Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1027: I accidentally witnessed history

Lu Zhou guessed it is true.

Xiao Ai is indeed a paper that was successfully uploaded five minutes ago. The system's prompt tone was also from that time.

However, although the paper was uploaded, it may not be easy to see the paper at this time.

Because it is almost in the five minutes...

The server of the arxiv website has been completely smashed!

Originally, like this kind of academic website, the usual traffic volume is generally not very large. Considering various factors such as operating costs, it will not set up a server with a particularly large capacity.

However, nowadays, almost all the mathematicians all over the world have set up a label for tracking the Riemann conjecture. All of them have received reminders of the information in the station or even the email message.

It’s a coincidence that North America is at 9 am this time, as if the mathematicians of most of the world in a moment—even at all, are not engaged in mathematics, but the scholars who rubbed the edges with the mathematics all ran to download the papers.

The administrator of the arxiv website hasn't figured out what's going on, and it's been forced by the traffic as a dos attack.

Then, the server changed its glory.

Almost at the same time as the arxiv website, mathoverflow, a math forum for people in the global industry, has been thoroughly discussed.

[Proof of Riemann's conjecture! ? Have you seen the push message on arxiv? ! 】

[Look at a wool! The website is stunned to see a ghost! 】

[I was fortunate enough to see it, but not in the push message, I saw it in the list of my tracking tags... and I once suspected that I was wrong. 】

[God, I went to the calendar! Today is not April 1! 】

[Is there anyone who has finished reading the paper? What do you say in the paper? Did he prove it? 】

[This is beyond the scope of my research field, but I see the dynamics of Professor Tao, he seems to have printed the paper. And looking at his schedule, it seems that the course and meeting for the next full week have been withdrawn. 】

[Wait, he is not at the imu conference site? I mean he didn't go to St. Petersburg? 】

[This year has not gone, it is said that he is regretting this matter. 】

It is not only Professor Tao who is regretting this matter.

In fact, many scholars who did not go to this number of academic conferences for various reasons, have regretted their chests.

Why did you catch up with this session?

Why did you catch up with the one they didn't go to?

Two days later, it was Prof. Lu’s 60-minute report, and the topic happened to be a study of Riemann’s conjecture.

Many people have regretted their intestines!

At the same time, the Executive Lounge of the Klinsia Hotel.

The corner is by the window, and two famous mathematics professors sit there in a low-key manner.

One of them is Faltins, and the one opposite him is De Ligne.

The two are drinking coffee and talking about the future of mathematics.

"...Miss Puyue’s business is really a pity, which is a heavy blow to the entire mathematics community. Before I came here, I originally planned to invite her to join my plan, I did not expect This happened."

"There is nothing wrong with the weather, people have a good fortune... China seems to have such a proverb. We can only pray that she will suffer less in a lot of time."

After a moment of pause, Professor Delini, who sighed a little, looked at Faltins and opened up this heavy topic. "Say, you are old and you can't take it."

"It is because of this age that I want to leave something before I completely retire... Seriously, I am a little understanding of Sir Attiya now."

Professor Delini gave him an unrecognizable expression and did not accept this sentence.

There are so many sad things lately, he really doesn't want to touch the topics that have been sad.

Just then, the footsteps of the Executive Lounge suddenly came.

I saw Prof. Fefferman’s face with a lost face and came over from there.

It sounds like a frightening thing, but it doesn't look like something terrible.

Looking at the expression on his face, Professor Deligne raised his brow slightly and was about to ask him what had happened, and he saw that he consciously spoke.

And with an opening, everyone's movements stopped.

"Riemann's conjecture has been proven."

The air was quiet for a moment.

As if a needle fell on the ground, it could be clearly heard.

Professor Faltins did not look up and even said a word, "This is impossible."

Professor De Ligne also looked blank and shrugged his shoulders and said, "This joke is not funny."

As if to know what the two would say, Professor Favorman’s face was not surprised, but added a message to Deligne: “It is your student who proves it.”

This time, the two people sitting there calmly changed their faces instantly.

In particular, Professor Faltins opened his mouth in a dumb face. This time he finally raised his head and frowned.

" mean Lu Zhou?"

"Yes." Professor Fefferman nodded and said in a natural voice. "Besides Lu Zhou, I don't remember which old friend and other students are studying this direction."


Hearing this "yes", Professor Faltins did not speak for a moment, but only turned his attention to De Ligne, seemingly waiting for his opinion.

However, Professor Delini is also a sly expression at the moment, even a little unexpected.

Opened his mouth, he raised his slightly twitching index finger and touched the glasses on his lower nose. After he fixed it, he looked at Prof. Fefferman, who stood at the door.

"Are you sure he said that?"

Recalling the scene that was previously seen in the lecture hall, Professor Fefferman sighed softly.

"I don't have to be sure, he has uploaded the paper to arxiv. If you have an account that has registered with mathoverflow, you should be able to see it. Now the whole mathematics community is discussing these things, and as far as I know, there is already mathematics research. I am studying the preprints he hangs on arxiv..."

Taking a deep breath, the shoulders leaning against the chair gradually relaxed. When I learned that the preprint had been hanged, Professor Delini was not in a hurry to confirm the paper on arxiv.

The same is true of Faltins sitting opposite him.

The shock at the moment was not inferior to his old man, but he looked at him silently and then began to speak.

"I didn't expect that we would witness history when we were not careful."

After a long silence, Deligne spit out two rushes of emotion from the closed mouth.


"It is too sudden."

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Riemann conjecture is really proved by him. The history of mathematics in the 21st century must be at least ten pages less because of his existence. The textbook on analytic number theory is at least because he has 20 pages.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he is indeed right.

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