St. Petersburg First National Hospital.

The ward door.

A demeanor-stricken old man clasped his nose with his hands together and sobbed in tears.

"It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t vote for that vote, if it’s not the Fields Prize... If it’s not the Fields Prize... we won’t lose goodness, intelligence, beauty and... brave Ms. Lappyuyi."

"Let's relax, man," patted the old professor in a black coat. Professor Fefferman sighed. Although his heart was equally uncomfortable, he tried to comfort his friend and said, "From another angle, if I have never given her this opportunity in this session. I am afraid that we will never have this opportunity to let her get the glory that belongs to her. You should be glad that you voted for her instead of others."

"You said so too..."

Outside the ward is a shackle.

The atmosphere in the ward is also full of sadness.

Sitting on the stool next to the bed, watching Vera lying in bed and awake, Lu Zhou did not say a word for a long time.

It was not until the doctor’s reminder stood aside that the silence in the ward was broken.

"Sir, it's time to visit."

As if waking up from meditation, Lu Zhou looked up at the doctor and said with a calm, even his own surprise.

"Can you tell me what disease she is?"

Doctor: "Are you a relative of hers?"

Lu Zhou shook his head.

Doctor: "Then we may not be able to disclose the patient's privacy to you. This is a rule. We have contacted her immediate family and will soon be here."

Lu Zhou nodded and said nothing.

Looking at the distressed cheek, he was silent for a moment, whispered.

"I will cure you."

"Trust me."

"So... no matter if you can hear it, I hope you don't give up."

Because the sentence was spoken in the mother tongue, the doctor standing behind him did not understand. Just seeing that he didn't have any action, reminded me again.


"……It's nothing."

Standing up from the stool, Lu Zhou turned and left the ward.

It doesn't matter if he tells him that he naturally has his way of knowing what he wants to know.

This is not very difficult for him.

If you are worried about the cost of treatment, you don't have to worry about it. If you can do what you can, the most important thing for him is money. If you can afford to pay if you spend money, he will be willing to pay much.

As for privacy...

That is what is owned by healthy people with normal judgment.

If she really cares about these fine details, I will not wait until I apologize later.


The door of the ward was pushed open and looked at the boat from the inside. Professor Fefferman immediately stood up and asked.

"How is the situation with Miss Puyue?"

Lu Zhou: "I am still in a coma... I am afraid I am not very optimistic."

"Oh, this is really..." Sighed, Professor Fefferman took off his glasses and wiped it. Obviously there was a lot of words to say, but the last sentence could not be said.

The old professor sitting next to him suddenly stood up and grabbed Lu Zhou’s right hand.

"Please pass on the doctor for me. No matter what disease she has, please be sure to cure her! If it is a problem with money... I have a pension, I can take it out. If she falls here, it will be The loss of the entire mathematics world... Please!"

Lu Zhou nodded to the old professor and gave him a positive look.

"rest assured."

"I know what to do."

Did not stop at the door of the ward, Lu Zhou with Wang Peng, who was always behind him, walked in the direction of the stairway.

However, just as he had just reached the stairs, he heard the sound of quarrels coming from the side.

What he cares about is not the quarrel itself, but the imu master/Sison Professor Wen, who is actually in the whirlpool of this quarrel, and seems to be doing what is stopping the man opposite him.

"You can't do this, her life has long been more than just her, her knowledge."

"I don't care what the Fields Prize or the Nobel Prize! Since she is so important to you, then you will pay for her?"

Standing opposite Professor Sen Chongwen, is a middle-aged man with a height of about one meter and nine squats.

The thick rosacea and the belly highlighted his bad life. The brown leather jacket and jeans stained with oil stains looked like they had just gotten off the truck.

The roaring voice trembled with the glass, and under the backdrop of the sprawling spit and the aggressive momentum, Professor Sen Chongwen’s low-headed man was even smaller in front of his huge body.

However, he still tried to appease the emotions of the violent man.

"Of course we will have some strength."

Rudely interrupted his words, the man who was a tall man continued to say violently, "Recognize the reality, you have seen the diagnosis, she has not saved!"

This sentence has just been exported, and a strange voice has floated from behind.

"You said who did not save?"

Hearing the sudden sound coming from the side, the burly man’s expression was slightly stagnation, turning to look at the young man who came to this side, could not help but blink.

"Who are you? This is not your business, go to the side, or do you want to find something?"

I ignored his warnings and the dissuased eyes of Professor Sen Chongwen. Lu Zhou stepped forward and looked at the document on the table.


This is probably the name of this man.

And look at the surname, it should be the relatives of Vera, but I don't know why the body gap is so big, I can't see a little bit of genetics.

The line of sight follows the signature, and Lu Zhou sees the title of the document and the contents of the first few lines of the text.

