
The third nuclear industry summit is being held.

As the highest-level industry conference in China, many of the domestically-advanced fusion engineering veterans have attended the event, including the retired veterans of Academician Pan and Academician Zhou, including Wang Zengguang and Academician Li Jiangang. The ignition leader, the academic leader who is still standing on the post.

When the experimental reactor was ignited, these people originally rushed from the north to the north, and after the ignition was successful, a group of people packed their bags and went to the north and south of the motherland, and did not stop here for a while.

Nowadays, when you return to the place, it is rare to get together once. Naturally, it is indispensable to have a drink together.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was quite lively.

Two small glasses of white wine, the professor Sheng Xianfu drank a little bit, suddenly blinked and sighed.

“I always feel something less.”

After hearing this sentence, Professor Li Changxia, sitting next to him, said with a smile.

"It’s a less academician. He didn’t come. I also felt something less.”

Although every nuclear industry summit has an invitation letter with Lu Zhou, every Lu Zhou seems to have not come. Today, the third nuclear industry summit is held in Haizhou. Even the old professor who has retired many years ago, Pan Changhong has come to the show. Lu Zhou still has not come, how much is still the old The comrades are "some lonely."

Upon hearing the conversation between the two men, Academician Wang Zengguang said with a smile: "I saw him when I was in Russia."

Sheng Xianfu immediately asked: "Oh? How is he doing now?"

"He? It's very good! No one is better than him!" Dr. Wang laughed and set his hand and continued. "The academician Lu has his own business to be busy. He is still the most suitable for scientific research. At the golden age, it’s normal to have no time to accompany us."

At this moment, Academician Li Jiangang, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "When you talk about Academician Lu, I don’t know if you have heard of it. He recently seems to have a journal called "Future."

Obviously I have heard of this. Wang Zengguang’s face has no unexpected expression. He just said with a smile: "I heard that I have already let him spend a little thought on this, this guy. I don’t listen to me. So the big research institute doesn’t even have a journal for colleges and universities. Now it’s been thought of by people’s shackles. It’s really dry up.”

Sheng Xianfu is stunned: "Lower?"

Academician Wang: "Well, his paper voted at the ieee summit and was retracted by others."

Li Jiangang’s expression was slightly surprised and said: “I was retracted? This is the first time I heard about it.”

Sheng Xianfu also dared not to believe in the big glasses: "The academicians of the army have been retracted? What papers... No, what journals are so powerful?"

"On the top of that ieee, it seems to be related to the design of integrated circuits. I am not engaged in this direction. I don’t know much about the specific situation. It seems like the paper that was retracted. The author of the communication is hanging him. The name is not a big deal anyway, but it seems that he himself can't swallow this breath. Haha, but this is fine, this guy is like this, except for scientific research, no one will hurry him back. He is too lazy to move."

This has rushed out of this world-class journal, Wang Zengguang's heart is still very happy, and even some people who want to thank ieee so don't give face.

After listening to Wang Zengguang’s words, the academician Li Jiangang, who was sitting next to him, sighed and said: “The papers of the academician of the army have been retracted. This ieee is also very interesting.”

Suddenly, he turned his head and said.

"However, when it comes to the journal of Academician Lu, these old comrades can't help but support it."

"This is still for you to say, I have already arranged for him," a glass of white wine drank, Wang Zengguang ruddy, said with a smile, "In the future, our nuclear industry group, including all research units within 585, comment When the title is used, the article on the "Future" is directly used as the top publication! The papers included in the sub-publication are all based on the standards of the first district!"

Although it was said by the meaning of wine, the tone of Wang Zengguang is not like a joke.

Hearing this sentence, including the academician Li Jiangang, many people's faces showed a strange expression.

This is the nuclear industry group!

The giants in the domestic nuclear power field generally exist!

If East Asia Power is generating electricity, they are engaged in the construction of nuclear power facilities. The two companies account for half of the domestic nuclear power sector.

Such a nuclear power giant with hundreds of research units actually chose a journal that has not yet been published as a reference for the selection of titles, and is still directly the standard of the top publication...

I have to say that this sounds a bit shocking.

However, although the scholars here have accidentally returned to the accident, no one feels that there is anything wrong with this.

After all, the founder is the father of controllable fusion, even if he has been in this world for many years, no one will doubt his authority in this field.

Even the academic leaders Wang Zengguang and Li Jiangang, the academic leaders in the field of controllable fusion, are two.

After all, if there is no such person, the ignition of the fusion fire does not know that there are a few fifty years to wait...

"I still believe in the academic reputation and ability of the academician of the army. If he can't believe it, there are few people in the world who can't find more reliable than him." After drinking a bite of liquor, Academician Li Jiangang felt a while and decided. Determined to open up, "I decided, from now on, our Xiangyang Institute of Materials, in the year-end assessment and title evaluation, will also include "Future" and its sub-publication into the district division!"

With the research and development capabilities of the Nuclear Industry Group and the Xiangyang Institute of Materials and the impact in the industry, plus the East Asian power that will definitely keep up with the research and development institutions of these three units, it is hard to say whether the future can be done, at least Its position in the nuclear industry has been unparalleled...


Lu Zhou, who is far away from Jinling, does not know that his journal has not yet come out, and he has been "arranged" by so many old friends.

In fact, it is not just the field of controlled nuclear fusion, not even his old friends. Almost after the news of the publication of the "Future" journal, the entire domestic academic community is excited to discuss this matter.


Translated name future.

This light is a name that is full of infinite delusions, and it is always reminded of the two top-level publications "siene" and "nature" in the academic world.

