Sharply opened his eyes.

The flat boat lying on it slammed up from the bed, and the chest was violently undulating and panting.

It was only then that he realized that when he started, the clothes behind him had been soaked with thick sweat...

I licked some sour eyebrows, went out of bed, went to the refrigerator and took a bottle of water to take a drink, so that my mood was a little stable.

Although it is a thing happening in the world of consciousness, although there are no things like monsters and ghosts there.

But perhaps because it is too realistic, the feeling of being stuffed with a memory that does not belong to this world is not good at all.

just like……

Going to the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the bustling night scene in the distance for a long time, until the bottle of mineral water held by him in his hand did not know when it was cold, he turned and left the window.


"It's like a nightmare."

Going to the bathroom for a shower.

After changing the fresh clothes on his body, Lu Zhou returned to the computer desk and sat down.

It took about a minute for him to go back to the system space and check it out. The pure white space didn't change because of the supposedly "virtual memory a".

However, the purple sample with the ominous smell in the inventory bar disappeared.

It seems that there has never been the same.

Back to the reality, Lu Zhou thought for a moment, opened the memo, and knocked a few lines of text on it.

[What are those black obelisks? 】

[If it is a computer, who do they belong to? 】

[What is calculating again? 】

In addition, there are golden cubes soaked in the bottom of the pool. If he remembers correctly, those things should be the "wreck number two" before being burnt.

However, this is not anxious. After he has returned, he will naturally combine the memories of his memory and try to study the wreckage on the 2nd. What is hidden in him?

After recording these three questions on the memo, Lu Zhou thought about it for a while and finally set a password for it.

Even if this kind of strange dream is said to be heard by others, most of them will not be taken seriously.

But still be careful.


The next day.

Vera’s 45-minute report began, and the venue was arranged in Hall 7 by the organizing committee of the conference.

The lobby is quite lively.

Many people are curious about this female Fields Prize winner.

After all, although female physicists and chemists are not rare, female mathematicians are quite rare.

In particular, scholars who can make top-notch achievements are rare.

Moreover, it is still a talented woman with both knowledge and value. This is not a cherished species to describe.

Even many scholars who did not pay attention to the direction of analytic number theory and Riemann zeta function appeared at the scene of the report.

Lu Zhou, who arrived at the venue in advance ten minutes in advance, looked almost in a circle and almost did not find a location. Until Schulz, who was sitting near the middle of the field, waved at him, Lu Zhou walked over.

"This position was originally occupied by my old friend Aksay, but this report happened to be in conflict with a 45-minute report in his research direction."

Lu Zhou: "Thank you."

Schultz smiled and said.

"You're welcome."

While yawning, Lu Zhou reached out and picked up the paper on the table and flipped a few pages.

He didn't sleep well last night.

So far, my brain is a mess, and in a moment it is a metal-clad city. It’s a black obelisk for a while, and a black space filled with blades for a while, and a liquid raft like an altar. Pool...

Schultz: "You didn't sleep well last night."

Lu Zhou: "Yes."

Schultz: "Looking up late?"

"Okay," it seems that I feel that this answer is a bit too indifferent. After the boat stopped for a while, he said, "I made a long nightmare."

Schultz curiously asked, "What did you dream of?"

Lu Zhou: "...probably about the future."

Schultz’s eyebrows raised and asked: “Are you sure you are a nightmare?”

Lu Zhou: "It should be... although I am not sure if it is the future of mankind... I mean, I am not sure if it was a fragment that I have seen in a sci-fi blockbuster. But in short, that kind of silence The feeling is really not very good."

""I am a legend"?"

"Haha, maybe, but that's all old movies."

Shrugging his shoulders, Schultz's face made a somewhat exaggerated expression, jokingly said: "That is really sad, even the greatest scientists of this century have a pessimistic view of our future, it seems that I I have to consider buying more insurance for myself."

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

"This joke is not funny at all."

Schultz smiled and said: "But are you not laughing?"

Lu Zhou: "That's because you first thought of buying insurance... It's not a good thing to go back ten thousand steps. Who are you going to pay for your policy?"

Schultz pinched his chin and thought a little.

"This is a problem."

The two are talking, the report has already begun.

Vera standing on the stage, the figure looks a little thin, looking at people inexplicably somewhat distressed. And I don't know if it is my own illusion. Lu Zhou always feels that her temperament is not particularly good.

However, these things can be waited until the end of the report.