[Abandon the treatment consent form...]

The eyebrows were slightly lifted, and Lu Zhou looked up and looked at the man who was about one head taller than himself.

"You intend to let her give up treatment? Who gives you the right to do this."

"I am her great father. I let her come to this world. I naturally have this right!" I read the unpleasant taste from that look. Ilych raised his chin and looked at Lu Zhou with a bad look. "I don't have to waste money on a dead person. It's better to end her pain earlier."

Standing next to him, Mr. Sen Chongwen persuaded: "This does not require you to pay a penny. We know that Miss Puyue has a deposit, and the Fields Prize itself has a $150 million bonus, which can be used for her. Pay the initial treatment fee, and we will initiate a donation later."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, the man’s eyes suddenly became a seam.

There was a greedy green light shining in the crack.

"Do she still have a deposit?"

"Which bank?"

Seeing the greed in the man's eyes, Lu Zhou suddenly understood.

Why was Vera clearly receiving a good salary when she was at Princeton, but she was always struggling.

He finally understood why she always avoided talking about her family, or even avoided talking about her middle name...

Although knowing that speaking at this time will only be counterproductive, Lu Zhou still did not hold back and took the sentence out of his heart.

"It's really disgusting..."

The air solidified in a moment.

The squatting pupil contracted slightly, and the man looked at him and cast a dangerous sight on him.

"What are you talking about? Your kid will say it again."

"I said it was really disgusting," staring at the man who was not looking good. Lu Zhou repeatedly said nothing in his voice, repeating it in a word, "If I have such a family, I will definitely mention it." His name is ashamed to speak. Do you want to hear me yell at you? I am very busy and rarely swearing, but if you want to see that you are actually her father, I can satisfy you by exception."

The face instantly rose to red, and Ilych was like an angry bull, and the breath of the whole person was in danger.

The joints creaked, and according to his right fist, the nurse who pushed up and tried to persuade, walked step by step toward the landing boat.

"You guy, want to die!"

"Do you know what you are like? In my eyes you are like a noisy bug, I can apply your brain to the wall with just one touch."

Looking at Ilych, who was getting closer and closer to himself, quietly listened to his roaring Lu Zhou and suddenly began.

"I really want to, or else... can you try me?"

Answering him is an oncoming wind.

I knew that I must have said it, but I didn’t plan to be jealous of him. The hairman had an angry fist.

However, Lu Zhou’s face did not have the slightest fear, even the plan to hide.

He admits that this speed is fast for himself, and it is not easy to avoid hiding.

But for the professional...

Still far from it.

Looking at the stinky face that was getting closer and closer to his fist, Iric’s face showed a cruel smile.

Some people dare to laugh at their own education methods?

In the small town of Nosovka, no one dared to talk to him like this.

He swears that he will unload the nose of this nasty guy and stuff it into his own mouth.

However, just as he had just thought about it, just as his fist was so far away from the nasty face and a palm, a huge force held his elbow joint.

I didn't even see how the person moved. In the vagueness, he seemed to hear a bang, and then a huge force broke out from his abdomen, and then he was thrown from the truck. The sandbags generally fly horizontally out...


The trash can was sagged directly into the ground.

The nurse’s scream came from the side, and the security guard who heard the news quickly surrounded.

Wang Peng took his own wrist and looked at the man lying on the ground in a distorted position with a blank expression, speaking in a fairly skilled Russian.

"Speak well, what to do."

As for who let the man do it...

He does not care about this kind of thing.

The right hand completely lost consciousness, and the feet rubbed the **** scattered in the ground. The man who had not climbed up from the ground for a few times violently roared.

"You are finished! You dare to do it to me! Look at me and don't flatten you! Cough"

It can be seen that Wang Peng is still merciful.

If the foot is not on his belly, but an action such as elbow or knee is broken on his chest, I am afraid that he has already entered the emergency room.

Ignoring the man lying on the ground, like a wounded wild dog screaming, Lu Zhou picked up the opinion that gave up treatment from the ground and tore it into pieces.

Just as he was about to find a complete trash can to throw it away, Yu Guang suddenly saw a crumpled piece of paper that had fallen on the ground.

If you didn't make a mistake, it should have fallen out of the man's pocket.

And it seems that it should be something like a diagnosis book.

The scene was extremely confusing, and the security guards nearby had already come up. However, the people of the Federal Security Service arrived at the first step and took control of the situation on the scene. They were learning about Wang Peng.

趁 All did not notice his side, Lu Zhou walked aside, picked up the diagnosis book from the Iliqi pocket from the ground.

However, at the first sight of the contents of the diagnosis book, his heart stopped for a half-shot.

Lung cancer


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