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Chapter 1033: The event is closed!

Hilbert once said that if he was lucky enough to wake up from a long sleep after five hundred years, the first question after he woke up would definitely ask if Riemann’s conjecture was resolved.

Regardless of whether the boat was interviewed at the moment, at the same time that the bottle of champagne was opened, the entire mathematics community was sensationalized by the report that had just ended.

Riemann's guess is solved!

Good guy, seven thousand puzzles have been killed by him!

Especially so important one...

If the Polygnac conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture, and the quasi-Riemann conjecture push Professor Lu to the throne of mathematics at most, then the millennial problem of the ns equation is equivalent to adding to his head. A layer of aura and radiates the light to the physics of next door.

The proof of Riemann’s conjecture is equivalent to pushing him directly from the ground to the sky and sending it to the gods!

This metaphor may not be so appropriate, but it is not exaggerated at all.

Although the mathematics community has not yet given a positive answer, it recognizes Lu’s certificate at the 60-minute report meeting, but from the scene, several big cows are not sharply questioning, and Lu’s own smooth answer is This has almost become a thing that can be expected.

Even if there are some flaws or minor problems in the final paper, it can be modified before the official publication. After opening the champagne at the report, Wiles had spent more than a year to modify his thesis. Finally, the Fermat conjecture became the Fermat's theorem.

Although the performance of the mathematical world is often unrealistic when a probative claim is considered a failure, in the face of this major proposition, the mathematics community often exhibits peculiar patience.

After all, they have been waiting for a century and a half.

Not bad for the last few days or even a year...

Of course, if it’s just a matter of Riemann’s conjecture, it’s not going to make people so excited.

After all, the paper was released yesterday, and the excitement was also excited. If you want to continue to be excited, you should not wait today, but you should wait until the mathematics community, especially the Cray Institute, to give a certain determination of the completeness of the whole certificate. After the "review comments" will be said.

What really made the entire mathematics community pick up this 12-level hurricane is at the end of the report, the sentence that Lu Zhou said.

Without an accident, his next lesson will try to unify algebra and geometry!

If the whole mathematics community is boiling up, I am afraid it is a little exaggerated, but in this dozens of minutes after the sentence is said, at least half of the mathematics community has been sensational!

The Facebook community at Princeton University.

The hot voice almost occupied the entire interface, and the hot topic even overshadowed the Ivy League Kayaking Competition and football game that will be held in the fall.

[Unified algebra and geometry? Wait, can you give me some time to figure out what they are saying. Our algebraic geometry is only halfway up. Do you now tell me that algebra and geometry should be unified? 】

[I always feel that since I published my first paper in the Math Chronicle, it seems that every day we are witnessing history...]

[The key is how is this possible? The books on algebra, geometry, and various subdisciplines in the Rock Library can be filled with more than 20 rows of bookshelves, not including the latest results that have not been included in the work. You tell me now that these twenty-row bookshelves are stuffed with things that can be explained clearly by a book? This is crazy! 】

[I think... you may have misunderstood what he meant. Unifying algebra and geometry does not mean combining two disciplines and their branches into one. If he does, the biggest thing is probably not to turn the books on the 20-row bookshelf into one, but to open a new bookcase next to it, and then put a new one on it.

[Please do not say anything, I will finish my graduation thesis this year...]

For the mathematics community, the issue of unified algebra and geometry is undoubtedly a surprise even more than the Riemann conjecture itself. However, for those who are concerned about the progress of the matter, the Riemann conjecture itself is more topical.

The video of the conference was not only spread in the communities of major universities. After the HD video of the conference was uploaded to youtube, the report for professionals also received a million-level broadcast volume. Tens of thousands of comments.

However, judging from the highest points in the commentary area, for the general people who eat melons, they seem to be more interested in the one million dollar bonus than the mathematical value of Riemann's conjecture.

In particular, Lu Zhou has already received the million-dollar prize from the Cray Institute for the millennium problem of the ns equation. This time, the million-dollar prize was won, and many people have shown their envious eyes.

Didn't think that mathematics is good enough to make money like this? !

However, this money is not something that everyone can earn...

In addition to discussions on the Internet, many media outlets including tv, bb, and Columbia TV have also reported on this news.

In particular, tv, even in CCTV, a special feature documentary was held in the form of interviews. Experts from the Academy of Sciences told the South China Academician about this one-and-a-half-century eternal quest for the peak of human mind!

The heat of the Riemann conjecture continued to ferment as the report ended.

In addition to the discussions of unrelated people and the reports of major news media, there are also top-ranking big cows in the industry who have published objective evaluations.

On the evening of the end of the report, the specific point is 8:00 pm Moscow time.

Professor Aksayi, who has won the Fields Prize for 18 years, updated his academic commentary on this report on his personal blog. It is a fairly objective summary of the entire report. ......