Now that the report has already begun, of course, it is mainly academic.

And this is also the minimum respect for the reporter.

For the time being, I didn't want to think about things that were not related to academics. Lu Zhou took a deep breath and concentrated his attention on the paper in his hand.

This time was so busy that after the uploader modified several manuscripts, he almost forgot to read the finalized manuscript before the report began.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, at his level, a lot of things are just a look at things, not at all.

“Complementary to the superelliptic curve analysis method?” After reading the abstract, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows were gently lifted with interest, “somewhat interesting.”

In short, Vera continued his idea of ​​solving the problem with the theoretical tool of “superelliptic curve analysis”, but in the key step of “introducing the planherel formula to the heisenberg group”, it was through another A more subtle approach, the "superelliptic curve analysis" theory tool on the Riemann surface of the connected one-dimensional complex manifold, showing greater operability.

It is difficult to explain the mystery of the popular language and the knowledge of elementary mathematics, but in short, this operation not only captures the eyes of all the audience in the audience, but even the boat can't help but slap it.

Even let him produce a kind of a flash of light in the brain, want to immediately return to the hotel room, began the resilience of research.

Of course, Lu Zhou thinks so.

If he does, he must not do it.

Do not say anything else, Vera is still talking on the stage.

It’s hard to stand on this podium for the whole mathematics world. If he is a “master”, he suddenly leaves midway, he is not sure if the little **** the stage will cry...

Listening to the content of Vera on the stage, Schultz, sitting with his arms around, suddenly sighed and said.

"To tell the truth, I sometimes admire you."

Lu Zhou [.]'s line of sight did not move away from the podium, but just returned to the sentence.

"... envy me?"

“There is a clever and obedient apprentice. Whenever you come up with a novel theory or invent a new gadget, she can help you make it better.”

Lu Zhou smiled and did not answer this question.

However, at this moment, the accident suddenly occurred.

Vera, who was standing on the stage, suddenly coughed up violently.


With my right hand against my lips, I apologized apologetically, Vera was preparing to continue her report, but just as she was just facing the whiteboard and ready to speak again, the sound that had just risen to the tip of the throat, but again It was interrupted by a severe cough.

The big sweat of the beans climbed over the forehead, and Vera, holding the whiteboard, his face was faint and whitish.

I noticed the situation here and the staff hesitated to go to the stage.

"Miss Puyue, the report will come here temporarily, if you feel unwell"

"No, let me finish!"

The right fist against the lips was pinched, and the sapphire-like pupil flashed a brief fascination, but it was quickly smashed by the burning courage.

From the moment she started the disease a year ago, she knew that she had not had much time.

It’s hard, she’s already here...

The man was stunned by the momentum, and the staff stopped subconsciously, and after hesitating for a while, he retired.

Vera, standing on the stage, has revisited the whiteboard.

The idea is clearer than ever.

Gritted her teeth, she raised her right hand again and quickly wrote a line of calculations on the whiteboard.

Because of the pain and anxiety in the heart, the numbers and symbols printed on the whiteboard have been distorted, but the idea of ​​the galloping pen and the temptation of her mind is still not stopping.

Not only the things already mentioned in the paper, but also those in her mind, just a blurry to abstract blueprint, she wrote it on the whiteboard.

Time and space were left behind, and the pain of tearing the chest seemed to disappear.

It is said that when a person's physical condition is on the limit, the body will allocate all the functions to the brain to ensure that important information can be left at the last moment.

However, she has no room to think about it.

Not for the successor of the mathematics world, nor for the person she admires...

If this is the last report in her life...

at least……

She intends to do her best without regret!

Finally, under the support of that obsession, she wrote the final score.

Looking at the filled whiteboard, she stepped back halfway, and her lips held a faint smile.

Although still not at the end of the maze...

But believe...

These things should be helpful to later people.

Especially his words.

Suddenly, the consciousness was awkward.

Subconsciously extended her right hand, she held the whiteboard next to it, but did not expect to wipe the blood from the previous cough.


The original silence of the stage, a sound of turmoil and turmoil sounded.


Seeing the red trace, Vera sighed in her heart.

Although it is already a miracle to be able to persist until half a year later, I did not expect it to be this day...

Happy and sad days seem to be met together.

The legs gradually lost their strength.

Before the consciousness fell to the ground, she saw with the last lingering light, and the familiar figure rushed toward her from the stage at an incredible speed.

Suddenly she felt...

There seems to be nothing to regret.

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