Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1032: Victory champagne

The unification of algebra and geometry is already a long-standing topic.

In fact, this is not a practical research direction, and even the general trend of development with mathematics is “the opposite.”

After all, it is well known that the vast majority of disciplines move from shallow waters to deep waters, and the branches of research are like branches in the bushes. The more prosperous, the more complex they are.

The development of mathematics has been the same now.

If you can find a versatile and versatile scholar like Gauss two centuries ago, then even the genius of iq230 like Tao Zhexuan is only able to achieve a limited range of versatility and a limited range of proficiency. .

For most people, let alone be able to be proficient, able to fully grasp the knowledge in a certain direction, and make certain achievements on this, it is already a scholar who can be independent.

For the huge proposition of unified algebra and geometry, except for a handful of geniuses who suddenly produce similar ideas in a flash of light, almost no one will be idle and bored to think about this than to prove a mathematical conjecture. The actual problem will not be used as the opening report for this year.

However, it is precisely because of this that the work that can only be done by a few people is precious in the long history of mathematics.

Looking back at the era of Descartes and Fermat, it is the first time that algebraic and geometric methods have been organically combined by studying geometry in Cartesian coordinates.

Imagine being amazed by a lighter in the hands of the original man and telling him that he could replace him with a wooden stick for dozens of minutes at the push of a button.

Although it is now a skill that even junior high school students can skillfully use, for the mathematics community at the time, the sensation can be said to be earth-opening, and analytic geometry has thus dominated the mathematical world for centuries. Until 1857, a genius named Riemann proposed algebraic function theory and the first absolute invariant "depletion" in the history of algebraic geometry. The birth of algebraic geometry was the end of the old era.

Later, there are still countless geniuses who have rushed into this great cause, constantly adding to the bridge between algebra and geometry.

In the twentieth century, the three major structures proposed by the Bourbaki School took the whole structural mathematics. Any part of the mathematics with structural features can be defined as "algebraic structure", "topological structure", "order structure". The three major mother structures.

The "probability theory" put forward by Grothendieck on this is to make algebraic geometry enter a new era, and his lecture in the discussion class called "Basic of Algebraic Geometry" is also It is written for the secretary and the Bible of the academic world.

There are many people who have invented a novel mathematical tool, and there are many people who have created a subject. However, few people can link these intricate and intricate knowledge together to find their unity.

As everyone can clearly see, the subdivision of disciplines is the trend of the times. Later, the branch of mathematics will grow more and more with the development and prosperity of this discipline. Under the efforts of countless ordinary or extraordinary people. Leafy.

But in the same way, those who work in the future must have someone to do it...

In fact, the new generation of mathematicians after the Grodendijk era have made many attempts.

For example, Wang Yuexin, in addition to the "cosmology theory", another set of the theory "chemical Taixi Miller theory", put forward a set of "unique and awkward" method, the algebraic elements and geometric elements are unified. Only a few people except his students can understand what he wants to do.

Another example is Schultz, whose p-number and perfect space theory have become popular in recent years and have been widely regarded as one of the most likely theoretical tools for unifying algebra and geometry.

However, mathematical methods are not born in isolation, but are born to solve problems.

And those mathematical conjectures are like touchstones. Only when they actually solve the actual problems, the mathematical tools and methods that are created can be accepted by the mathematics community.

Now that Riemann’s conjecture has been proved, Lu Zhou is undoubtedly the closest person to the Holy Grail above the crown.

If Fermat's Great Theorem is like Wiles, it proves that the merits of Riemann's conjecture have pushed him from the throne of the mortal world. If he goes one step further, he will have hope after touching the Holy Grail. The Grottendick era defines new rules.

Or, renaming this new era with his name is not a problem.

At the same time, Lu Zhou speculated that it is necessary to upgrade the mathematics level to lv10 and embark on the first step of the road to the future.

Even if the system does not make any prompts at the moment, he can clearly feel this.

After all, if you want to say that there are merits beyond the Riemann conjecture.

I am afraid that there is only one possibility left.


After the end of the report, it is the questioning session.

Because many people have not finished their essays, even after listening to him, they still need time to digest that huge amount of information.