[At present, the big cows in the mathematics field, including Prof. Delini and Prof. Faltins, are optimistic about Professor Lu Zhou’s proof. I personally exchanged opinions with many well-known professors such as Schultz and Tao Zhexuan. They also agreed that Professor Lu’s proof basically has no major problems. 】

[However, this is only a part of people's opinions, and there are still many scholars who are studying the issue still have not expressed their views. On the one hand, this is due to careful consideration. The more important the conjecture is, the more we must be cautious, because once we go wrong, it will be the foundation of the building. On the other hand, it is because there are still many people who do not fully understand his thesis, we must give them some choices whether to accept such results, and when to express their opinions. 】

[I can't say that 100% of Professor Lu must be right, but at least 70% or even more than 80% of the possibilities. 】

[However, to be honest, I am more concerned with his introduction of the method of differential geometry into the equation used to solve problems on complex planes than Riemann's conjecture itself. Maybe it's my illusion, but I always think that step is very interesting. There is a lot of connection with a study I have done in the early years... I recommend that peers who study non-singular complex projective algebra clusters can study it in depth, maybe this one The last golden egg that Riemann conjectured gave us will be the key to solving our Hodge conjecture or a similar type of problem...]

Compared with the rumors that are widely said, Professor Aksay’s comments are undoubtedly much objective, and many people in the major online communities have been forwarded.

To a certain extent, this highly-engaged blog has played a certain role in suppressing the rumors.

Regardless of the final definition of this proof by the academic community, the report will be sufficient to carry out the superb mathematical skills that Lu Zhou used in the proof, and the wonderful report itself. Into the history book...


The next day.

In the same lecture hall as yesterday, the crowds who were also crushed by the black were filled.

Soon the closing ceremony of the imu conference will begin.

Although many people have already left after the last report of yesterday, many people have remained.

Sitting in the middle of the venue, Tao Zhexuan looked around and didn't see the figure he wanted to see, so he lowered his voice and said Professor Ferrerman sitting next to him.

"Lu Zhou?"

Fefferman shook his head and said, "I haven't seen anyone else, but I listened to Deligne. He drove to the airport early in the morning."

Professor Tao said with a slight sigh: "Is it so anxious to go? Do you even participate in the closing ceremony?"

Originally he also planned to ask him questions on several papers.

Fefferman’s expression was subtle, answering the question in vague terms.

"After all... a very important student is lying in the hospital bed. It is said that he arranged for her to transfer the plane and transfer from St. Petersburg to Beijing."

Hearing the very important student, the expression on Professor Tao’s face became a little weird.

The closing ceremony continued for a while.

Silenced for a long time without talking, he suddenly said.

"...In fact, sometimes I will ask myself if I should write the recommendation letter at the beginning."

Hearing this sentence, Fefferman sighed softly.

As if he expected him to say so, he said.

"Never try to guess the logic behind fate. If you think that there is no such recommendation letter, she will not become a student of Lu Zhou, and will not go to this step today. This idea is really better than those who regret it. The medal awarded to her Professor Kettlet is still stupid."

Tao Zhexuan sighed and said.

"you misunderstood."

Fefferman: "...oh?"

Tao Zhexuan: "I just think that if there is no such recommendation letter, maybe her life will not have such a lot of intersection with him, and he will not be involved in this matter. At this moment of celebration, He should have been drinking with us at the dinner last night, but you didn't find it? He didn't even appear in the restaurant. Professor Holden replaced him for a toast."

"I am not complaining about what disturbed our banquet. This kind of thing is actually insignificant. Really, it is just a matter of regretting the cause and effect of the fate behind this. This sad thing is good even after a day, but it happened here. Let He is embarking on life... even at the peak of history, losing an important person..."

Suddenly silenced, after a minute or so, he whispered with a bit of complexity and pity.

"...I don't feel so good."

Hearing the pity in the kiss, Fefferman glanced at him unexpectedly, subconsciously squinting and lowering the volume.

"You...have already seen it?"

Tao Zhexuan silently took the spot.

" much can be seen."

On the stage.

The closing ceremony has already reached the final stage.

Professor Sen Chongwen, who stood in front of the stage, gave up the microphone, and Professor Holden, who was standing behind, stepped on the stage with a smile.

In accordance with established practice, the Secretary-General of the International Union of Mathematicians will announce the venue of the next conference before the closing ballet, Russian opera, and classical music performances.

This is the finale after the Fields Awards.

Although it was voted on the second day of the conference, it was deliberately announced by the organizing committee at the end of the conference.

At this moment, except for a few people who are indifferent to this, most people in the venue have already held their breath, nervously watching the figure on the stage and praying, waiting for Professor Holden's opening.

Especially the academician Wang Shicheng.

This is like being a child who is about to be born soon.

Qin Yue is the same.

Although he is a scholar who teaches overseas, the blood of the rogue is the same. Who would not want his hometown to be better?

Facing the next hot sight, Professor Holden smiled and sold a clear-cut scorpion, and announced it with a loud voice.

"After voting, our representatives agreed."

“The venue for the next International Congress of Mathematicians is”

"Huaguo, Jinling!"

For a moment, the entire venue was boiling.

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