Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1026: Mathematics, LV9!

A full year of time.

I am afraid that there will be more than enough work to prepare and lay a job.

This is probably one of the most costly and time-consuming propositions of all the problems that Lu Zhou has solved in his lifetime.

In order to find a solution to the zero distribution problem, he tried almost all possible research ideas, finally chose the proof of the critical band, and created a mathematical tool for the hyperelliptic curve analysis method. Man guess.

In order to bring the erratic critical band to the critical line, he almost tried everything he could think of.

However, as opposed to paying, the return is huge.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the field of mathematics, all the problems solved so far and all the honors he has achieved are added to a balance and cannot be compared with the weight of this proposition.

For the most popular example, if the Riemann conjecture is established, the inference that the odd number greater than 7 can be expressed as the sum of the three prime numbers can be directly established, and the person who knows a little about the logarithm theory knows that this is actually Gothic. The weak form of Bach's conjecture.

It was not until 13 years that this weak form was proved by the method of Fourier analysis of the function on the circumference by Prof. Harold Helfgott, a researcher at the Paris Normal University. Two papers were published. One of the four top publications, Mathematical Inventions.

And this is just one of the powers of Riemann's conjecture.

Nearly one-half of the research results in the field of analytic number theory throughout the twentieth century were simultaneously established on the assumption that the Riemann conjecture was established and the Riemann conjecture was not established.

Including the core theoretical prime number theorem in the field of number theory, if the Riemann conjecture is true, the formula π(x)=li(x)+o(xe{-1/15√lnx}) can be generalized to π(x). =li(x)+o(√xlnx) is simple, clear, and more precise.

This result was made in 1891 by Koch in an optimistic situation based on the Riemann conjecture, and it is only one of the fruitful results of Riemann's conjecture.

There are many similar things, many more.

It can be seen that in the face of the tempering extension of the Riemann zeta function, even if it is only a positive answer to the "guess correct", the impact on the entire mathematics community is nuclear-level.

Even if, even if the thousands of propositions that were promoted to mathematical theorems because of Riemann's conjecture, the same holds true.

There is no reason for him.

Riemann's conjecture is like a ropeway, on both sides of which are the two mountains of algebra and geometry.

Proving it, there is hope that the two mountains will be connected.

And unified algebra and geometry...

This is almost the ultimate proposition that is closest to the core since the birth of mathematics. It is like the same generality of physics.

Although the development of mathematics is diversified, there have been more and more branches of mathematics to date, but scholars for decades have never really given up on the study of ancient propositions.

Because it connects not only the oldest past of mathematics, but also shines on the brilliant and eternal future of mathematics!

Therefore, in the sense of mathematics itself, the Riemann conjecture is undoubtedly the most valuable proposition in the millennium problem, and this is even the existence problem of the "multiple or complex" ns equation solution. Far less than it can be.

This is simply no better than...


After asking Professor Holden to help him get some food, the boat on the desk was not in a hurry, so he looked at the whiteboard and waited quietly.

Professor Holden, who was standing at the door, did not bother him. After telling his assistant to go to the restaurant, he and the next professor, like Professor Fefferman, stared at the line on the whiteboard.

I have to say that it is very difficult to understand this content, and even in the beginning, he feels no small difficulty.

Professor Faverman is the same, gently frowning, seems to be thinking about something.

I didn't pay attention to the two people, and I didn't even pay attention to the changes in the expressions on the faces of the two people. The boat that looked at the whiteboard just waited quietly.

The determination of the completion of the system task is very simple, and only the two elements of the completeness of the proof and the public research results need to be satisfied.

And this, when he proved the Goldbach conjecture, he had already verified it.

Just in accordance with his writing habits, Xiao Ai completed the finishing of the paper and uploaded it to the first time on arxiv. The familiar voice finally sounded from the bottom of my heart.

And the heart that hung to the eyes of the blind man was finally put down.

Although it is expected.

Although the recognition of the system is only as scheduled.

But after hearing the news, Lu Zhou was completely relieved.

at last.

This mountain was finally flattened by him!

With a soft meditation, the next moment, he opened his eyes, he is already in a pure white system space.

[Congratulations on the host, complete the reward task! 】

[Evaluation: The throne of the old era was razed to the ground, conquered the natural human civilization, once again conquered their own mind. The fire of the stars on the vast plains has ignited their desire to embrace the next era. Although in this endless cold night, the road to the future is still very long...]