In addition to Tao Zhexuan and Schultz standing up and asking several interesting questions, most of the research fields and scholars who are farther away from this direction are very silent and cautious. Even if they ask questions, they will ask questions. Some of the problems associated with the Riemann conjecture itself are not very relevant.

For example, what is the meaning of the unified algebra and geometry that he said at the last moment of the report? He has already started to study this subject, or is it just a casual statement.

However, Lu Zhou did not want to answer this question, not to mention that it did not have much to do with the proof of Riemann's conjecture, so most of the questions about this piece were perfunctory.

But to be honest, Lu Zhou, who stood on the stage and answered questions, was actually quite unexpected. He stayed at the imu conference for so many days and found that Professor Tao was actually here.

Of course, he didn't know that Professor Tao was coming from Los Angeles overnight after watching his preprint on arxiv. Before that, he did not intend to come to St. Petersburg...

The questioning session did not last long, even faster than the end of the imagination. In a round of applause, Lu Zhou stunned and ended this epoch-making report.

It is also over, this historic moment.

The applause has not stopped yet. Professor Holden, Secretary-General of the International Union of Mathematicians, took a bottle of champagne and took it to the podium. He handed it to the hands of Lu Zhou.

"This is a gift from the Klinkia Hotel. It is also the heart of all of us. Open it, this century-long journey has finally come to an end, and it is a matter of applying wine to celebrate. And the glory of this history belongs to you!"

In a round of applause, Lu Zhou took over the champagne and sincerely took the spot.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome... Yes, if you intend to publish your results in the paper, I recommend "Mathematical Inventions" to you. In fact, I sincerely recommend that you do this. You have already published enough in the "Year of Mathematics". If there are more articles, if you go on to the top four publications, you will have three delistings."

In the second half of the sentence, Professor Holden used a voice that only two people could hear, and it was also a joke.

After listening to it, Lu Zhou squatted slightly and then smiled and said.

"I will think about it."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Zhou did as prompted by Professor Holden, and opened the champagne after shaking. The sweet foam is like a wing, sprayed on the ceiling, and sprinkled a lot of listeners sitting in the front row.

Lu Zhou originally wanted to apologize to these unfortunate guys, but saw that they were not angry. Instead, they were stunned and stood up, laughing and laughing, showing off their wet signs on their chests and showing off their friends. On the contrary, there were no expressions of envious and remorse on the faces of several professors who were sprayed.

Therefore, if you are sorry, you will do it.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

In the goblet handed up by the hotel staff, a glass of wine was poured. Lu Zhou toasted the audience, and after drinking it, he returned the cup and the rest of the champagne to Professor Holden. Waving away and walking outside the venue.

At this moment, the reporters waiting outside the lecture hall have already waited for a long time.

If they were not blocked by the security guards at the door, they heard the moment of applause and whistles from the lecture hall, they wanted to rush in and find out.

Therefore, when the door of the lecture hall opened and saw the Lu Zhou appearing at the door, a group of reporters suddenly surrounded like a shark smelling a scent.

"Professor Lu Zhou, can you tell if Riemann’s conjecture has been proven?!"

“Would you like to go to the French Academy to receive a $1 million bonus from the Cray Institute? What do you do after you get the bonus? Will it be donated to the people you need?”

“I heard that your research has been influenced by your student, Ms. Vera Pujuyi. Is this true?”

“Is the Riemann conjecture resolved to mean that the rules of modern cryptography will be rewritten? Are our bank cards and social accounts no longer safe?”

"Professor Lu Zhou..."

In the face of a microphone that was only crazy to him, and those who sprinkled like beans, Lu Zhou did not answer a word. Under the **** of a group of big-eyed men, the footsteps kept moving toward the elevator. Go in the direction.

Just a few minutes ago, the transfer was scheduled.

Whether it is a visa or other formalities, it has been completed.

Without an accident, Vera will be able to take the transfer aircraft today and fly directly from St. Petersburg to Shangjing. The experts from the 301 hospital will take over the care work.

And his flight back to China is before the closing ceremony tomorrow morning.

There are still many things waiting for him to deal with the boring questions...

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