zexuan to Princeton. To be able to go to this step, she can only say that she has not ruined her talent, and that the person who taught her has not lived up to her potential."

The imo contest gold medal itself is a frequent occurrence of the Fields Prize. The students are good seedlings, and the teacher is also one of the best in mathematics. If this does not get the Fields Prize, it is a strange thing.

The only thing that is surprising is probably her gender and age.

Xu Chenyang said with emotion: "The gold medal of the imo contest, we also took a lot, this time there is a full score of the young man, that is, I don't know when we can add another Fields Prize to the Chinese mathematics community."

Although Lu Zhou has broken the record of the 0 Fields Prize in the Chinese mathematics community, Xu Chenyang knows very well that this momentum is actually difficult to maintain.

This is like the fact that Ramanu Jin is in the Indian mathematics world. Although India has also produced many outstanding mathematicians, but in front of Ramanu Jin, he can only look up and can not afford to catch up.

"There will be opportunities," patted the shoulder of a friend, Zhang Yan said with a smile. "Do our professors Lu return to teach in the country? It’s only been four years now. The leek seedlings have just grown up and waited. It has been for ten years and five years, and I believe that our academic community will definitely produce a group of outstanding talents!"

It’s not just the ability of Lu Zhou itself, but what really makes Zhang Yixin’s point is the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the academic circles of China over the years.

He can clearly feel from various aspects that the achievements made by Professor Lu are making the role of mathematics more important in the social circles of all countries and even the top of the country.

The more basic the discipline, the more inseparable from the support of all walks of life.

Nowadays, the overall environment of the entire academic community in China is an unprecedented recognition of the contribution of the basic discipline of mathematics to the development of applied science.

This was hard to imagine ten years ago.

Standing on the height of the times, the impact of this change on the future of the Chinese mathematics community is far more important than the few students he brought out, and even the actual problems that have been solved.

Another time in the hall of the venue, the eyes were locked on the stage. The academician Wang Shicheng, who was silent from the award ceremony, gradually appeared a relief expression on his face.

If it was just a few days ago, he was still worried about Lu Zhou’s taking a good seed from him.

So now, he suddenly feels that there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

Yanda International Mathematical Research Center has been established for so many years. Although it has trained a group of outstanding scholars to send a lot of fresh blood to the mathematics cause of China, the talents that have been cultivated can really be called top not. Count more.

If this guy really can teach the skills of the Fields Scholars...

Perhaps the good seedling that got the perfect score in the imo contest is really buried now.

It is not too far away from the seat of the Academician Wang. Professor Delini, sitting under the stage, is another feeling in the heart.

Staring at the little **** the stage, I watched it for a while. The old gentleman snorted with his nose and suddenly said: "...I didn't expect them to choose Miss Puyue."

Hearing a hint of unbelief in this tone, Professor Fefferman, sitting next to him, smiled and said: "In terms of academic achievements, it can be proved that the Corner Guess is already a top scholar. No matter whether it is there or not. Lu Zhou’s help, or how much help, but only from the work summary in the paper, most of the proof work is done by her alone.”

After seeing Fefferman, Deligne said: "Are you sure there is no political/correct factor in this?"

Under the pressure of this line of sight, Professor Fefferman, who originally wanted to use a good faith lie to reveal this matter, had a helpless expression on his face.

"... well, we have considered these factors. In fact, Miss Marina Vijazov is also a suitable choice, but with her academic achievements with this medal, it may be slightly far-fetched."

Professor Deligne suddenly said: "The mathematics community used to be different."

He did not object to the award of the Fields Prize to Vera, nor did he deny that Vera was a good scholar, but he is now more and more concerned with the worldly vision and more and more concerned about the opinions of unrelated people. The change is a feeling of dissatisfaction.

A long time ago, they considered whether a scholar was excellent and only considered his contribution to the academic world.

But now, they have to consider the nationality, color, gender, and even political/governing background and position of the winner. Although these are not enough to influence the Fields Prize itself, it has indeed become a plus point.

Academic freedom and independence are gradually becoming a piece of paper that wipes the fart/strand, and the more it wrinkles...

Very understanding of the feelings of this old friend, Professor Fefferman shrugged and said, "The times are moving forward, whether we are willing to accept or not, we can only adapt to this change to a large extent..."

"What's more, is it because we are forced to adapt to the trend of the times and change?"

Deligne glanced at him.

"Do you think this is okay?"

Fefferman: "This question is left to future generations to worry about."


The applause on the field was thunderous.

But at this moment, Lu Zhou, who is sitting in the middle of the storm, has already disappeared.

It was not because of the excitement that fainted, but because his consciousness had entered the system space at this time.

[Congratulations to the host, "master teacher Gaotu" achievement is achieved! 】

[Agreement: Cultivate a student who has achieved the highest level of honor in the discipline he has taught! 】

[Reward: 100,000 points of experience, sample "Void Memory a" (rare)! 】

Void memory?

Still a "rare"?

And that a, meaning there is a series of b, c, d?

Looking at the rewards popped up in the holographic screen, Lu Zhou clearly stunned.

Although this broken system and he had made a lot of bad jokes, for example, the "egg" that was taken out was really just an egg with no eggs, but when he saw this fascinating name, he instinctively told him I am afraid this is not simple.

Without any hesitation, Lu Zhou did not even confirm the property panel, he turned off the reward reminder and opened the inventory.

After all, it’s just 100,000 mathematics experience. It’s put into the experience of millions of mathematics disciplines. Not to mention that it’s a drop in the bucket. It’s probably awkward outside, and people don’t know what the experience is.

The item bar opens very quickly.

Floating in the icy, metal-filled interface is a deep, disturbing purple.

It's hard to describe what shape it is, a tentacles like an imaginary mist, wrapped around a spherical outline, as if guarding the shadows and secrets that are deep in the core.

Sucking a spit, Lu Zhou raised his right hand, and the index finger tentatively clicked on the icon.

However, unlike usual, there is no explanation that the text jumps out of his eyes, instead it is an electric shock like a sting that follows his fingertips.


It hurts! ! !

For the first time, Lu Zhou has the extra feeling of pain in the system space.

However, this stinging feeling did not make the boat retreat, but on the face of meditation, there was a look of interest.


"...I thought that there was only an abstract consciousness in the system space, similar to a dream. I didn't expect to feel pain here."

The curiosity about this stuff is getting stronger and stronger in my heart.

Perhaps, holding it hard is the correct way to open it?

However, even if he tried his heart, Lu Zhou did not do it immediately.

Now my body is still at the scene of the imu conference.

It's hard to say whether this stuff will have any physical impact on your real body.

In the case of uncertain risks, it is best to be cautious.

At least, you have to find a quiet environment first...

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