[Requirement: Prove the Riemann conjecture within three years! (achieve)

[Task reward: 10,000 points, 2 million math experience, a "legend" mission card. 】

[s evaluation reward: double the point reward. 】

The updated property panel soon appeared in front of Lu Zhou.

a. Mathematics: lv9 (-/???)

b. Physics: lv7 (112,215 / 1.2 million)

c. Biochemistry: lv6 (10,000/600,000)

d. Engineering: lv6 (0/600,000)

e. Materials Science: lv6 (163,000 / 600,000)

f. Energy: lv4 (0 million / 200,000)

g. Informatics: lv4 (0/200,000)

Points: 24335

The empty progress bar is filled in an instant, and the experience value of two million makes the math level directly rush from lv8 to lv9, and the distance from the full line lv10 is only the last line. The score of 20,000 points directly increases the point inventory of Luzhou by an order of magnitude.

It is just amazing that after the mathematics level rose to lv9, the experience bar was cancelled. Not only that, but the upper limit of experience is gone, and it is replaced by a question mark of unknown meaning.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou had no intention to pay attention to these. He directly crossed the reward of the mission and the "legend mission card" that exudes golden air. He cast his gaze to the column of the random task and selected the extraction.

A light blue light curtain sweeps through the holographic screen.

Seeing the three tasks that came out randomly, Lu Zhou’s originally mad heart suddenly fell into the bottom of the valley.

After a moment of silence, he took a deep breath and asked with a whisper.

"System, solve cancer... How many points do you need?"

no respond.

And this is almost predictable.

A cancer-related task in the random task did not appear. It only shows that the problem has far exceeded his ability category. Otherwise, the system does not have a rational task in the biochemical direction under the premise of satisfying two decision factors. Did not come out.

At the same time, it takes more points to solve the problem of exceeding the current level of the subject. For questions with more than two levels, the system will not display the amount of points spent.

Because for the system's decision rules, this is the stage he is currently in, and he can't solve the problem anyway.

After all, in essence, the point system is just an acceleration of scientific research in an abstract sense, not a prize exchange.

It is equivalent to using points to compensate for the time that should have been spent on this subject.

The premise of being able to use the score is naturally that this problem can be solved by him even without the integration or even the intervention of the system.

At the beginning of the controllable nuclear fusion, he also consulted the system, but the system gave him an astronomical number, so that he had the hope of splitting the problem and solving it.

But cancer...

Obviously, in the system's view, even the human civilization, which has not fully understood the pathogenesis, and the cancer are still separated by the tree of several technology trees, and do not have the conditions to overcome this problem in a short time.

"...It seems that the first option is not going to work."

After recognizing this, Lu Zhou was silent for a while and reached out to turn off the system panel.

Although very sorry.

However, he is not discouraged.

In an academic sense, doing or not is an important piece of information in itself, and it is also a very different choice between positive and negative.

If even a system from the future, or a higher civilization, believes that cancer is not a problem that can be solved by the current state of the art of human civilization...

He already knows what to do.


Out of the system space, a warm stream flooded the brain and spread along the inside of his scalp.

The feeling of upgrading from lv8 to lv9 is ten times stronger than the feeling of attacking lv8 from lv7.

However, this strong feeling did not cause his sudden fainting, but it made his tired spirit recover a little.

It seems that on this ever-increasing path, it is not only his ability to think about specific subjects and specific problems, but also the ability of the brain to be strengthened.

Of course, in contrast, the hunger in the abdomen is becoming more intense.

Fortunately, it was time for him to leave the system space. Almost as soon as he opened his eyes, Professor Holden’s assistant walked into the lecture hall with two hotel staff.

In addition to the two sets of bacon sandwiches and vegetable salad, there is a cup of steaming coffee.

Perhaps it was his appearance that was a bit sloppy. The staff of the Klinkia Hotel also sent him a portable vanity mirror, a razor and a wet towel and washbasin.

It’s a pity that Lu Zhou obviously didn’t have the time to touch these things.

For example, the wind and the clouds generally swept the food on the plate. After he had a full meal, he took the time to take a sip of coffee and moisturize the scorpion so that he would not be killed by food.

Professor Holden, who was standing next to him, showed no impatient expression. Even though there was still a mountain of work waiting for him, he still patiently waited for the boat to finish the coffee in his hand and pick up the razor. After shaving his beard in the mirror, he asked his first question.

"Can you... explain it to me in detail?"

For Professor Holden’s inquiry, Lu Zhouyan replied in a concise manner.

"Yes, but I am afraid I can't do it now. I have to go see a person later. The paper I have compiled and uploaded to arxiv. If you are interested, you can download it and study it."

Professor Holden said with a smile: "Have you uploaded the paper?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and looked at the silver watch with his left hand. "Before five minutes, it should have been uploaded."


(Thanks to the booklors who "go to the horse" to reward).

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