Although Lu Zhou did not publicly indicate which journal of the "Future" was targeted, it still could not hold people to let their thoughts diverge.

For many years, whether it is the title evaluation or performance evaluation, even if it is a doctor's thesis, foreign journals have basically become the consensus within the industry.

It's not just because the right to speak in the academic world is in the hands of the Western world. In fact, under the background of globalization, most research institutions, whether in North America or not, are working for Americans more or less.

Even in some areas, the United States is not absolutely strong, but only because the center of academia is there. Whether it is for personal or collective interests, a scholar will consider more in the direction of research and development and even the choice of topics. Can solve critical problems.

And what is the key issue?

This is naturally determined by the person who asks most of the questions.

Mastering most of the research resources and the absolute right to speak in journals and industry conferences has in fact been able to decide which scholars are outstanding and which scholars can be promoted in academic careers.

On the one hand, the domestic journals are indeed water-producing institutions that can't believe that the above papers can be used. On the other hand, the aura of the academic center is too strong, even if it is difficult to let others decide something. But many times there are not many choices at all.

In the eyes of no mathematicians in China, Lu Zhou’s initiative to create “Future” is undoubtedly a challenge to academic hegemony hidden under the background of globalization.

If he is really successful.

The future "Future" has really become the existence of "Science" and "Nature"...

Can you shake the Western world? The hegemony established in the academic field since the Enlightenment is not easy to say, but it must have a profound impact on the domestic academic environment...


In fact, Lu Zhou had long wanted to do this for the founding of journals.

The reason why I have never done this is because he does not want to do this by himself.

In his conception, as a scholar, it is enough for An An to learn in a separate way. It is not good to stretch too long. What's more, he didn't really like to worry about the troublesome things. The best situation is that like charging, someone stood up and did something he thought was good but didn't have the energy to do it himself. Push it so much.

This metaphor may be somewhat inappropriate, but that's the way it is.

But iee actually pulled him off!

Although he didn't care about his smile, he actually said a few mmp in his heart.

"Future" editorial department.

The third phase of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has been completed, and the empty departments and experimental buildings are not too many. After simply looking at the map of the Institute, Lu Zhou took a circle with a pencil and embarked on a three-story building that was originally intended to be used as a book cafe. Office space.

In fact, it is still a bit too big to use the entire house for the people of the editorial department of the Future. After all, it was originally designed to accommodate four million books and newspapers.

Referring to the opinions of several other board members, Lu Zhou finally decided to set aside the first floor to use the function of the original book cafe.

Researchers in the hospital, when you are not busy or taking a break, you can come here to have something to drink and talk to people from different fields.

Or even if it is the edification of the academic atmosphere, it is also very good.

A lot of great inspirations are often born between casualties.

On this point, Lu Zhou himself can be said to have a deep understanding.

The location was fixed, and the editorial department quickly hangs up.

Under the two characters of the "future" hanging high, the official translation of its "future" and its unique logo are suspended.

Just looking at a few big characters, I still have some sci-fi feelings when I look at it, but it is not so awkward to put it in such a place as the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

After all, the technology that goes out from here is more sci-fi.

At the same time, domineering is not just a name, the lineup of the "Future" editorial department can also be said to be quite powerful, whether it is the editor-in-chief or the general editor, without exception, it is not a small well-known cow in the industry.

It is worth mentioning that although these people were dug by Chen Yushan from other journals through the headhunting company, most of them are not directed at the salary that is not too rich, but is directed at Jinling Higher Research. The hospital’s fame and Lu’s own business card came.

For example, the editor in front of Lu Zhou at the moment.

His name is Yao Gong. He once served as editor-in-chief of the journal Nature. The thousand people plan to teach in a university in Beijing after returning from overseas. It is half a foot that has already stepped back into the academic world. After the professor planned to start the journal himself, he quit his job and went to work.

"... At present, we have registered a completed publication with a "Future" main issue, as well as "Future Materials Science", "Future Physics", "Future Mathematics", "Future Nanotechnology", "Future Information Technology" A total of 15 sub-series series, it is expected that we will gradually increase this number to 27 within two years, and then continue to expand according to the specific situation."

In a concise manner, he reported the work to Lu Zhou. Yao Gong paused for a while and continued.

"About the current work situation on our side, this is basically the case. I have a small request for this journal, we don't know if you can consider it."

After hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"You're welcome, there is nothing you need to do with me, I will find a way to help you solve it."

"This is the case. Since our journals have just started publication, I am afraid it is difficult to receive any high-quality submissions. My idea is that if you have any articles that need to be published recently, it is better to vote for us."

After listening to the request of the editor-in-chief of Yao, Lu Zhou looked down and felt that it was quite reasonable, so he nodded and said.

"Well, I will send you the paper when I turn back."

When I heard this sentence, General Yao made a sudden sigh.

"Already written...?"

“No,” Lu Zhou shook his head and said, “But it’s not a particularly difficult thing to do. It should be done soon.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Yao always made a bitter smile in his heart and coughed softly.

"That... Academician Lu, I don't mean to let you write and submit a manuscript. I try to find something better. What's more, for the sake of ** text, isn't it the original intention of research and the original? ”

When I heard the worry of Editor-in-Chief Yao, Lu Zhou smiled and smiled and said.

"You can rest assured that I am not that kind of person, it is impossible to fool things."

Hearing the words of Lu Zhou, General Manager Yao hesitated. Although he believed in Lu Zhou, he asked the sentence in a responsible manner.

"That... I can ask, what are you going to contribute?"

Lu Zhou: "Can the proof of Riemann's conjecture be?"

Editor-in-Chief Yao: "...???"

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