Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1049: Subvert the technology of the entire industry

Although at the first sight of the "Silver Light" new micro-architecture, Keqi has already defaulted that the international IC design and technology conference is destined to be robbed by Intel, but after seeing the power of Warwick After the chip-based technology, all his original ideas were overthrown in an instant.

Not to mention that it is the limelight of a IEee top meeting.

Almost at the end of the report, the news of "Longteng 1" and "carbon-based chips" was inserted into the wings, flew out of the lecture hall and flew to the ears of all industry insiders.

Then, a sensation that was no less than the magnitude 8 earthquake spread throughout the semiconductor industry.

Warwick has made a major breakthrough in carbon-based chip technology!

The first Longteng 1 series chip based on carbon-based chip technology will serve the medium and high-end servers, and the Xeon series chips of the benchmark toothpaste factory!

The news that followed one after another was intensively transmitted, and one of the two was still so explosive, and it was time for people to be overwhelmed.

At the same time, the reaction of the securities market has also exceeded everyone's expectations.

Intel, which just launched the "Silver Light" architecture, not only did not fly to the sky, but was even slammed into the floor by the sudden black swan...

Everything came so suddenly that there was no defense.

Although Mr. Kochi, the vice president of Qualcomm, has considered another possibility before, that is, this thing is just an oolong, there is no carbon-based chip at all, or Warwick is too optimistic - even wrong Interpreted the email from the partner.

But all of this is pinned on a small probability -

That is, for the paper that hangs the name of the author of his own communication, Professor Lu did not even look at it.

However, this is obviously impossible.

It’s not just Intel that met the black swan incident. Qualcomm, amd, and even the entire semiconductor industry suffered a sap because of this sudden change.

Everything comes so suddenly.

There is no warning before the report begins.

Many people don’t even know that there is such a project in Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies. Most people just vaguely heard that China is engaged in the fifth largest semiconductor industry group. Warwick is no longer satisfied with chip design and begins. Involved in the upstream of the industrial chain, these scattered news.

However, no matter how you think, these broken news alone cannot be associated with carbon-based chips.

The chain effect caused by the fall of the semiconductor industry across the board quickly affected the entire Nasdaq sector. The pessimistic sentiment began with the mobile phone, PC, and server businesses, and ran wildly toward all high-tech stocks.

No one expected that Intel, Qualcomm and other chip giants in the upstream of the industrial chain, the strong position actually was shaken by a light-thin chip before overnight.

Together with the foundation of the global semiconductor industry, it is crumbling...

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

In the dean's office.

Sitting on the sofa in front of the coffee table, drinking tea, Warwick boss Wang Zhengfei's face is full of hidden joy, laughing and Lu Zhou talked about these days, because of the paper, the wind in the semiconductor industry Rain and rain.

"In the past few days, our Hess sales department's phone has been blown up, and some calls even came to my office."

Warwick's sales strategy is to prioritize orders within Warwick, followed by domestic orders, and finally to overseas sales according to market grading.

As far as the current demand gap is concerned, the demand for chips from Warwick's self-operated business alone is enough to allow Jiangcheng Semiconductor Industrial Base to arrange orders to the end of the year.

If you want to buy it for a while, you may not be able to buy it.

However, this does not hinder the expectations of downstream manufacturers on this chip.

Especially the highest power consumption of the 20w, and the excellent heat dissipation performance of the carbon-based chip. Even several well-known supercomputer centers in China have called and did not ask for the price. They asked when the goods were available.

I know that the phone is exploding is a kind of experience, Lu Zhou said with the same feeling.

"Working hard."

“Working hard?” Wang Zhengfei put his hand on it, and laughed happily. “I’m working hard, it’s just a matter of worrying about it, or it’s not like you doing research.”

Lu Zhou: "I am fine, this project is mainly responsible for Professor Wu."

Wang Zhengfei: "Speaking of Professor Wu, he is also quick to comment on the academician?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "Well, I recommended it to him, and the problem should be small."

Wang Zhengfei said with a smile: "You said that the problem is not big. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. I am going to ask if there is any place to help. It seems that I think more."

Lu Zhou smiled faintly, paused for a moment, and said.

"In fact, I don't quite understand it."

Putting down the teacup, Wang Zhengfei was interested: "Oh? It seems that I have the privilege of confusing the academician of the army. What questions do you have?"

Lu Zhou: "What is the point of hanging the paper at the top of the ieee?"

It seems that it is not unexpected that Lu Zhou will ask this question. Wang Zhengfei smiled and said: "Before the water is released, we usually measure the pipeline first. This is a reason. Before the product launch conference, we will hang the paper and go out to test it. The reaction of the industry, if there are problems exposed, we have to make adjustments in advance. Again, these two days we have been building cars behind closed doors, others do not know that we are studying this."

"It’s like everyone thinks that you are engaged in four generations of nuclear power technology. As a result, you have closed the door and studied for a year and a half. Suddenly, a controllable fusion has been solved. There is no such thing as a foundation. Not to mention that the entire industry may not accept it. Your partner may not be able to believe you."

Lu Zhou slightly frowned. "What do we do with them?"

After taking a knee, Wang Zhengfei said with a smile: "This question is very good. We really don't need to manage them! The manufacturers downstream of the industry chain can find out sooner or later that we are holding a baby, but the time it takes. I am afraid it is not small. This is not a nuclear fusion after all, and it can be very fun to close the door. What's more, we don't just rely on this thing to make a profit, but also redefine the entire semiconductor industry's industrial chain and break the Western technology. barrier."

This involves more than just a single chip problem. If you want to do this, you must be caught off guard. Before they reacted and chased us, we had a combination of punches and no chance to prepare for them! ”

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows were slightly lifted, and he was interested to ask: “Oh? What is the result of the pressure measurement?”

Wang Zhengfei said with a smile: "It is completely in line with expectations! I am afraid that the entire semiconductor industry is looking forward to it. Let's put the real guy in front of them. The next step is to respond to their expectations and start the product launch. How? Are our mainland academicians interested in going to say two words?"

Upon hearing that he had to go to the stage to speak, Lu Zhou suddenly shook his head and said, "I am not interested. I will have enough reports during this time. I have said that I have done all the theoretical work, you guys. I don't know much about the chip. You can still find someone to do it at the product launch conference."

"Haha, in fact, what you think is too complicated. You don't have to say anything to the top. I dare say that our chips won't be bought by anyone," Wang Zhengfei smiled. After a pause, he retired. Road: "There is no problem in going to the site to visit. Anyway, it is in Jinling, you don't need to go far."

Lu Zhou hesitated and said.

"……okay then."

Going to the scene to see if there is nothing, not to mention Jinling, it is not very troublesome.

Just then, the sound of the phone vibrating suddenly rang.

After taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, Wang Zhengfei glanced at Lu Zhou with a glance.

"Wait a minute, work on the phone, I will pick it up."

Lu Zhou: "Do you need me to avoid it?"

"No need to use it, it doesn't matter."

The phone only took less than half a minute.

The old man only said two "hmm" words and one sentence "I know it", but the expression was switched back and forth between accident and intrigue.

Looking at Wang Zhengfei who put down the phone, Lu Zhou casually asked.

"I guess what good news?"

Putting the phone back into his pocket, Wang Zhengfei coughed and said: "The top of the ieee will withdraw our papers."

As soon as the sentence was said, the two suddenly looked at each other and exchanged a look. They laughed at the same time.

A smile is a bit embarrassing.

The other one, laughing a little bit awkward.

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